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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 23, 2017
Hi all,

Can you see if turning off "Draw Tabs in Titlebar" improves your browsing experience?

Best regards,
Hi Roger,

If you open about:config and then search for browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar
and change it to false.

Best regard,
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Hi Roger,

If you open about:config and then search for browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar
and change it to false.

Best regard,
On my Mini there is a noticeable improvement I'd say (not a huge improvement, but I can definitely see one). I can try on my Power Mac G4 once it's finished compressing some files and report back on that. :)
Hi all,

Can you see if turning off "Draw Tabs in Titlebar" improves your browsing experience?

Best regards,
This is one of the settings that is turned off in my prefs file for T4Fx as well as, I assume, in the setups that @z970mp uses for FoxPEP. Both of those are stickied threads at the top of the forum.
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I use FoxPEP on both of my machines that can use TFF and neither of them had it disabled, so I disabled them :)
Interesting. This is one of the first sets of tweaks I found years ago when searching for performance improvements.

Possibly it has something to do with media and FoxPEP seems to be more oriented towards that.
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Interesting. This is one of the first sets of tweaks I found years ago when searching for performance improvements.

Possibly it has something to do with media and FoxPEP seems to be more oriented towards that.
Could be. I'm all for optimizing TFF, so I tried it. I would say that the improvement on my Mini is more noticeable than the improvement on my Power Mac, but both have improvements to some extent.
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Hi all,

It was never enabled in foxPEP. It does change the way TFF looks.
I created an userChrome.css file inside TFFs profile folder in subforlder chrome to make it look more
Just paste the following in the file if you want to try it. ( it's aligned with LeopardRebirth's colors ).

Best regards,

menubar, toolbar, nav-bar, #TabsToolbar > *{
background-color: #DFDFDF !important;

toolbar {
background-color: #D8D8D8 !important;

toolbar:-moz-window-inactive {
background-color: #D8D8D8 !important;

menubar:-moz-window-inactive, nav-bar:-moz-window-inactive, #TabsToolbar:-moz-window-inactive > *{
background-color: #f4f4f4 !important;

#TabsToolbar {
border-bottom: 1px solid darkgray !important;
Preferences employed in foxPEP can be examined from the foxPEP Wiki, available in either the main thread, or the "More" folder as a PDF file.


I was not previously aware of this preference, and it appears that it no longer exists in version 68.4 ESR under Linux, although I don't know if the actual code was removed.

That said, has anyone noticed any real difference on a G5 or Intel machine? How many browsers was this tested compatible with besides just TenFourFox?

As a principle, if a special preference setting is to be integrated into foxPEP, it must be tested beneficial with at least Firefox version 38, all the way to version 74, the current release, on macOS, Linux, and Windows. And, it must also be tested beneficial on at least all forks the patch is officially compatible with, and must not present any consequence with any browser it is activated on (unless the benefits for most platforms far outweigh the problems for a select few).

The less preferences the browser has to read on startup, the faster it generally behaves, which is why foxPEP only uses the most potent examples for each respective engine. Every inclusion must be considered, tested, and weighed before integration.

While we don't yet know how this preference behaves on other forks and versions, and without yet making any conclusions on this particular preference, I will restate that compatibility is the third project goal. So as a rule, if that means making one or two sacrifices in order for it to work elsewhere, then it shall be so.
Hi z,

I have just tested it on a G5 quad and it feels snappier.
Someone else test it too please :)
I can also test with a PBG4 12" 1.5Ghz in leopard and a PBG4 15" 1.25 Ghz in tiger and
let you know how it goes.
The preference still works in TFF FR20.
My testbed right now is a DLSD 1.67ghz PBG4 and it makes a difference.
I can now scroll with smothscroll on ofcourse not as fast as the G5.
Arcticfox does not use the preference because it already works like that there are no
tabs in the titlebar.

In linux running Wicknix's Remix livecd already feels faster so when I have time to
install it I'll let you know regarding all other browsers available there.

Best regards,
Preferences employed in foxPEP can be examined from the foxPEP Wiki, available in either the main thread, or the "More" folder as a PDF file.


I was not previously aware of this preference, and it appears that it no longer exists in version 68.4 ESR under Linux, although I don't know if the actual code was removed.

That said, has anyone noticed any real difference on a G5 or Intel machine? How many browsers was this tested compatible with besides just TenFourFox?

