I just received a brand new, sealed iPhone 6s Plus. Serial # de-codes too:
Production week : -49- (December)
Production year : -2017-
Model introduced: -2016-
Capacity: 32GB
Memory - flavour: Soldered
Factory: FC (Fountain, Colorado)
So it was manufactured just a few weeks ago. I know they started producing a few higher end Mac's and other items in the US, but didn't realize iphones. Just curious if anyone knows how many iPhones Apple produces in the USA, and is this a new thing?
Production week : -49- (December)
Production year : -2017-
Model introduced: -2016-
Capacity: 32GB
Memory - flavour: Soldered
Factory: FC (Fountain, Colorado)
So it was manufactured just a few weeks ago. I know they started producing a few higher end Mac's and other items in the US, but didn't realize iphones. Just curious if anyone knows how many iPhones Apple produces in the USA, and is this a new thing?