Aug23- It was recommended to me to put the game on a solid state drive. It just so hapoened the motherboard of my PC had an unused PCIe m.2 slot, into which I threw a 2TB memory stick/drive and installed the game. The launch time of the game dropped from 15min (not a typo) to 6 minutes, a huge improvement, and I noticed the game, although still slow ran more smoothly. There are times when the frame rates in busy locations drop to 6fps, out in the middle,of nowhere, about 30fps.
I played with a father, adult son pair, where the Father has spent about, maybe more than $1k on this game through the purchase of ships, some large expensive ships.
The most impressive space ships I have ever seen from a functionality standpoint, there are actually interiors, galley, sleeping quarters, actual and remote turrets, you sit in a chair, some you’ll get a video screen others, the seat descends or ascends up a tube to an actual turret, think of the turrets in the Millennial Falcon. The salvager ship was huge, reminded me of the Nostromo, with large interior cargo spaces.
Salvaging in SC right now consists of buying a contract $20k to salvage a significant sized ship. Fly to the ships location, there are 2 salvage/laser tuffets where the metal is stripped off the ship, particalized, and sucked into storage containers. The ship also has giant arms designed to break apart the ship into pieces, and a shredding mechanism but that is not functional yet. There also drones planned that will bring the pieces of the ship to the salvager to be shredded and stored. The last run was worth about $2m credits, but according to the friend, mining is where the big money making is at. 🤔
Ok, so the environment is impressive, but I am not yet sold on this game. As long as it remains in alpha/beta status it’s free to play if you buy a ship. My understanding is that the insurance for ships that will eventually have to be purchased is free until the game hits retail. Over 10 years since available to the public and the game is still in alpha.
Great potential, but at this point, I can’t recommend it other than if you want to get in on the ground floor to see what it is all about.
Also note, there is piracy conducted by other players, ways to knock you out of hyper space, board your ship, steal it, kill you. While landed and the doors open, sneak on, steal your ship, and kill you.
Yes, there is a bounty system directed at player pirates, but I’m not sure how effective it is. I’m sure that there is a lot of attraction to being a pirate. With the insurance as it currently exists, you can reacquire a new ship, but I think you loose cargo and gear, not sure about that.