Looking at getting an SSD for my late 2010 2.4Ghz white unibody MacBook.
I originally was looking at crucial but apparently there drives aren't the fastest?
I then heard that the Samsung 840 was a really good drive, but found a post on apple support where a guy with my machine just couldn't get the 840 to work?
Does anybody have any experience of any SSDs in the late 2010 white unibody MacBook?
Looking at getting an SSD for my late 2010 2.4Ghz white unibody MacBook.
I originally was looking at crucial but apparently there drives aren't the fastest?
I then heard that the Samsung 840 was a really good drive, but found a post on apple support where a guy with my machine just couldn't get the 840 to work?
Does anybody have any experience of any SSDs in the late 2010 white unibody MacBook?