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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 22, 2015
i recently bought an iPad mini 2 and my parents think that I won it. I am currently 19 and will be 20 in about a week and a half and I live at home. I have a job and quite a bit of money saved back and I am old enough to make my own decisions but my parents still kind of control me and what I spend my money on. I got the mini 2 for $199. Anyway, i also have an old iPad 3 and air 2 and wanted to have a smaller iPad for using by my bed and one to be more portable than my air 2. I led my parents to believe that I won it at the college I go to and they were pretty surprised but believed me. I am going to give my old iPad 3 away and have an air 2 and a mini 2. If my mom knows that I bought it she would have a fit and say I already have 2 iPads. I am starting to feel guilty and bad about lying to them and my brother. I know I need to do what feels right but what would u do? I could say that I bought it and it was on sale pretty cheap and I wanted it because it is smaller and I like using it which I really do enjoy using it. I could say that the regular price was $199 and I got it on sale for $100 off so it was pretty cheap. My parents might still have a fit when I tell them but they probably would eventually get over it. I don't know if I can live with myself for lying saying that I won it. What would you guys do in my situation?
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Yep, come clean. Just say you didn't win the iPad, and you bought it. You have a job; you're entitled to spend your money how you want, providing you're paying towards the bills at your parents' house, and you're helping with chores.

By holding onto a lie or spinning a tall tale, the only person you're hurting is yourself. You don't want something as unimportant as an iPad purchase to weigh heavily on your conscience.
I know what it's like to have overbearing parents, even as an adult, but if it's your money that you worked for, you should be allowed to spend a couple of hundred bucks without needing to justify it. Come clean. Sooner or later your family has to accept your autonomy.
Why do you feel so bad about it?

Are your parents covering your bills on the understanding that you will save what you're earning for your future?

But then you blew it on another iPad, while they're struggling to pay the bills? Something like that?

I'd return it if possible and stick with the air 2. It's a really solid machine and - I don't know about you - but I find juggling multiple personal iPads a complete and utter pain in the neck. You have to charge them, sync them, update them, find them, be careful you don't break them. It goes on and on. :)

Your remorse at lying is admirable BTW, but only you can fix this.
Why do you feel so bad about it?

Are your parents covering your bills on the understanding that you will save what you're earning for your future?

But then you blew it on another iPad, while they're struggling to pay the bills? Something like that?

I'd return it if possible and stick with the air 2. It's a really solid machine and - I don't know about you - but I find juggling multiple personal iPads a complete and utter pain in the neck. You have to charge them, sync them, update them, find them, be careful you don't break them. It goes on and on. :)
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I currently pay my own bills but I think I feel so bad about it is because I lied like I did. I have never before bought something that expensive and then lied about how I got it to them. I thought all night about it and I have made up my mind of what I am going to do. I think I am going to return it back to Walmart because I just got it this week and they should return under there 15 day return policy right? I am going to return it and I should get cash for it since I paid in cash. I am going to tell my family that my college called me and they said that they screwed up and should of offered me the iPad or $100 in cash or $100 visa gift card. I will probably go with the cash and tell them that I took it back and got the cash because I would rather have something that won't loose money like a 2.5 year old iPad. I will then take th cash and put it in my checking or savings account at my bank to make it look real and that will be the end of it. I also didn't really care for the mini 2's display because the Reds and blues sucked because of the reduced color gamet. I also don't like how low the speakers are. I will return it today and get out of all the lies I started. Get back to me of what u think.

I also think too that having two iPads is too much and have no idea why I even bought it. I think I wanted to see if the mini was for me and didn't really think about what I really had. I will keep my air 2 and I will still be restoring my old iPad 3 and giving that away. I will then be down to 1 iPad and I think I will be happier.

Good that you tried the mini and found out it's not for you, that's what return periods are for.

Getting out of your lie by telling more lies, not so good. I don't know your parents, so maybe you tried this already and it hasn't worked, but have you tried talking to them about letting you be more independent? If you have your own job, and you are paying your share of family expenses, then what you do with any spare money should be up to you, and you shouldn't be feeling pressured to lie about how you spend it. Coming completely clean about the lie might be a good starting point to a more general discussion about your parents needing to let you be your own person.
coming up with a lie to cover a lie you feel bad about seems silly. If you really do pay your own bills and are in school or whatever trying to better yourself you might as well ride out the lie as it isn't hurting anyone. It was a dumb white lie that your parents have probably already forgotten about. Telling them you're a liar or digging the hole deeper with more lies will just piss them off/hurt their feelings. Take it back and if the ever ask just say you got money for it so you let it go, not a lie right? You take it to wal-mart and get your money back and you technically got money for it. It sounds like you just have buyers remorse because you realized how dumb it is to have 3 iPads for 1 person.
It's obvious he doesn't feel bad about the lie but spending money without their approval...which he shouldn't need in the first place.
coming up with a lie to cover a lie you feel bad about seems silly. If you really do pay your own bills and are in school or whatever trying to better yourself you might as well ride out the lie as it isn't hurting anyone. It was a dumb white lie that your parents have probably already forgotten about. Telling them you're a liar or digging the hole deeper with more lies will just piss them off/hurt their feelings. Take it back and if the ever ask just say you got money for it so you let it go, not a lie right? You take it to wal-mart and get your money back and you technically got money for it. It sounds like you just have buyers remorse because you realized how dumb it is to have 3 iPads for 1 person.

It's obvious he doesn't feel bad about the lie but spending money without their approval...which he shouldn't need in the first place.

