i recently bought an iPad mini 2 and my parents think that I won it. I am currently 19 and will be 20 in about a week and a half and I live at home. I have a job and quite a bit of money saved back and I am old enough to make my own decisions but my parents still kind of control me and what I spend my money on. I got the mini 2 for $199. Anyway, i also have an old iPad 3 and air 2 and wanted to have a smaller iPad for using by my bed and one to be more portable than my air 2. I led my parents to believe that I won it at the college I go to and they were pretty surprised but believed me. I am going to give my old iPad 3 away and have an air 2 and a mini 2. If my mom knows that I bought it she would have a fit and say I already have 2 iPads. I am starting to feel guilty and bad about lying to them and my brother. I know I need to do what feels right but what would u do? I could say that I bought it and it was on sale pretty cheap and I wanted it because it is smaller and I like using it which I really do enjoy using it. I could say that the regular price was $199 and I got it on sale for $100 off so it was pretty cheap. My parents might still have a fit when I tell them but they probably would eventually get over it. I don't know if I can live with myself for lying saying that I won it. What would you guys do in my situation?
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