Yesterday at evening received my space gray 256 GB/1,1.
The laptop is just great.Old keyboard on my rMBP ME864 seems awful after new in rMB.Given the fact I'm doing on this machine will be enough for common tasks.I almost do not use USB ports/else so it seems to me that apple is looking to the future,depriving the laptop just unnecessary, time of bulky machines like rMPR machines out.I think there will be redesign it later(rMBP will have design like 12 macbook).Charging cable almost like iPad,very little.Portability on top.But I still do not understand how to use Force Touch.Much lighter than ME 864,typing also faster.Generally retina rMP seems like a 19 century machine after the new MacBook.I am from Ukraine,I have a friend from NY,he bought it for me ,but given the fact that even in the US the deficit then I'm glad I got it relatively quickly.
The laptop is just great.Old keyboard on my rMBP ME864 seems awful after new in rMB.Given the fact I'm doing on this machine will be enough for common tasks.I almost do not use USB ports/else so it seems to me that apple is looking to the future,depriving the laptop just unnecessary, time of bulky machines like rMPR machines out.I think there will be redesign it later(rMBP will have design like 12 macbook).Charging cable almost like iPad,very little.Portability on top.But I still do not understand how to use Force Touch.Much lighter than ME 864,typing also faster.Generally retina rMP seems like a 19 century machine after the new MacBook.I am from Ukraine,I have a friend from NY,he bought it for me ,but given the fact that even in the US the deficit then I'm glad I got it relatively quickly.
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