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macrumors G4
Original poster
Oct 31, 2009
In the previous software version, similar threads to the one being viewed were found at the bottom of the page. I frequently found this helpful especially if I was investigating a new topic/field to me.

I’ve noticed this is absent post upgrade. Is this an intentional or accidental omission?


Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
I never found that feature useful for me. I do agree, though, that it led to many necro-posts that were silly.

I'm happy to not have it anymore, however, I won't complain if it is uhhh, resurrected. It was at the very bottom and out of the way, so it never really bothered me.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2009
A sea of green
I have mixed feelings about it. More than once I've been in a thread where a question is asked that I know I've read before. That's when "Similar Threads" could be useful, after a search on keywords doesn't find what I'm looking for. That's on its good days.

On a bad day, which were not uncommon, it was far too easy to get sucked into its vacuous view of "similarity". It would too often trigger on the least important word in a title, for no apparent reason at all. At other times, following any of the "similar" results would rapidly lead down a rabbit-hole of irrelevance. Sometimes the suggestions were as bad as the worst of the AI Weirdness website with none of the serendipitous comedy or accidental glory.


macrumors 6502
Oct 10, 2016
Banning, CA 92220
Has this question been answered yet, because as someone who has just begun visiting and starting to participate more often, I found these posts invaluable. It's difficult enough searching for posts, but having them right at the bottom of the subject. I hope it stays.
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Jul 12, 2016
Has this question been answered yet, because as someone who has just begun visiting and starting to participate more often, I found these posts invaluable. It's difficult enough searching for posts, but having them right at the bottom of the subject. I hope it stays.

I too was thinking of this the other day. But the answer to your question comes from the site director, who is ‘Arnold Kim’.

Anyways, what was really helpful, if somebody started a thread and if a similar thread was at the bottom of the page that Shared similar wording, you could quick reference those threads for any answers that either the OP and/or other members were searching for, even if the threads at the bottom of the page were from years ago, they would still appear at the bottom of the page. It was a really helpful tool that unfortunately did not migrate over to the new Xeno forum transfer.


macrumors 6502
Oct 10, 2016
Banning, CA 92220
Why not??? sometimes I think the old timers even the great revered Arnold forgets that newbies find this pace daunting and in our efforts to navigate we need all the help er can get. This was the most effective tool we had. Now we're blind, and wandering aimlessly. mostly not finding the sanswers we need or getting frustrated and looking at other sites that are easier navigated. Now I sure Arnold doesn't want his base to for looking for nswers on other sites because he handicapped his does he? Many times this is the case honestly.
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macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001

The new xenforo version had to have completely new add-ons. So we didn't really prioritize it. It's something we can look into restoring.

The previous version did have issues with old/dead threads being listed, so it had its issues.



Jan 10, 2012
I definitely miss it, not enough to mention it, but definitely something missed. It was fun especially when reading up on certain topics. Cool either way. Dark Mode had me so happy I forgot it. :p
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macrumors 6502
Oct 10, 2016
Banning, CA 92220

The new xenforo version had to have completely new add-ons. So we didn't really prioritize it. It's something we can look into restoring.

The previous version did have issues with old/dead threads being listed, so it had its issues.

Is there a way to filter the dead threads now perhaps? It is certainly a wonderful and indispensable tool when needing to reply quickly and for us who are new, and don't yet have the search function down quite to a "t," if you will. I just give up sometimes tbh, or look on other forums. Thank you for your quick reply and your effort Arn. Much appreciated. The forums are much nicer with dark mode and the new features. Much easier to navigate all in all.


macrumors 68030
Mar 6, 2008
We can limit how far it goes back. Right now it’s limited to same forum and 200 days.
That would help. It doesn't do me any good to school someone who hasn't been on the forum in years.

(I know I should just let it go, but sometimes folks are just, well, wrong)

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