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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

As previously announced retail store chain Target began selling all six models of Apple's iPad, prominently featuring the device on the front of its weekly advertising circular included in Sunday newspapers around the United States. With 1,743 stores around the United States, Target's new offerings significantly increase the retail store presence for Apple's tablet device.


Not only has Target begin offering the iPad, but several readers have also reported to us that Amazon has begun offering the iPad directly through its own store. Availability is limited to the 32 GB and 64 GB Wi-Fi-only models for the time being.


Amazon has for some time offered iPads on its site through third-party partners, but those offerings have typically come with inflated pricing, making true Amazon availability at standard pricing a welcome addition for many customers.

Note: Amazon purchases made through links in this article financially benefit this site.

Article Link: Target and Amazon Begin Selling iPad


macrumors 6502
Aug 22, 2010
Where the bluebonnets bloom
What is the benefit of buying the iPad at target instead of the Apple store?
Many people aren't going to drop $500 on something like an iPad if they can't hold it in their hands when they're making the decision. Since there aren't many Apple stores and there are ~1750 Targets, this is a great move IMO.


macrumors member
Jun 9, 2008
South Carolina
A source close to me has told me that Walmart will be selling them by the end of the year. I know it's been talked about but my source confirmed it Friday.


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
What is the benefit of buying the iPad at target instead of the Apple store?

Any number of reasons.

Target is closer than an Apple store.
Want to use your Target Rewards credit card.
You need to buy hemorrhoid cream while you're there.
Getting within 15 feet of an Apple Genius makes you break out in hives.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2003
West Virginia
Any number of reasons.

Target is closer than an Apple store.
Want to use your Target Rewards credit card.
You need to buy hemorrhoid cream while you're there.
Getting within 15 feet of an Apple Genius makes you break out in hives.

You had me at hemorrhoid cream. ;)


macrumors 68000
Feb 4, 2010
As noted, this greatly increases the exposure factor. People see the iPad commercial on TV, and now they will pass the kiosk at Target as they stroll around the store.

The iPad is the computer for "the rest of us." Geeks already got computers, but there are a lot of folks who may own a computer but never really learned how to use it other than check email and open a browser. Even then they are hesitant they might break something. The iPad is a computer that will feel so comfortable to them it will help lead in the age of tablets. Once people try iOS, they will love it.

Now Target helps bring iOS to the masses.


macrumors regular
Mar 23, 2007
Princeton, NJ
Any number of reasons.

Target is closer than an Apple store.
Want to use your Target Rewards credit card.
You need to buy hemorrhoid cream while you're there.
Getting within 15 feet of an Apple Genius makes you break out in hives.
I see what you did there. ;)


macrumors 68000
Jan 29, 2003
Mineola TX
This is going to be huge. Millions have only heard of the iPad (while millions more are in a a tech bubble and haven't heard of it)... this will solve that and people will actually get to play with one. I haven't see too many people who have played with one who haven't at least WANTED it. Maybe they walked out, empty handed, but they wanted it. Maybe they didn't need it, but lust was there. It all starts with desire. :)

Netbooks and knock-off tablets ain't got a chance!


macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2009
Free Shipping and No Tax! (as long as you don't live in the state of WA)

For me, Amazon is a bigger deal because "NO SALES TAX".

Yeah, that's nice in theory, but most states require you to pay the tax anyway, even if the retailer doesn't collect it. For example, Massachusetts has a 6.25% sales tax and New Hampshire has no sales tax. If I drive up to NH and buy something, MA still expects me to pay tax on it if I'm planning to use the item primarily in MA. There is a section of the income tax forms dedicated to calculating how much sales tax you owe on out-of-state or online purchases where the retailer did not already collect it. Just because most people fail to do this doesn't mean you're not supposed to.

What I find most interesting about this Target thing is that they are charging $499.99 for it when Apple and Amazon only charge $499. Wonder why they felt like tacking on that extra 99 cents?
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