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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 20, 2010
I have had plus phones since they came out. I have an 8 and an X now. For some strange reason when I reach for a phone just to check the internet or email... I usually reach for the 8. I really love my X too... but I think the thinness of the 8 feels better maybe?
I have had plus phones since they came out. I have an 8 and an X now. For some strange reason when I reach for a phone just to check the internet or email... I usually reach for the 8. I really love my X too... but I think the thinness of the 8 feels better maybe?

I too use X and 8 everyday, I feel more comfortable holding 8 due slimness and light weight.
Do you get eye strain from the X? I find I reach for the 8+, much like I kept reaching for my 7+ even after I got the X until I sold it, since my eyes prefer the flicker-free display. Wasn’t sure why at first until I started getting eye pain from the X.
Do you get eye strain from the X? I find I reach for the 8+, much like I kept reaching for my 7+ even after I got the X until I sold it, since my eyes prefer the flicker-free display. Wasn’t sure why at first until I started getting eye pain from the X.

I do not get eyestrain from the X. I don’t have any discomfort from it.
I have had plus phones since they came out. I have an 8 and an X now. For some strange reason when I reach for a phone just to check the internet or email... I usually reach for the 8. I really love my X too... but I think the thinness of the 8 feels better maybe?

Perhaps that’s the type of phone that you were used to with the previous generation designs of the iPhone 8 and downward. I know I have been in that situation where I also would revert back to the form factor of the iPhone 6/6S/7/8.
It's probably because despite the similar form factors, the 8 is still easier to use. If not because it's still slightly smaller in footprint, then because the bezels provide a 'chin' for the bottom of the phone so your thumb doesn't have to reach all the way to the physical bottom of the phone like it does on the X.
I broke my 8 plus a few weeks ago. Used my wifes old 8 until I could get mine replaced. I was surprised how much I liked it after using plus phones for a few years. But I'm back on the 8 plus and really enjoy it. Especially for FB and videos.
Yeah polls like that are almost meaningless as there is no way to prove the people voting actually have an X...

And all the hypotheses of why people have eyestrain are all over the place. One person thought they have eye strain because they have eyes that catch on to changes in their environment quickly..... I am totally that person and my husband is not... and we both have Xs and neither of us complains of eyestrain with them.
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And all the hypotheses of why people have eyestrain are all over the place. One person thought they have eye strain because they have eyes that catch on to changes in their environment quickly..... I am totally that person and my husband is not... and we both have Xs and neither of us complains of eyestrain with them.

Not seeing any ‘hypotheses’, pretty much agreed to be down to the Xs implementation of OLED and the the use of Phase Wave Modulation. Probably just a Gen 1 issue that Apple will clear up along with other stuff this year.
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Seems perfectly natural that you pick the tool that does the job best with 1 hand operation. Which in this case is iPhone 8.
I use my X all day with one hand. Not hard to do, works great!

Everyone needs to pick what they want, Apple gives great choices here so pick your tool and move on with life.

I have no doubt in that, I do however think that iPhone 8 is a easier tool to use given 1) smaller screen 2) less operations required for certain tasks.
I have no doubt in that, I do however think that iPhone 8 is a easier tool to use given 1) smaller screen 2) less operations required for certain tasks.

Most bought the 8+ and X for the LARGER screen. Small screens have been "history" for me from the 6+ on. Typing on the tiny keyboard is no an option for me.

Apple gives us great choices now, one iPhone is not better than the other. Pick your iPhone that suits your needs! No one has more choices than Apple.
Most bought the 8+ and X for the LARGER screen. Small screens have been "history" for me from the 6+ on. Typing on the tiny keyboard is no an option for me.

Apple gives us great choices now, one iPhone is not better than the other. Pick your iPhone that suits your needs! No one has more choices than Apple.

This is true. I am only adressing the fact the thread starter reaches out for his iPhone 8 instead of iPhone X and looking at possible reasons.
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  • The iPhone X measures 143.6mm by 70.9mm, and is 7.7m thick.
  • The iPhone 8 is 138.4mm by 67.3mm and is 7.3mm thick.
The difference is negligible, but possibly noticeable if you have super small hands. I think for the vast majority of users who don't own two $699+ phones, the difference isn't going to matter.

Coming from a 6, I find it no problem to use the X one-handedly, though I do notice a slight difference. The difference stems mostly from having a taller screen admittedly. Still, bigger screen all the way!
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