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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

In the latest email response from Steve Jobs, the Apple CEO responds to one customer's complaint that the new MacBook won't support HD camcorders:
Actually, all of the new HD camcorders of the past few years use USB 2
Whether or not you agree with Apple's decision to remove Firewire from its low end laptops, it's clear that Apple is abandoning the feature in their consumer-targeted machines.

Apple helped to develop Firewire in the 1990s and still offers Firewire support in the rest of their Macs at this time, with the notable exception of the new MacBooks.

Article Link


macrumors newbie
Oct 9, 2008
I wonder if it really is him answering. He does seem to answer certain customer complaints that are emailed to him.

I'm curious to see if we'll get another response from him on the Matte option. (Sorry to bring it up again)


Apr 1, 2005
Space The Only Frontier
I have a mini DV camcorder that has USB but I can't seem to get it to transfer to my Macbook without using a windows app. Leopard/iMovie/QT doesn't recgonize it.


macrumors 65816
Oct 31, 2006
So he thinks it is OK to expect people to throw away their perfectly fine FireWire camcorders and spend money on a USB 2 one for no advantage of theirs, in this economy?

I call that being out of touch. Not a good sign at all.


Oct 19, 2007
What angering BS. I mean really, so now I can't use my slightly older camera? Please.

Also, what about HDD's that I am using a Firewire connection for because I've tied up my USB ports?

Face it Apple, you botched a lot things with this upgrade. That's 2 piss poor releases in a row: iPhone 3G and this.

Bubba Scruggs

macrumors newbie
Mar 9, 2007
Even if Steve is right, it doesn't help me and my MiniDV camera that is firewire. I can't consider a new macbook unless I did get a new camera.


macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
I have a mini DV camcorder that has USB but I can't seem to get it to transfer to my Macbook without using a windows app. Leopard/iMovie/QT doesn't recgonize it.

USB means MPEG-2. I don't think the old iMovie works with MPEG-2, or any of the other formats, yet.

If Apple continues the Mini, the Mini is next.

Bubba Satori

Feb 15, 2008


macrumors regular
Oct 9, 2008
Sony HDV

I use two Sony HDV cameras that are still on sale and they both have Firewire.

Is Apple now trying to remodel camcorder design?

I handled a MacBook yesterday and would have bought one were it not for the lack of Firewire. The MBP is a great machine, got to try it too, however for me it is both too heavy and too expensive.


macrumors newbie
Aug 2, 2008
North Carolina, USA
I am not in favor of this decision at all. I have a Macbook and I use my firewire port everyday to connect my external LaCie hard drive. Firewire is faster than USB from what I understand and it seems like a lot of things are starting to integrate firewire into their systems. Why is Apple abandoning the technology that they introduced?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 29, 2008
I don't get what the big deal is. If you need Firewire, just buy the white MacBook. It's even cheaper than any other option. Or just buy a USB to Firewire adapter.

Small White Car

macrumors G4
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
So he thinks it is OK to expect people to throw away their perfectly fine FireWire camcorders and spend money on a USB 2 one for no advantage of theirs, in this economy?

I call that being out of touch. Not a good sign at all.


I have 3 HD cameras, 2 SD-DV cameras, and 1 DV deck that all require firewire. Total value? About $12,000.

Thanks Steve, I'll get right on replacing all those. :rolleyes:

And to those who say "Well, can't you afford a Macbook Pro?" I ALREADY have a $3,500 Mac Pro and a $2,000 iMac. It would be nice to have a realitively inexpenisve little Macbook that's easy to carry around and can extend my abilities onto the road in a small way. Do I have to buy the freak'n top-of-the-line in EVERY category? I can't invest heavily in a desktop and just have a nice little, lighter, mid-range laptop to carry around?


(And please don't point out the $999 Macbook to me. The point is that my only 2 solutions are to buy 'yesterday's technology' or buy the most expensive laptop. Those are both lame solutions.)


macrumors 68030
Jan 26, 2003
This is unfortunate. In my experience with USB 2.0 and Firewire, the former seems to have a lot of intermittent slowdowns, especially during large data transfers, that Firewire doesn't. I don't fully understand the technology behind either, but someone who does once explained to me that USB is prone to bottlenecks that Firewire isn't. Oh well. I guess this isn't the first time the tech world has seen a second-best technology win out.


macrumors member
Jan 15, 2006
That's a pretty piss poor rationalization. There are tons of existing FW peripherals on the market, and not just camcorders. And what about Firewire Target Mode? I still use that with my Macbook when I want to copy a large number of files to or from it--much faster than using my network. And I have several external FW drives.

Of all the ways Apple could have sought to differentiate the Macbook from the Macbook Pro, I'm very disappointed that FW got the axe. There will be no replacement Macbook in my future now.



macrumors newbie
Jul 13, 2008

As a professional in the business - whoever sent this email is so totally wrong. I have 2 brand new cameras that record to tape and use firewire to transfer the footage. I also have a hard drive that attaches to my camera that is Firewire only.

Also - Final Cut Pro does NOT use the internal Hard disk well for video and USB 2 is terrible for video and will drop frames - Firewire is the only way to go.

Yes the newest cameras are starting to use Flash Memory but this still doesn't solve the edit hard drive issue. I'm just glad I bought the previous generation Macbook because if Apple gets rid of Firewire they are killing the Mac as a low cost edit option. :mad:

The Man

macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2004
Jobs is right, except for HDV cameras, which I confess is just a small percentage. Still sucks though, that Apple doesn't gives us Mac users a time table when FireWire will be gone from all the consumer Macs. That way I could plan my next purchase, and I don't have a lot of money to spend. Also sucks that my HDV camera was an investment that may have been short lived.

Also, Jobs says that Apple is on track to eliminate all PVC and BFRs by the end of 2008 from their products.

Considering the Mac mini still has PVC (Apple doesn't state that it doesn't) will this mean the Mac mini will be gone or replaced by the end of 2008?

EDIT: Oh wait, Jobs states new product designs, so the Mac mini could stay until 2009 because its an old design.


macrumors 601
Mar 8, 2005
Cumming, GA
So he thinks it is OK to expect people to throw away their perfectly fine FireWire camcorders and spend money on a USB 2 one for no advantage of theirs, in this economy?

I call that being out of touch. Not a good sign at all.
It was the same with the:apple:TV; Apple expexted you to throw away your [erfectly good 4:3 analog tv in favor of a new widescreen hdtv. At least in that instance there were other factors involved that made it more acceptable (people were going that way anyway, low sales meant it didn't affect that many people, etc). So what are the "other factors" this time? Frankly, I don't see any (other than greed on Apple's part to force you into the more expensive MBP).


macrumors member
Jan 30, 2003
Bay Area
This is Crap most camera's I have used have usb2 but they only send out lower quality video or just the stills taken to the card. What about New HD Cameras that use Mini DV tape. The Canon I just used had only Firewire out.


macrumors regular
Jun 30, 2007
The Lack Of Firewire 800 Is The Only Thing Keeping Me From A New Macbook, The Single Only Thing

Why Apple Why!?!?
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