There was a brief moment upon hearing the news of the IpT6 that I thought about getting one to replace my IpT5, despite not having a 4.7"+ screen. This thread reminds me of just how such a scenario would've worked out... I could see myself having buyer's remorse, and then returning it. However, unless Walmart also carries the 32 GB or 64 GB IpT6, I'd have to order online, and that's an even greater hassle to return.
I've seen various reasons amongst those that declined getting a IpT6. Touch ID is kind of amusing where one potential IpT6 purchasers will instead see what the Ipad Mini 4 has to offer, and how even though the Ipad Mini 3 got that, that was pretty much the only thing it got (no, the gold color option isn't really a feature to me). Typical approach for these electronic companies where I'm sure they could put it all in, but it would derail their margins, and incentives for buyers to get future versions of those model lines.
To me, the 4" screen is just tiny that I was hoping it would hold me over until I could upgrade to 4.7". In a way, I kind of don't mind, as I use my Samsung Galaxy s4 for general purpose smartphone stuff anyways, and the games I have on my IpT5 that I still bother with are those that work with such a screen. However, it's gotten me to consider alternative options at times.... For example, I've purchased a few games for my Android device b/c it looks like it would work better with a screen that's 1" bigger. I've been playing Castlestorm on iOS for the past 2 weeks, but I finally jumped on the Steam/PC version. Even though I'm tethered to my desk in order to play that, and it costed me $15 (with 2 extra campaigns), I don't have to deal with the free-to-play model, daily rewards, Gems, Pearls, and ads. Also have keyboard + mouse controls, and a nice, large, 26" screen to work with
Wow. None of the above problems here. Yellow screen? Short battery life? Home button malfunction? Sounds like lemon. My new IPT 6 128 works flawlessly. One week and it has never once crashed. Unlike my 5 or 4....luv it!
Heh, I had to chime in and say I never experienced a crash on my IpT4 nor IpT5. Actually, if it did crash, it was far and few. Enough so that I can't recall it if it did since I've used those for about 2 years each.