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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Nov 7, 2010
Just saw this youtube video featuring the new ad from Samsung:

It's very well done, but it's got me thinking... is my excitement for the X like this guy in the video? Why is it I am using the iPhone X as opposed to jumping over to the Samsung Galaxy? Reasons you are in the iPhone X camp here!
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Just saw that ad, a lot of familiar experiences for me in it. I was with every iPhone from the original 2G to the 6S+, then left iOS for the S7 edge and now currently using the S8 (had other androids all along as well, s4/s5 etc..). I have to say, while I do appreciate both platforms, currently I am more satisfied using the S8/Android (have an iPad as well, so still use iOS). The "hype" appears to be over as other platforms have filled the gap that was once lacking.
Tbh, the Galaxy Note 8 is a better value compared to the iPhone X.... and I had the Galaxy Note 8, which I later returned for the iPhone X.

My family and friends are under Apple umbrella, it’s just a better experience overall with us all having iDevices.... but the Note 8 is a beast of a phone from the large display, multitasking and the S-Pen. It’s a fun phone to have... for sure!
It's an Apple forum. You are not going to get an objective opinion.

This thread could end up like the videos below. But then I realized most of the Samsung fanboys are not on here and are at Android Central, YouTube (SuperSaf's channel), GSMArena, etc.

Sometimes what you think is better may NOT always be your favorite.

Party time!

That’s about as dumb as saying you don’t use an iPhone because of antennagate.

:D That’s not even close to being the same thing. Just ask airline companies.

Right now I have an S8+, 7+, 8+ and iPhone X.

I think the S8+ is great and if you are using a checklist to make a decision on which is better, the Samsung will check more boxes for features.

However, there is something really simple and pleasing about using iPhones and the experience is greatly bolstered if you have many other Apple devices and friends and family with iPhones.
I would not switch because I have too much invested in the Apple eco system. From my iphone, to ipads, imac and Apple TV, they all work together seamlessly.

However, I did like the notch on that guy's forehead at 52 seconds. Pretty funny.

No need to explain my self, you just did it very well.
However, there is something really simple and pleasing about using iPhones and the experience is greatly bolstered if you have many other Apple devices and friends and family with iPhones.

And there in lies the bigger picture .. I have a iMac and iPad. Then there’s family and friends with iPhones, which makes the experience of having a iPhone much better.

It’s pretty all about the ecosystem! I think that’s why Samsung is trying to push its Dex along with Bixby to compete with Apple. But along with competing against Apple, they have to compete with Google, LG, HTC and others.
Hardware could be Samsung. But I’m a way bigger fan of iOS and the whole Apple ecosystem
That’s the thing Apple haters don’t get. It’s not that we’re against their hardware. Hell if Apple went open source with iOS maybe someday I would get a Samsung phone. Half the parts in an iPhone are Samsung anyhow.
That’s the thing Apple haters don’t get. It’s not that we’re against their hardware. Hell if Apple went open source with iOS maybe someday I would get a Samsung phone. Half the parts in an iPhone are Samsung anyhow.

The apple eco-system is way over-rated. That's what apple fans don't realized.
I look at the Android community like it's made up of different tribes. There is a small group of people within that big Android world that aren't completely enamored by Samsung. I feel like they give Android a bad name with their skin that gets laggy over time. We might be pro-HTC, LG, Sony, Motorola, Huawei, Oppo. I root for the underdogs. Hungrier. Not fat cats. Their backs are against the wall to innovate.

As an overall company, I do like Samsung. I mean we have Samsung components inside our gadgets and probably have a Samsung TV and other appliances. As a phone maker, they aren't my favorite. They are the most versatile company out there. Way more than Apple because they don't solely depend on one product for most of their income the way Apple does with iPhone.

Look at Note7 debacle. Didn't affect Samsung. They don't need to be in mobile to make money. Based on the question, I prefer X more than Note8 and S8 for size. The carrier ones of Samsung have bloat. But for my money, I would pick Pixel 2 XL in panda over both. Worse display but better camera, longer battery life, and unlocked and no carrier bloat on Verizon.

True OEM, Samsung

Needle moves with Apple once the next iPhone is released...
I have an S8 and the Iphone X. I consider both phones to be equal. Neither is better than the other in operating systems or hardware. Both are great phones.
The apple eco-system is way over-rated. That's what apple fans don't realized.
I think it has more to do with learning how to do everything a different way, people don't like change so they stick to what they know. iMessage seems to be the main feature that locks people into the ecosystem. I ditched non universal messaging apps years ago, WhatsApp all the way!
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