Hi all,
From my testing there seems to be two factors in this equasion.
1. Tiger and maybe the early Leopard builds seem to be more optimized for powerpc hardware.
That's why I think in Leopard Tigers DVD Player using Tiger's frameworks use lowec CPU ( not comparable to tiger
running the same app, but still a reasonable improvement ). In the case of DVD Player you also get a bonus because
the version from Tiger as a vertical mode if you prefer it.
2. Leopard without a dought is eavier than tiger so it performs worst in powerpc hardware which is not uptodate
with the OS requirements especially in the later builds.
PS. One of the things I had already noticed when I started iusing PPC Macs two years ago is that the last
security update is a performance killer and I do not install it on any powerbook I have.
. I do want to keep using Leopard as it is a superior OS in functionality more uptodate and also offcourse
the available software.
. I also need spaces to keep my daily workflow so out of the box I need Leopard.
. I am also a sucker for looks and for me Leopard "loloks better" ( IMHO ) .
Best regards,