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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 6, 2013
I know this is discussed a lot but what are the real reasons some people using android hate apple and their products so much. They say it's overpriced but a lot of androids are more expensive than iphone and isn't it just a matter of personal preference? What is it they hate so much?
Who hate apple? some people just don't like what they have done. Some think they are behind the times that's all. I think this year is a good step forward.
The same reason for the exact vice versa... And same reason for every other brand loyalty.

A combination of Insecurity, elitism, wanting to be part of the 'in crowd', whilst 'supporting the under-dog'. Wanting to justify your purchase desicion by aggressively assininating every other company.

Heck we have had fine examples in this forum of certain posters allegiances being for one product they just bought, irrationally hating on others and then in only matter of months or weeks when they have something else their opinion is suddenly the polar opposite and the irrational hatred is then thrown at the once loved device / brand.

People are odd.

Those of us who like to try everything and appreciate the best and the worst from ALL companies and devices are very much in the minority.

I find this to be the same for other things too, fashion, music etc. People pidgeon hole themselves for the same reasons I posted above.

I've always been eclectic. Musically, food, fashion, literature and mobile devices/tech.
Real question is ...... when did criticism equal hate?

What are the criticisms? And I never criticised android despite preferring apple. If anything, I think android is better in some ways but I just personally prefer ios.
Real question is ...... when did criticism equal hate?

Who hate apple? some people just don't like what they have done. Some think they are behind the times that's all. I think this year is a good step forward.

Guys let's not pretend it doesn't happen. Goodness we have seen epic battles here of certain android brands loyalty wise with irrational postings and inability to see anything objectively. There is Apple hatred by some here, there is Android and then split off to android manufacturers hatred here too.

Not all of us, thank goodness. Most of us regulars here are known to each other, but I'm sure you and I could draw up a list of names of folks who have been irrational lovers and haters alike.
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Identification. They are so identified with Android that they take criticism towards "their" OS as a personal attack against themselves as persons. This is a psychological mechanism that often begins with having some insecurity in one's personal emotional life. So you "team up" with something strong, in this case the total number of Android users as a group, backed by a powerful corp like Google - in order to feel stronger and more safe, to feel that one belongs to a strong group. This is a well known survival mechanism.

With iOS being the main competitor to Android, then, Apple is perceived as quite literally the enemy. In extreme cases this grows to actual hate, for those with a particularly strong feeling of insecurity. It's much the same thing as football fans being prepared to use violence against fans of another team, or nationalists wanting to kill citizens of another country based on no rational reason at all. Quite common obviously, and always disturbing at any level.

"Fandroids" hating "iSheep" or vice versa, it's all the same and goes equally both ways. It is at this level that any interesting, constructive discussion in the forums comes to a halt, and petty bickering takes over. The remedy is to notice the anger when it arises, take a moment to look at it and realise that this is after all only about who prefers which phone or OS, and just let it go.
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I know this is discussed a lot but what are the real reasons some people using android hate apple and their products so much. They say it's overpriced but a lot of androids are more expensive than iphone and isn't it just a matter of personal preference? What is it they hate so much?
My biggest gripe with Apple over the last few years stems from the litigation craziness and trying to patent pure b.s. stuff or copy existing patents and claim them as their own. This has just left a bitter taste for the company with me.

I'm also not a big fan of Apple owners with this "elitest" attitude that somehow because they own an Apple product it makes them better or more affluent than anyone else.

As for devices made by Apple like the iMac, iPhone, iPad, etc... If I didn't like them, I wouldn't have bought them. :)
I'm also not a big fan of Apple owners with this "elitest" attitude that somehow because they own an Apple product it makes them better or more affluent than anyone else.

That is pretty rare these days though. I know so many people with iPhones and see far too many of them about for this elitism to be relevant these days. They are just another mobile phone where I am from. I think back in 2008 it might have been more like what you say :)
That is pretty rare these days though. I know so many people with iPhones and see far too many of them about for this elitism to be relevant these days. They are just another mobile phone where I am from. I think back in 2008 it might have been more like what you say :)

I agree it's definitely not a hallmark of class in the UK. Every Tom, Dick and Harry has one regardless of their economic status.
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That is pretty rare these days though. I know so many people with iPhones and see far too many of them about for this elitism to be relevant these days. They are just another mobile phone where I am from. I think back in 2008 it might have been more like what you say :)

I'm referring to comments I see on this very board where iPhone owners mock Android phone owners as unable to afford a better phone, likely have poor paying jobs, etc... In fact, I responded to one of these comments not 1 or 2 days ago.
I don't hate Apple. I really like their hardware, but absolutely can't stand their software. I want complete control over the operating system and want to be able to see the code running in it. I don't like not being able to change everything as I see fit. Over all, I get the feeling that Apple assumes their users are idiots, and that irritates me.

I use Android because it comes the closest to this ideal among smartphone operating systems at the moment, but I'm not a big fan of Android either and have many of the same criticisms of it.
If you hate Apple, you are a freakin idiot, sorry no way to sugarcoat it. They are a genius company with genius marketing and ideas. Their hardware and software may not be my cup of tea personally, but I still think they have a great product and it's never outside the realm of possibility that I would go back to their products.
I'm referring to comments I see on this very board where iPhone owners mock Android phone owners as unable to afford a better phone, likely have poor paying jobs, etc... In fact, I responded to one of these comments not 1 or 2 days ago.
Did you respond to the Android owners calling others Isheep and snobby??
I don't hate Apple. I really like their hardware, but absolutely can't stand their software. I want complete control over the operating system and want to be able to see the code running in it. I don't like not being able to change everything as I see fit. Over all, I get the feeling that Apple assumes their users are idiots, and that irritates me.

