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Yea yea the witch is dead, the witch is dead, the witch is dead.

Long live safari! hope 1.0 doesn't crash as often as v74... and the tabs work better...
I don't think it's ready. I love Safari's speed and its my number one choice for a browser but they need to work with some sites and get plugins working correctly.. in particular...

(edit: spelling)
What is happening to the Macrumors site, it seems to be in almost low bandwidth mode or something. Is WWDC here already?

Anyway I hope the new version of Safari will work with the IE only sites so I can finally get rid of IE. The present version of Safari also seems to be very slow loading the first web page on my PB G4, I hope they sort that too.
Yeah, MacMinute reported this, too.
It better be soon, though. I'm using Chimera because v80 sorta crashed. I'd love to get back on Safari, again.
Originally posted by Keith Purfield Yeah, Pyrotoaster, seeing as you shouldn't even have v80. :p
Yeah, well I only installed it knowing the risks involved. Besides, I don't blame Apple (at least not publicly ;) ).
MacRumors is slow right now because of the supposed picture of the new PowerMac. . . anyway, Yeah, I think we were all expecting 1.0 at WWDC, Safari sure has come a long way since back when a lot of us thought it was going to be Mozilla-based. . .
Yeah that's been a laugh, Safari v80 has been crashing about once every 30 mins for me. Yeah lol. Oh hang on, its infuriating isn't it :mad:

I think everyone expected this, Safari GM comes with Panther, Apple preview Panther next week. I just can't wait to see if GM can be installed on Jaguar and fix the v80 problem, or if Apple are leaving it as a lesson to us bad people!


edit: pyrotoaster, forgot to say congratulations on the new 6502 status! I realise you've had it for a while now, but better late than never!
I still keep IE around because Safari still doesn't work for some sites. I really hope the final version fixes this, and Safari can be my only browser. The other day, when I had to use IE, I couldn't believe how slow and infuriating it was!
Originally posted by QCassidy352
I still keep IE around because Safari still doesn't work for some sites. I really hope the final version fixes this, and Safari can be my only browser. The other day, when I had to use IE, I couldn't believe how slow and infuriating it was!

Do you think Apple will still bundle IE with Panther?

Safari Crash

Safari regularly crashes for me on 2 sites:

1. - not everyday, but at least a couple of times week. if it does crash, it will crash everytime i go on that same day.

2. - this one kills me. again, once it crashes 1 time, it will crash everytime for the rest of the day or until I reboot.

Originally posted by j763
See this for information on v80 -- and why it screws everything up.

i have looked at that... so... v80 is a pather up?! this might be a good thing! I dont want to go offtopic but if saffari 1.0 is a pather only app! it may mean that i dont have to pay $129 for it... think about it. but I guess i'll be getting either way lol... why hasn't been any pather rumors! all this talk about the new powermacs! WHERE THE PATHER RUMORS!! :mad:

thank you
I have v80, it is pretty good, I never get any sites to crash, tho sometimes when you open like 2 pages w/6 tabs each it crashes, tho might be the site, but dunno.

A final version should be good too.

Originally posted by Mudbug
Yea yea the witch is dead, the witch is dead, the witch is dead.

Long live safari! hope 1.0 doesn't crash as often as v74... and the tabs work better...

I never had a problem......
Originally posted by MrMacman
I have v80, it is pretty good, I never get any sites to crash, tho sometimes when you open like 2 pages w/6 tabs each it crashes, tho might be the site, but dunno.

A final version should be good too.
Just a note to you: Do Not try to remove v80! That's where I ran into some real problems. Now I can't use the previous public release, and it appears I need a new v80 installer to get v80 back. *headache*

I'm assuming 1.0's installer will fix me up, but until then, I'm stuck using Chimera and Explorer to get around the net.
Mac makes noise when using Safari

Hey all. I used to have a Titanium PB and used Safari on it. When it had a lot of information to load or websites took a long time I would hear a squeaking noise from coming underneath the keyboard.

I now have a 17" and sometimes hear the same noise. This is really annoying so I don't use it. I'm using Mozilla and am quite happy with it as it remembers information so I don't have to enter it over and over...but does anyone have any idea as to why this is helping.

So if anyone has this same experience or any advice I'd appreciate it! Thanks.
Originally posted by puffmarvin
hmm... wasnt this obvious? :confused:

in this world nothing is for certain. just because we assume safari will be out soon doesnt mean that it will be. articles like this solidify the case. im glad arn keeps us posted.
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