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Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
Who else is playing? I think I've thrown about 6 hours into it since it was released 24 hours ago. That's 1/4 of my day so far and there's another couple of hours till I go to bed.

I can't believe they got this much content into the game. What got me was that each character has an additional 2, alternate specials and how deep and flexible the Mii fighter system is.

This is the game I won't stop playing for another few months till the Wii version :)

So do we want to exchange friend codes? Mines; 1977 0309 7350


Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
Has it got the excellent 2D platform game that the old Wii version had? Loved playing that.

Sadly not. There's another, shorter mode though that sees you collect powerups in a big world map and then you take on friends or the CPU in a battle with randomised rules. It's kind of neat.


macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011
Not me. I do not own a 3DS but I do own a WiiU and am waiting for the WiiU version of Smash Bros to arrive. 2 weeks later release date for Australia which hurts a lot. Bot not much we can do about that other than wait :) .

By the way, do you plan to buy a New 3DS for improved SSB for 3DS performance when it is releasee in your region?


Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
By the way, do you plan to buy a New 3DS for improved SSB for 3DS performance when it is releasee in your region?

I'm buying it just for the headtracking 3D stuff! Haven't noticed any performance drops in Smash though. Pokemons the worst for that!


macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
Anyone getting the Amiibo's?

Decided to pre-order at Amazon - even though I don't have the game yet.

It seems like eBay resellers are scooping them up due to the Nintendo collectibility... :eek:


macrumors newbie
Sep 30, 2014
I'm liking the 3DS version. When I started, the aspect of it I disliked the most were the console's physical controls, however I warmed to them. I prefer playing SSB with a GameCube controller, but trading it for the 3DS' buttons and stick for the sake of portability isn't that bad of a tradeoff.

It's probably my favorite 3DS game so far, with Link Between Worlds not too far behind.


macrumors 65816
Feb 22, 2007
I've never played SSB (hides). I am still on the fence about getting 2 copies for 3DS so I can beat up on a certain 8 year old, or whether we should wait for the Wii U release.

Are there supposed to be a lot of differences between the two platforms? If so, any major ones that you think would sway someone towards one of the sides?


macrumors newbie
Sep 30, 2014
What are Amiibos? Do they only work with Wii U?

Amiibos are figurines with NFC to permit games to read and write data inside them, which can be done with a WiiU or the New Nintendo 3DS. The later is only released in Japan for now, although it will be released in Australia in November and in the US and Europe in 2015. (an adapter will be released for the older 3DS systems)

For instance, in SSB for WiiU, characters in Amiibos can be trained and customised.


macrumors newbie
Sep 30, 2014
Amiibo read/write capabilities look cool, do Skylanders and Disney Infinity figures read/write?

Both Skylanders and Disney Infinity's figurines are read by the game. I don't know if both games write something in the figurines. (like some sort of unique memory card)


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
Both Skylanders and Disney Infinity's figurines are read by the game. I don't know if both games write something in the figurines. (like some sort of unique memory card)
Yes they do, far more so than amibo from what I've seen. Big skylander user here.


Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
Are there supposed to be a lot of differences between the two platforms? If so, any major ones that you think would sway someone towards one of the sides?
Gameplay, characters, items are all identical between versions. Both have the deep character creation system and can transfer between the two. The Wii U version supports 8 players, more modes, more levels, more music.

The biggest thing between them is just that the 3DS version is portable and the Wii U one supports more stuff.


macrumors 65816
Feb 22, 2007
Gameplay, characters, items are all identical between versions. Both have the deep character creation system and can transfer between the two. The Wii U version supports 8 players, more modes, more levels, more music.

The biggest thing between them is just that the 3DS version is portable and the Wii U one supports more stuff.

Thanks. I had been digging around and sae the 8 player feature -- pretty cool, but aside from that couldn't tell what was different, so thanks.

Also for those unaware, Target is supposed to have a buy 2 get 1 free on all video games from 11/09 - 11/15:

Think I will pick up 2 copies of the 3DS version of SSB for the boy and me. Not sure what else I want though.


macrumors 68040
Jul 2, 2008
Dumb question, but is there a single player campaign type mode for the Wii U version?

I havent ever played Smash Brothers so will probably try this one out due to all the hype.


macrumors 6502
Apr 6, 2014
So excited! This is gonna be my first full price / day 1 purchase ever.


macrumors 6502
Oct 18, 2005
My Wii U download got the update to make it playable sometime after 9pm last night. I didnt have a chance to play yet. I predict playing it a lot tonight and over the next week.


macrumors 6502
Nov 8, 2005
Picked up Smash Wii U Saturday night. I was having so much fun playing I played 5 hours straight and stayed up until 3am!

My first smash game, didn't play Melee or Brawl despite owning an original Wii.
I always wrote off this game as just another fighter, thinking it would be something like Street Fighter. I don't care for Street Fighter with all of the hidden complicated combos, and the difficulty vs CPU opponents ramps up too quickly.

Smash is totally different, in a good way. Attacks are simple, no confusing combos, and the whole knock of the platform game mechanic is so much fun!

I partially regretted buying a Wii U since MK8 started to get a little boring. Now I am SO glad I have one. Smash is totally worth buying a Wii U for just for this game! GOTY!


Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
Has anyone picked up an Amiibo for it? How are they?

I've got 2 preordered (Marth and Pikachu) for the UK launch this Friday.


macrumors regular
Sep 1, 2010
Dumb question, but is there a single player campaign type mode for the Wii U version?

I havent ever played Smash Brothers so will probably try this one out due to all the hype.

There are campaigns of sorts. Not quite as complex as Subspace Emissary from Brawl. But there's the classic and all-star modes, as well as Smash Tour. Which can be played single player, but I'm assuming would be more enjoyable with at least one other person. So yes and no.


macrumors 68040
Jul 2, 2008
There are campaigns of sorts. Not quite as complex as Subspace Emissary from Brawl. But there's the classic and all-star modes, as well as Smash Tour. Which can be played single player, but I'm assuming would be more enjoyable with at least one other person. So yes and no.

Doesnt sound like the game for me then as I am more a single player/campaign mode but wanted to see what all the hype was about.

Appreciate you answering.
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