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macrumors newbie
Apr 12, 2020
Okay, so I swear I'm not crazy.... or at least not TOO crazy. Anyway, today here at work, I'm talking to my team lead and my neck starts doing this sizzling thing. Right from the base of my neck where it meets the skull, there's this sizzly / tingly / think french fries in hot oil weird sound coming out... and he can hear it, too. He says he has the same thing.

I've googled, I've web-md'd, and I can't find crap on this. I've not asked my doctor about it, but I'm going to. Anyone else have this?

It's not a sound coming from bones, or from turning your head. Don't say arthritis, because that's not it either. It's like it comes right out of my spine. I'm 22, going on 23 on the 24th of this month... and these noises didn't really start until I was like 18 or 19. They usually come on when I'm super hungry. My stomach growls with hunger pain, and then I hear the sizzles.

So, do you have the same thing? Know what it is? Am I really crazy, or what?
Did you end up getting checked by the doctor? I was looking up why this is happening to me and you had the exact same "symptoms" I do. I'm quite a bit younger and this started about half a year ago. Is it something that needs attention?


macrumors newbie
Apr 15, 2020
OH MY GOODNESS I have the same thing! I’ve always described it as a weird buzzing or tingling. And I’d say it sounded like the sound two stripped wires would make when they come in contact. I’d always say it sounded like hissing. It’s never hurt or anything but I’ve never met anyone else that has this problem. I’ve searched everywhere for an answer too and I can’t find one. I’m probably going to discuss it on my next check up. It’s been happening for a while for me and I’m currently seventeen. It’s like a very very small vibration or tingly feeling and sounds like a hissing. It’s almost like a very faded throbbing. But yeah anyway, you’re not alone! Haha.


macrumors 603
Aug 17, 2007
@mrwizardno2 - any updates to this thread? Did you ever go to the doctor? Are you still alive? ?

For real though, my neck has done this for as long as I could remember - not sure if I ever mentioned it here. Fast forward 12 years from my OP and I work in healthcare now and I still don't know why it does that.
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macrumors newbie
May 11, 2020
Okay, so I swear I'm not crazy.... or at least not TOO crazy. Anyway, today here at work, I'm talking to my team lead and my neck starts doing this sizzling thing. Right from the base of my neck where it meets the skull, there's this sizzly / tingly / think french fries in hot oil weird sound coming out... and he can hear it, too. He says he has the same thing.

I've googled, I've web-md'd, and I can't find crap on this. I've not asked my doctor about it, but I'm going to. Anyone else have this?

It's not a sound coming from bones, or from turning your head. Don't say arthritis, because that's not it either. It's like it comes right out of my spine. I'm 22, going on 23 on the 24th of this month... and these noises didn't really start until I was like 18 or 19. They usually come on when I'm super hungry. My stomach growls with hunger pain, and then I hear the sizzles.

So, do you have the same thing? Know what it is? Am I really crazy, or what?

Did you get an answer? Seems I am experiencing the same thing.
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macrumors 604
May 20, 2010
Just keep ignoring it, seems to have been fine so far?

This thread has gone well beyond the seriousness of the condition. It's been over twelve years, and there is no solid answer yet. I'd like the answer before I kick the bucket.


macrumors newbie
Apr 27, 2020
When I move my arm, I have the same sound all the time. Until now, it was rare for my stomach to squeal, but now it is also moving. Does anyone have this?


macrumors newbie
May 19, 2020
After reading all your "me too, I thought I was the only one" posts, and ignoring all the energy/clairvoyance/mockery/funny posts, a pattern seems to emerge: hunger/reflux, early in the morning or after prolonged fast periods, the sizzling seems to come from the base of the skull (were it connects to the neck).

Before becoming a neurologist, I trained as an internist, and although a gastroenterologist might shed some more light, I think I know what this is.

The sizzling comes from tinny gas bubbles slipping from your stomach up through the esophagus and into your throat. It is here (the back of your throat, deep in your neck) that the sound gets amplified/transmitted through the bone to your ears. And it seems to come from your spine because, surprise! Your esophagus and the posterior wall of your throat rests directly over your spine!

The provenance of the sound can not be exactly ascertained because of the site (inside your neck and deep into your thorax) it is produced in.

So, there you have it. Provided it is not too loud, Any other sound within your body (apply a tuning fork to your skull, for example) should be able to sort of drown this sizzle. Or drink some water, or eat something, hence "cleaning down" your esophagus.

