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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2008
Randomly, there will be times when a YouTube video or any other media will just slow down.. All this while system idl is 98% or so. I managed to get a few recordings on the sound so I can better show you what I mean: Error.mp3
When the sound slows down, as to does the video frame rate.

I first noticed it while playing online games (warcraft 3, dota), and i would get brief sound slow downs (almost sounds robotic) and video slowdowns/frame skips. If i was hosting the game when the slow down occurs, everyone else who was in my game would completely lag to, so its almost as if the computer is slowing/stalling

i have found several other threads with many people having the same issues, but ive yet to find a solution�

any others here ?

ps. im running xp sp2 on a penryn 2.4 mbp (current gen)


macrumors member

Having the same problem, it has only started recently +/- week or two.
I have a slowdown in all my games, flight simulator x, flight simulator 2004(which ran like a dream before), counter-strike source.

Running XP pro through boot camp on a 2.33 Ghz 15" mbp


macrumors newbie
Aug 12, 2008
Are we the only people experiancing this problem?

This problem is very annoying it affects anything that plays from games to any videos. And as I and many others use bootcamp for playign games I think APPLE SHOULD SORT IT OUT!

I shouldent have to get external speakers to sort this problem out.

Anyone else that has this problem please share it with us!


macrumors newbie
Aug 26, 2008
Same Issues

It happens to me too. It doesn't happen in OS X, only when I'm running in XP. It's fairly frequent (once every minute or 2). It makes playing music impossible without becoming completely frustrated.

I registered just to voice my opinion on this matter, if you read this I suggest you do the same.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2008
Hey guys. No solution still. All the apple forum threads are dead unfortunately. It sucks we cant get help on this issue as its a "windows" issue, even though its obviously a apple bootcamp driver fault somewhere down the line.

I was thinking about mentioning it one time when i go to a genius bar, just so the issue gets reported, and show some threads to the guy to show its a widespread issue.

Also, what do you mean by external speakers ? Im pretty sure that has nothing to do with it. I have external speakers and it still occurs.


macrumors newbie
Aug 26, 2008

Some devices can be plugged in through USB and have their own mini soundcard somewhere along the cord. I used to have a pair of headphones that did that so I'm assuming he has a pair of speakers that are similar.


macrumors newbie
Aug 12, 2008
Apples not so perfect now a

Here are my bootcamp bugs: (Im pretty sure everythign is tied to the wireless and graphics driver. Also my wireless is more crappy in windows and I dont think its windows fault because my brothers crappy old dell has much better wireless signal.

Windows freezes on stand-by

Audio/ video slows down (major porblem!)

High pitch whine from adjusting brightness (loudest in medium brightness)

Computer freezes when you right click wireless icon to disable

The in games reflection colour turns into pink when disconnected from wireless then and enabled during a game

And also on leopard I cannot transfer any files bigger than 4gb.

Apple sort your drivers out! Apples not so perfect now a.
This is my first mac (which is this one, 2008 17 macbook pro with highest spec £1600 with student discount). When spending that much money I would expect flawless functionality especially with apple when they boast things like "it just works". I am positive its not windows fault I am certain its apples drivers.


macrumors regular
Sep 1, 2008
Here are my bootcamp bugs: (Im pretty sure everythign is tied to the wireless and graphics driver. Also my wireless is more crappy in windows and I dont think its windows fault because my brothers crappy old dell has much better wireless signal.

Windows freezes on stand-by

Audio/ video slows down (major porblem!)

High pitch whine from adjusting brightness (loudest in medium brightness)

Computer freezes when you right click wireless icon to disable

The in games reflection colour turns into pink when disconnected from wireless then and enabled during a game

And also on leopard I cannot transfer any files bigger than 4gb.

Apple sort your drivers out! Apples not so perfect now a.
This is my first mac (which is this one, 2008 17 macbook pro with highest spec £1600 with student discount). When spending that much money I would expect flawless functionality especially with apple when they boast things like "it just works". I am positive its not windows fault I am certain its apples drivers.

i have the same drivers you do. only diff is modded video card drivers n overlocked.

i have had my dell freeze on me when i try to disable wireless. audio/video slowdown could be from a lot of things... if you're streaming, it could be connection. a lot of cpu usage is really a problem for windows, it's caused by a lot of things including malware.

if everyone has the same drivers n some people are having problems but the rest aren't then it's not the drivers fault.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2008
i too had the issue where the computer would freeze when trying to disable the wireless. not sure if its related to the vid slow down ? buggy drivers ? how do we let apple know ?


macrumors regular
Sep 1, 2008
i too had the issue where the computer would freeze when trying to disable the wireless. not sure if its related to the vid slow down ? buggy drivers ? how do we let apple know ?

it's actually windows issue. i've had the same thing happen to my old dell. for the most part, the hardware found in the macbook/pros can also be used in computers not made by apple. mac is not SIMULATING windows, it's just partitioning a portion of the harddrive for the windows operating system.

that being said, apple doesn't NEED to supply the drivers to you because you can find them on the internet. the video, sound, wireless, etc. drivers you can find off the internet. i solved this issue by simply downloading another broadcom driver and it helped stabilize my wireless internet.

