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macrumors 6502a
Oct 18, 2011
Can someone explain to me the point of pre ordering a digital download?

A 100GB+ download takes time. If I pre-order an upcoming game, it's downloaded in the background on my Series X overnight and ready to play on day 1 with no waiting. Apple Fan 2008 also made a great point that lots of times if you pre-order, you get some extra goodies. Not usually a big deal, in game baubles or what not, but still nice. If it's a franchise or a series or whatever you're really in to, it's a nice perk.

Spaceboi Scaphandre

macrumors 68040
Jun 8, 2022
I wonder how much of the game is playable without the full unlock. I think it’s interesting that I could share something I enjoy with people who don’t regularly play games or own a console, and it won’t cost a dime. Now I can make my mom play Village, that should go well.

It’s most likely going to be the demo on consoles and PC where you play up until the village when the church bell rings and Leon asks “where is everybody going? Bingo?“


Sep 3, 2023
An AAA-oriented gamer who would "never ever" buy a gaming PC or a console. Why, there must be dozens of them.
New users. Not existing ones.

Know. The. Difference.

Even if 1% of nearly 5 billion iPhone & Android users that are now upgrading to ray tracing handsets were to buy these $60 titles that translates to nearly $3 billion revenue through a purely digital distribution channels.

No stupid discs or memory cards to overhead with.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 18, 2011
Even if 1% of nearly 5 billion iPhone & Android users that are now upgrading to ray tracing handsets were to buy these $60 titles that translates to $3 billion revenue.

You're projecting your platform wants onto a nonsensical conclusion. Why would someone looking for the best AAA experience wait for the game they want to play to come to their phone? An AAA-oriented gamer is already treading firmly into enthusiast territory. An enthusiast is not going to wait behind some artificial platform boundary in order to play a game. That's not what being an "enthusiast" is.

The normies aren't going to pay $60 for a game anyway. They're happy with their Match 3 games. You know, the ones that are pouring out of every doorway on the App Store.


macrumors 68020
Sep 18, 2018
For a game who's main demographic already owns it on other platforms, that isn't really new, I think this is kind of steep and a bit out of touch.

Sure, if this was a new title. Or that it was being released on the same date as on other platforms(March 2023).

But it won't work if it's still going to be old-ish titles and if the iOS/MacOS gamers have to wait several many months for each title.


Jul 18, 2011
Because they're not actually gamers, they're platform-supporters. It's not about the game, it's about the platform. So whatever their platform lacks, they want it available on their platform but aren't actually that interested in paying what it costs to make it sustainable.

The rest of us, who identify as gamers, put the games above the platform. I have too much to play already to wait on some thin trickle of "thank you sir may I have another" options on my Macs and iOS devices. Waste of time.

I won’t even call them supporters. This is just moving the goalposts. The lack of quality games in the iOS App Store was just one more convenient area they could criticise Apple over, until they couldn’t, and now they are moving on to the next area of criticism - the price.

Never mind that a similar title on the switch console would cost about the same price, despite the hardware being nowhere near as powerful or the game being as optimised.

It’s also a sad indictment of how the App Store is now synonymous with freemium games riddled with ads and IAP, and Apple needs a separate service (Arcade) in order the surface the better ones. I am not sure a few titles here and there will change anything.

We will just have to wait and see just how committed Apple is to this. Maybe there’s also an M1 Apple TV in the works somewhere?

Spaceboi Scaphandre

macrumors 68040
Jun 8, 2022
New users. Not existing ones.

Know. The. Difference.

Even if 1% of nearly 5 billion iPhone & Android users that are now upgrading to ray tracing handsets were to buy these $60 titles that translates to nearly $3 billion revenue through a purely digital distribution channels.

No stupid discs or memory cards to overhead with.

Umm…memory cards haven’t been a thing since 2005. Consoles moved to internal storage with the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and Wii generation

Also I wanna touch on that last bit: “no stupid discs.” You do realize game preservation is a big problem right now as a lot of games are getting delisted due to expired licenses or other factors, right? Those “stupid discs” are the things keeping delisted games playable and accessible, and allow people to easily sell their games and trade their games with others. Did you not see how Microsoft got absolutely destroyed publicly when they tried to make the Xbox One online only, making physical discs worthless?

Just watch Sony’s E3 2013 press conference, and listen to those cheers that they wouldn’t do digital only and still prioritize discs like normal

And then they followed up with this:

Those two videos singlehandedly won Sony the entire generation as the PS4 outsold Xbox One 2:1

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macrumors 6502a
Oct 18, 2010
iOS users have been conditioned to paying $0.99 for games. This will be a financial failure and other AAA publishers will point this as the reason they won’t bring their games to iOS. The only category that will thrive are the freemium casual games with IAPs. That’s never gonna change.