I agree. But critics are very harsh which is why Apple is more focused on strict optimization vs being unrestrictive. Android can take a beating from critics all day, but there's always at least several Android phones that perform as well or better as the iPhone. Android, phones from differ manufacturers, manufacturer Android skins, and even carrier bloat are seperate entities. Fingers can be pointed plenty of directions. With iOS and the iPhone it's basically the same entity as you can't point the finger at nothing but Apple. You can't use differ launchers or flash roms. With Apple, it's really "what you see is what you get". So I can't blame Apple for taking a cautious route towards advancements.

Being that said, I still think Apple's pace of opening up is too snail like. And a resign of the bezels is overdue
One thing that gets on my nerves about iOS... No freedom.

Small example, with Android I am able to download mp3's and play them in my Music player without any hassle and without using a PC. If i wanted todo this on iPhone I would have to download on PC, add to iTunes, plug phone in, sync and then play, or use some knockoff mp3 player in the app store... no thanks.

Or how about editing the ID3 tags of a particular song without resyncing with a PC?? There is numerous apps for that on Android, iOS however theres not a single app for this thanks to that "No freedom" thing Apple love to impose on their customers.
One thing that gets on my nerves about iOS... No freedom.

Small example, with Android I am able to download mp3's and play them in my Music player without any hassle and without using a PC. If i wanted todo this on iPhone I would have to download on PC, add to iTunes, plug phone in, sync and then play, or use some knockoff mp3 player in the app store... no thanks.

Or how about editing the ID3 tags of a particular song without resyncing with a PC?? There is numerous apps for that on Android, iOS however theres not a single app for this thanks to that "No freedom" thing Apple love to impose on their customers.
I love this feature of android. I can download music from amazon, play them in whatever music player I want. Edit the tags, move them across from my phone storage to SD card and even change the artwork to whatever I like all without using a computer.
Hate is a strong word.

I like many things about Apple and their products, but dislike others.

For example, I cannot stand the arm-twist iOS updates (and that will happen with OS X too now). I think that's a bad practice from the consumer's point of view.

The elitist attitude of many Apple fans can be off-putting, but that happens with Android fans as well. I have no brand loyalty, so my opinions vary depending on the actual device. I like iOS, WP8.1, and Android in their own ways and for their own reasons.
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I love this feature of android. I can download music from amazon, play them in whatever music player I want. Edit the tags, move them across from my phone storage to SD card and even change the artwork to whatever I like all without using a computer.

Yep, this is just one small reason why I prefer Android =)
I seriously cannot wait for the Note 4 to release, wish Samsung would just come out and say, "Right UK Guys, Note 4 is in stores October 3rd! Go get it ASAP".
The same reason for the exact vice versa... And same reason for every other brand loyalty.

A combination of Insecurity, elitism, wanting to be part of the 'in crowd', whilst 'supporting the under-dog'. Wanting to justify your purchase desicion by aggressively assininating every other company.

Heck we have had fine examples in this forum of certain posters allegiances being for one product they just bought, irrationally hating on others and then in only matter of months or weeks when they have something else their opinion is suddenly the polar opposite and the irrational hatred is then thrown at the once loved device / brand.

People are odd.

Those of us who like to try everything and appreciate the best and the worst from ALL companies and devices are very much in the minority.

I find this to be the same for other things too, fashion, music etc. People pidgeon hole themselves for the same reasons I posted above.

I've always been eclectic. Musically, food, fashion, literature and mobile devices/tech.

Yes a lot of it is loyalty for which I don't see why? Android nor Apple pay me anything to use their things. I choose Android for my phone because I use it a lot and it does more and doesn't require me to use a program like iTunes.....which I hate!

Love Apples laptops though they aren't touch screen, which would be plus but would probably add another $250, lol.

Don't care so much for their tablets. I don't have a tablet but if I get one, it won't be Apple.
One thing that gets on my nerves about iOS... No freedom.

Small example, with Android I am able to download mp3's and play them in my Music player without any hassle and without using a PC. If i wanted todo this on iPhone I would have to download on PC, add to iTunes, plug phone in, sync and then play, or use some knockoff mp3 player in the app store... no thanks.

Or how about editing the ID3 tags of a particular song without resyncing with a PC?? There is numerous apps for that on Android, iOS however theres not a single app for this thanks to that "No freedom" thing Apple love to impose on their customers.

There's nothing wrong with using a third party mp3 player. I don't use the stock player on Android. Power Amp is a lot better than the stock player and the stock player isn't bad.
My biggest gripe with Apple over the last few years stems from the litigation craziness and trying to patent pure b.s. stuff or copy existing patents and claim them as their own. This has just left a bitter taste for the company with me.

I'm also not a big fan of Apple owners with this "elitest" attitude that somehow because they own an Apple product it makes them better or more affluent than anyone else.

As for devices made by Apple like the iMac, iPhone, iPad, etc... If I didn't like them, I wouldn't have bought them. :)

Agreed....I love pointing out the contradictions of the rabid Apple fans. How much they just hate on Samsung. How much they made fun of and complained about all the large Android phones. Now Apple has a phablet and it seems to be a very a popular phone. Judging by the ship times when ordering the iPhone 6+ it seems a lot of these people really wanted a phone just like the one they complained about.
Some of the hate is more to do with the hypocritical arrogance of Apple AND it's fans. This site can be an example of this. Plus the fact it went on an endless global programme of suing the competition out of existence with bogus claims, some of which thankfully failed, instead of innovating to beat the competition.

Yeah that would make you hate Apple.
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Because they haven't grown up from the mentality that Android is the 'underdog' against the big bully sellout Apple.

That and many tie their very identity to their smartphone (or computer) of choice. And consequently defend it accordingly.
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