Your right that I shouldn't need approval to buy things with my own money since I will be 20. It is the lie that I won it and that's what's getting to me.
[doublepost=1462544663][/doublepost]Here's what I am going to do. This afternoon I am gonna go to Walmart and return it and I shouldn't have any problems taking it back. I should get cash for it since I paid cash. I will take it back and tonight I am gonna have to decide if I tell the the truth which I think I am going to.
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I think your parents expect you to move out at some point :D
They think you might need to prove that you can do that by being responsible about your money (and live on your own)
They are correct... So far, you don't have much to prove them wrong...
Now you are spending money on excess, when you could be using that money to move out o_O
No wonder your parents would be upset.
I think your parents expect you to move out at some point :D
They think you might need to prove that you can do that by being responsible about your money (and live on your own)
They are correct... So far, you don't have much to prove them wrong...
Now you are spending money on excess, when you could be using that money to move out o_O
No wonder your parents would be upset.

It's not like I spend a lot of money either. Just to let you guys I ain't gonna tell you the exact amount of money I have saved but I currently have saved over 1/3 of the price of a tesla model 3. A model 3 starts at 35,000 and I have over a third to buy one which I am not gonna buy one but I am letting you know how much I have saved to move out. Lol
[doublepost=1462546912][/doublepost]I also don't have any college expenses, those are all paid for and I don't have any debt.
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I don't know if I can live with myself for lying saying that I won it. What would you guys do in my situation?

new low in the millenial camp. there is no shame in living at home at 19, but you sound like your ten. work out a budget with the folks and then responsibly enjoy some of your income. dont discuss this further or your parents will think your an idiot. all lies are not equal, but its best to avoid lying altogether.
Dude just tell the truth. Rule of thumb: don't do something in the first place that you have to lie about. I'm sure we've all told a white lie here or there but you're lying out of fear more than anything. I'd do what others suggest. Just come clean. Keep it if you like it. What's done is done as far as their disapproval goes. Sounds like you're trying to come up with reasons to return it as to avoid coming clean about your first lie. Tell em you bought it but are returning or you bought it and are keeping it as you are getting rid of one of the pads you already have. Asking us to justify your past and or future lie is unethical although not a grave mistake.
...I have saved but I currently have saved over 1/3 of the price of a tesla model 3. A model 3 starts at 35,000 and I have over a third to buy one which I am not gonna buy one but I am letting you know how much I have saved to move out. Lol
[doublepost=1462546912][/doublepost]I also don't have any college expenses, those are all paid for and I don't have any debt.
I am starting to think the whole story is BS. The 1/3 cost of a tesla tangent was painful--like a 6 year old. Whose paying for community college?
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I am starting to think the whole story is BS. The 1/3 cost of a tesla tangent was painful--like a 6 year old. Whose paying for community college?

I am graduating from college next week and I paid for it all by myself.
I am graduating from college next week and I paid for it all by myself.

And the whole story isn't bs. It is true. My parents are very strict about how I spend my money.
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Please help to decide if I tell them the truth or not.

As I see it, telling them the truth or not about having bought the iPad isn't the important issue here. The important thing is to try to resolve the circumstances that led you to feeling like you had to lie about how you spend your own money. Children are going to end up doing things their parents don't approve of, whether it's how they spend their money, or who they pick for girlfriend/boyfriend. Parents need to learn to let go when that happens, but unfortunately, some parents never learn. If your parents are one of those people who insist on voicing their disapproval of their adult children, then you need to realize that you can't make their approval so important that you would lie to gain their approval / avoid their disapproval. Even if you wanted to always only do things they approve, that's just not possible. You need to accept that sometimes you will do things your parents won't approve, that having that happen is normal, and if your parents can't accept that, that's THEIR problem, not yours.
What are you going to do when you bring home a woman whom you love but they hate? (I assume you are a straight male)
I am graduating from college next week and I paid for it all by myself.

And the whole story isn't bs. It is true. My parents are very strict about how I spend my money.
If they are so strict, then why do you think they would let you buy a Tesla? Or are you going to say that you won it?
You are a college student with a job and not a baby. Do whatever makes you happy. We all have lied to out parents so it's not a big deal. But, 3 iPads seems excessive. Even two.
Can't you understand that your parents don't really care how you spend your own money? - they want you out of the house :D

Don't believe it? You will see their attitude change when you no longer live under their roof!
You are a college student with a job and not a baby. Do whatever makes you happy. We all have lied to out parents so it's not a big deal. But, 3 iPads seems excessive. Even two.

I must take issue with your, "We all have lied to out parents....." comment.
In our family we were brought up on trust, and highly respected our parents. In fact they were more than parents, and looking back they were more like best friends. I certainly would never have dreamt of, or wanted to lie to them, and that attitude must have rubbed-off on my own offspring, with a constant high consideration and esteem for each other. Any issues or concerns, we would sit down, discuss and always reach a sensible resolution.
I believe a large part of the OP's dilemma must be directed at the parents. Once he learns some of life's basic lessons himself (which imho the parents should have distilled in him) he will be taking the first essential lessons towards becoming an adult.
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LMAO this thread brought back memories of when I bought the first iPad. I just turned 20 like a week before and still lived at home. I had a job so I used my own money, but I was afraid my mom would be pretty upset because it wasn't something I needed and I bought it on impulse. I just happened to go to Best Buy on launch day and I saw the iPad there, so I played with one.

I actually mocked the iPad until that point, so I was ashamed of myself for buying one. Figured my mom would be even more, but when I eventually told her, she didn't really care. She still thought I shouldn't have bought one, but she wasn't disappointed. And I'm so glad I did, because the iPad has become one of my favorite devices of all time. Ironic, because now she has two iPads. Lol

@Jerhen I know being only $199 was a big selling point for you, but I would highly recommend returning it if you still can and getting an iPad mini 4 from Best Buy while they're still on sale for $100 off. The iPad mini 4 is an enormous upgrade over the iPad mini 2, and you can get one for only $299 right now.
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