Just got my iPhone 5 along with my kids. All the sudden I started getting text from her friends and her replying back. I freaked her out by texting back to her and her friends! I had some good lol!
I can't be the only parent out their this has happened to with the new iso 6? At first I thought I had a hack iPhone 5.. And for you kids out their, you may want to sneak your parents phone and uncheck your number before they know about this. This is only if you are on your parents apple ID account.
Just make your own account and sign in. Then your cool......
I know I did not explain this well as some of you have said. Sorry I am not to nerd standards :0)
I can't be the only parent out their this has happened to with the new iso 6? At first I thought I had a hack iPhone 5.. And for you kids out their, you may want to sneak your parents phone and uncheck your number before they know about this. This is only if you are on your parents apple ID account.
Just make your own account and sign in. Then your cool......
I know I did not explain this well as some of you have said. Sorry I am not to nerd standards :0)
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