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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 28, 2012
My 14” arrived yesterday and today I noticed a several marks along the top. It looks like a scratch but could be glue, it’s hard to tell.


I’m in two minds about it. If it was readily available I would exchange it, but with long delays and only visiting the US it makes it tricky.

Has anyone been in a similar situation and if so, how did Apple handle it? Presumably, I send this one back and go back to my old MacBook until the new one arrives, or can it be swapped on my doorstep?
In hindsight, I should’ve called Apple first.

Surprisingly, even though the original made it to me and it’s marked as delivered, the replacement for this “lost” one is still processing and I can use this one until the other one arrives.

I assumed the replacement order would’ve been cancelled. I guess not.
In fact, the computer I replaced the next day was the same as yours, the trace on the edge of the screen could not be removed, maybe it was an overflow of glue or the like; for the current out-of-stock situation, the replacement will take a lot of time, this is up to you , I would not have exchanged for this, but on the 14th day, I found a more serious hardware problem, so I applied for an exchange yesterday, I don’t know if the second exchange will be like the first Same, arrived in about a week.
What kind of problem did you found?
The screen and case don't fit side to side, causing friction every time the lid is opened and closed, a problem I can't stand.
Just typical crappy Apple Quality Control. That looks more like black paint chipped missing from the frame or glue residue.
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Yes, on closer inspection it appears to be a gap. Any light in a room reflects and it is very noticeable.

I just know it would annoy me and I would regret a lack of action if I let it be. The replacement is due to be delivered by 15/02, however, Apple said this is only a place holder date and it will be expedited.
I had something similar on my 16 inch. Not as bad - one small straight line of white. I thought it was showing material behind the screen. Took a thin piece of paper and ran it across - it removed whatever it was.
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