Your the only normal minded person here these people are crazy lmao

Pat Rooney

macrumors newbie
Jun 19, 2020
12 years on, did you work out what it is?
I've had the exact same thing for a few years now.
Stomach will rumble when hungry and about 2 seconds later, the 'opening bottle of fizzy drink-bacon sizzle' will start at the base of skull top of neck area? Sometimes gets clicking there too when I turn my head. It's very weird and something I keep forgetting to ask my doctor about.
Looking forward to hearing back 12 years on..


macrumors newbie
Jul 31, 2020
People are 100% ignoring you because you are 100% wrong. It’s not a throat issue. So please stop replying and let us figure out what is actually happening. I know the sound you’re thinking of in the throat, the gurgling/frog type sound. That’s not what we’re speaking of.
The sizzling/static/pop rock noise is coming from a spot between the base of the skull and the neck. You can even feel it. It happens mostly when your neck is back and if you bring it forward it tends to stop a bit. The stomach has a weird feeling to it before it happens, not so much a hunger pain.
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Chantell Kinney

macrumors newbie
Aug 2, 2020
Okay, so I swear I'm not crazy.... or at least not TOO crazy. Anyway, today here at work, I'm talking to my team lead and my neck starts doing this sizzling thing. Right from the base of my neck where it meets the skull, there's this sizzly / tingly / think french fries in hot oil weird sound coming out... and he can hear it, too. He says he has the same thing.

I've googled, I've web-md'd, and I can't find crap on this. I've not asked my doctor about it, but I'm going to. Anyone else have this?

It's not a sound coming from bones, or from turning your head. Don't say arthritis, because that's not it either. It's like it comes right out of my spine. I'm 22, going on 23 on the 24th of this month... and these noises didn't really start until I was like 18 or 19. They usually come on when I'm super hungry. My stomach growls with hunger pain, and then I hear the sizzles.

So, do you have the same thing? Know what it is? Am I really crazy, or what?

Hi, I get that sizzling too and I believe it is Lhermittes sign, which is neurological. I am pending an MS diagnosis. While Lhermittes sign can indicate other issues, it is very common in MS. You should get to a doctor asap.


macrumors newbie
Jul 31, 2020
I’ve had this thing since I was little and I’ve had an MRI for MS, but it came back fine.


macrumors newbie
Aug 27, 2020
I know this is a super old post so I actually think it's kind of cool to be commenting. anyway I get the same thing when I'm hungry I've always just thought it was a tapeworm asking for food man like he didn't find any food in the stomach so he starts making his way up the neck to check for remnants in the mouth.I always eat something right away cuz I get freaked out he's going to pop out of my mouth I don't even think I have a tapeworm but It feels and sounds like one crawling in my throat lol
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macrumors newbie
Sep 4, 2020
Jacksonville FL
I can give you all an answer that’s fun for laughing at. We all need that sometimes. But here it is. You obviously do something that could be considered entertaining to people with a lot of money. People who have access to classified surveillance tools. Which most of the time use a lot of radiation in order to zoom in on you. It will make your fluids in your entire body move. Because it has an effect on gasses. If you stick your ear on the wall when it’s happening you’ll even hear the liquid in your head move. Take notice of when it starts happening and what it is you are about to do or are doing. Just know they are rolling the dice throwing big money on your next move. It could also be ideas being stolen. Many reasons. Every step we make inside of WiFi and lidar and 5g will soon be uploaded in 3D live rendering. Giving the rich the ability to put on goggles and virtually walk around in the same room as you. See LiDAR 3D rendering images. WiFi will soon be infrared as well. Do your eyes also burn a lot? Things are about to get real nasty in this world. Anyways, haha I’m just kidding with ya.


macrumors 68000
Nov 27, 2013
Okay, so I swear I'm not crazy.... or at least not TOO crazy. Anyway, today here at work, I'm talking to my team lead and my neck starts doing this sizzling thing. Right from the base of my neck where it meets the skull, there's this sizzly / tingly / think french fries in hot oil weird sound coming out... and he can hear it, too. He says he has the same thing.

I've googled, I've web-md'd, and I can't find crap on this. I've not asked my doctor about it, but I'm going to. Anyone else have this?

It's not a sound coming from bones, or from turning your head. Don't say arthritis, because that's not it either. It's like it comes right out of my spine. I'm 22, going on 23 on the 24th of this month... and these noises didn't really start until I was like 18 or 19. They usually come on when I'm super hungry. My stomach growls with hunger pain, and then I hear the sizzles.

So, do you have the same thing? Know what it is? Am I really crazy, or what?

Your body/bursae is/are asking for more fluid(s) . . . all carbohydrate chains are glucose+glucose+glusose+[ad. infinit(um)] . . . each brake in this chain (which is what our bodies do to release the gluco-molecules 'trapped' within) requires {at-least} one molecule of water to un-bond the hydroxyl links between . . .

. . . fluid increase [1], Sir :)

Regards, splifingate

[1] 'increase' does not mean "You need to drink some water, Dude!", but "You may need to increase your daily/hourly consumption of water-as-primary-solvent fluids (e.g., 71% raw cranberry juice--while efficacious in its own right--is more solute, thus less solvent)".
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