Sep 3, 2023
You're projecting your platform wants onto a nonsensical conclusion. Why would someone looking for the best AAA experience wait for the game they want to play to come to their phone? An AAA-oriented gamer is already treading firmly into enthusiast territory. An enthusiast is not going to wait behind some artificial platform boundary in order to play a game. That's not what being an "enthusiast" is.

The normies aren't going to pay $60 for a game anyway. They're happy with their Match 3 games. You know, the ones that are pouring out of every doorway on the App Store.
That's Apple & Google's business plan, not mine.

Are you questioning the business decisions of a $2.69 trillion & $1.63 trillion company?

They've nearing or saturated the casual gaming market. They're expanding to the next market adjacent .

Why go through the trouble of R&D ray tracing chips for iPhone and Android & finance the Capcom port if not to triple A game on them?

It may be surprising to many but few want to stock pile the hardware you already possess. They want to game on whatever they have now or scheduled to have.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 31, 2008
Apple Users: $60 for a game? No way.
also Apple Users: $60 for a phone case? Where can I buy it 😆

I think the point a lot of people are missing is that this isn’t aimed at general console users who’ve played it already. The combined sales of next gen PlayStation and Xbox consoles is around 60 million and that’s taken 3 years. in the next 12 months Apple will sell 250+ million phones. If just one percentage of those buys it that’s 2.5 million copies. I‘d say that’s worth a port.

it would be interesting if it was like Xbox play anywhere.. where one purchase would let you play on iPhone, iPad and Mac. Do we have confirmation that’s not the case?


macrumors newbie
Sep 12, 2022
What do you guys expect to pay for a NEW full AAA game? 20$? Jesus. RE4 Remake released just half a year ago and will be releasing on a new platform. Of course it's going to be 60$. You can buy a phone that costs 1000$+, but can't even fathom of paying 60$ for a non-mobile actual console port of a game?

It's precisely why full console games never come to some platforms because of people being used to not pay (freemium) or only pay a buck or two. If no other full AAA console game releases after those announced 4, refer back to the previous sentence.

It's not even going to be locked for the iPhone only; since it's an in-app purchase, it would work for the whole Apple ecosystem that will support it.


macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2016
If one game can be played on iPhone, iPad, and Mac, then I'll buy it. But only on iPhone platform for $60? Really and seriously?
Capcom confirmed that it's a universal purchase for iPhone 15 Pro, M1 or newer iPads, and M1 or newer Macs. If you buy it for one, you can redownload for all three platforms so long as you have a compatible device. Cloud saves are also supported across the three platforms.

What does 'full unlock' for $60 even mean? If that macOS, iPadOS and iOS, then I could be interested.
It means the game can be downloaded for free but you'll only be able to play a small portion to test the performance on your device. If you're happy with the performance then you can pay to unlock the full game.

Capcom's official page has more information.
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Sep 3, 2023
Umm…memory cards haven’t been a thing since the PS3 and Xbox 360.
My apologies I meant game cards.
Also I wanna touch on that last bit: “no stupid discs.” You do realize game preservation is a big problem right now as a lot of games are getting delisted due to expired licenses or other factors, right? Those “stupid discs” are the things keeping delisted games playable and accessible, and allow people to easily sell their games and trade in the games. Did you not see how Microsoft got absolutely destroyed publicly when they tried to make the Xbox One online only?
The point of view I am writing from is from the business' perspective.

Physical distribution is additional cost overhead. Steam, App Store, Play Store and other distribution channels removed that expense. I would not be surprised that digital price subsidizes some of the physical cost.

To Capcom and other publishers it is not something they want to return to.

Few users care for it. Example would be Netflix & other streamers vs blu-ray & DVD sales. Consumer behavior indicates that not everyone cares about content preservation. They are more interested in convenience and cost savings.
Just watch Sony’s E3 2013 press conference, and listen to those cheers that they wouldn’t do digital only and still prioritize discs like normal

And then they followed up with this:

Those two videos singlehandedly won Sony the entire generation as the PS4 outsold Xbox One 2:1

The gamers attending them are not representative of the whole user base.

In 2022, 94% of all gaming sales were digital. Consoles had 72% digital sales.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 18, 2011
Why go through the trouble of R&D ray tracing chips for iPhone and Android & finance the Capcom port if not to triple A game on them?

For the same reason they put insane levels of video and photography capabilities in a phone: It's aspirational. Yet most people who mindlessly finance an iPhone Pro they can't actually afford aren't going to create photography worthy of a gallery show or shoot the next indie sensation. They're going to take pictures of their kids. And then they'll go back to playing Candy Crush.
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