Wind Owl

macrumors newbie
Sep 22, 2008
It happens to me too. It doesn't happen in OS X, only when I'm running in XP. It's fairly frequent (once every minute or 2). It makes playing music impossible without becoming completely frustrated.

I registered just to voice my opinion on this matter, if you read this I suggest you do the same.

That's exactly what I'm doing now.

Same problems, brand new 17" MBP, just installed XP tonight. Random slowdowns happen every couple minutes, even without video (I notice the cursor slowing down). Very frustrating.

Also, the wireless connection goes in and out randomly.

Wind Owl

macrumors newbie
Sep 22, 2008
Hm, I think I found the solution... Slowdown seems to be caused by overheating. So I downloaded this thing and jacked up the fan speed. No problems since.

EDIT: It's not completely fixed, apparently. There's occasional 'stuttering' now, but no 2-3 second slowdowns like before. Still noticeable. Maybe Apple will release better drivers for XP (I doubt it though).

EDIT AGAIN: Ugh, might have just been a fluke that it wasn't slowing down. My CPU is currently at 40℃ (quite cool) and it's still slowing down. Jacking up the fans DID fix the wireless going in and out though... I guess that's something.

EDIT #3: Wow, 2 minutes after I make the second edit my wireless goes out. I give up, just ignore this entire post.


macrumors newbie
Nov 9, 2008
Here are my bootcamp bugs: (Im pretty sure everythign is tied to the wireless and graphics driver. Also my wireless is more crappy in windows and I dont think its windows fault because my brothers crappy old dell has much better wireless signal.

Windows freezes on stand-by

Audio/ video slows down (major porblem!)

High pitch whine from adjusting brightness (loudest in medium brightness)

Computer freezes when you right click wireless icon to disable

The in games reflection colour turns into pink when disconnected from wireless then and enabled during a game

And also on leopard I cannot transfer any files bigger than 4gb.

Apple sort your drivers out! Apples not so perfect now a.
This is my first mac (which is this one, 2008 17 macbook pro with highest spec £1600 with student discount). When spending that much money I would expect flawless functionality especially with apple when they boast things like "it just works". I am positive its not windows fault I am certain its apples drivers.

Your post has described, word for word, my experience with my macbook pro. I just reformatted and the same issues are popping up again with all of the most recent drivers/software. I do notice it occurs much more often when the laptop gets warmer, so it probably is a heat issue related to the network card (which somehow affects the sound and video?). A reboot generally fixes, but it's still a pain in the butt.

Also, fyi, OS X is only compatible with FAT 32 drives, which limits transfers of under 4gb, which explains your problem in that partition, but unfortunately there is no fix unless apple decides to start supporting NTFS in their next OS update. This is very annoying and I really hope apple comes out with fixed drivers in the near future, or else I'm not going to buy another mac.


macrumors newbie
Nov 10, 2008
We are working on it

Hey guys, just wanted to put out that I work for apple and I found out about this issue today and we are now on it like blue bonnet!!!


macrumors newbie
Aug 26, 2008
Great News

Wow, that's really cool. Is it going to have to wait in a long line of tickets or do you think it could be resolved quickly?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2008
Any solutions to this yet folks ? It is beyond annoying, makes playing games impossible....


macrumors newbie
Nov 30, 2008
I'm experiencing the same problems, sound stuttering and low fps. Only occurs when the Macbook Pro is turned on for more then 1,5 hour.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2008
im SO ****ing over this problem!!!!!! why should a 3.5k computer be struggling to run a 6yr old game?

on top of the vid slow down, ive noticed other little things. if i boot the computer and go straight to playing wc3, the game will run fine. if, however, i at any time open internet expolorer and go surfing and then open wc3, i will get extremely choppy fps.

or if i have wc3, and decide to minimize it and open ie, itll become choppy/unplayable.

so ****ing retarded.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2008
this problem still isnt rectified. robotic sound/video during gameplay or watching youtube, followed by constant net dropouts (which can only be fixed by a restart - pressing repair will FREEZE the computer)... does anyone have ANY CLUE WTF IS DOING THIS ?
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