As a principle, if a special preference setting is to be integrated into foxPEP, it must be tested beneficial with at least Firefox version 38, all the way to version 74, the current release, on macOS, Linux, and Windows. And, it must also be tested beneficial on at least all forks the patch is officially compatible with, and must not present any consequence with any browser it is activated on (unless the benefits for most platforms far outweigh the problems for a select few).

The less preferences the browser has to read on startup, the faster it generally behaves, which is why foxPEP only uses the most potent examples for each respective engine. Every inclusion must be considered, tested, and weighed before integration.

While we don't yet know how this preference behaves on other forks and versions, and without yet making any conclusions on this particular preference, I will restate that compatibility is the third project goal. So as a rule, if that means making one or two sacrifices in order for it to work elsewhere, then it shall be so.
Hmmmm… the last time I would have tested this I would have been either been running Firefox 4, SeaMonkey or Flock. Most likely, Flock as that browser needed any adjustments I could make.
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Thanks! Seems to make a difference on my PB AI 1.67 - I will try the Pismo G4 550MHz later.

Cheers :)

Hmmmm… the last time I would have tested this I would have been either been running Firefox 4, SeaMonkey or Flock. Most likely, Flock as that browser needed any adjustments I could make.

See, that's just it. Sans pipelining, what goes into the foxPEP engines is required to be about 90% in line with what current Firefox supports, lest you end up with deprecated code the browser doesn't know what to do with, which takes a very small hit on performance. Pile that up one after the other, and you have something nowhere near as lean as it could be.

Everything affects everything.
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Hi z,

I totally agree with you on the foxPEP general scope.
But since ArcticFox and TFF are the best / most uptodate
browsers available for OSX on PPC maybe we can at least compile some
settings that apply to them.
As I mentioned before the setting still exists in TFF FR20 I did not add it by hand I
just searched for it and it's still there in about:config :)

Best regards,
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I've finally gotten around to trying this with FPR20 on my 1.25 G4, and the difference isn't pronounced.

This is another example among many where, between the appearance change, undetermined compatibility issues, and negligible improvement, this preference wouldn't survive the foxPEP vetting process. Every preference is numbered and must earn its spot.

... However, a hunt for other possible preferences for v1.8.2 would be an interesting scenario. I've never seen a whole thread's worth of R&D led by more than two people before. :)
Hi all,

Ok some more detail about the "final" configuration I did.

System Preferences

Mouse Scroll Speed at "Notch 1"
Trackpad Scroll Speed at "Notch 1"


general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMaxMS - 100
general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMinMS - 100
mousewheel.acceleration.factor - 15
mousewheel.acceleration.start - 10
mousewheel.enable_pixel_scrolling - false
mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount - 40
general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel - true

Best regards,
Hi guys,

Can you try this new config using both the touchpad and a
mouse scrollwheel and see what you think.

System Preferences

Mouse Scroll Speed at "Notch 1"
Trackpad Scroll Speed at "Notch 4"


general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMaxMS - 600
general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMinMS - 600
mousewheel.acceleration.factor - 15
mousewheel.acceleration.start - 10
mousewheel.enable_pixel_scrolling - false
mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount - 30
general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel - true
mousewheel.enable_pixel_scrolling - false
layers.offmainthreadcomposition.frame-rate - 60

Best regards,
Last edited:
Hi guys,

Sorry I made a mistake it's:

System Preferences

Mouse Scroll Speed at "Notch 4"
Trackpad Scroll Speed at "Notch 1"

Best regards,
Hi guys,

I have a new version, care to try it?

System Preferences

Mouse Scroll Speed at "Notch 5"
Trackpad Scroll Speed at "Notch 1"


general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMaxMS - 50
general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMinMS - 50
mousewheel.acceleration.factor - 25
mousewheel.acceleration.start - 20
mousewheel.enable_pixel_scrolling - false
mousewheel.max_line_scroll_amount - 30
mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount - 30
general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel - true
mousewheel.enable_pixel_scrolling - false
layers.offmainthreadcomposition.frame-rate - 60
layout.frame_rate - 30
images.dither - false

Best regards,
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Hi all,

Anotrher update.
This time no more pref changes.
One of the things I've tried to do as mentioned in other posts I made here on the
forum is trying to run sites with the lowest UserAgent that optimizes a site for our un-optimized/crippled
One of the thiings I also did was to have a greasemonkey script that "hides" components in pages
that are not required to run but in some cases can be very heavy on our PPC machines so sites "behave" better.
Today I added another thing to my script which is to dynamically wrap any site inside an html
table like

new html body = <table><tr><td> old body </td></tr><table>

It seems to improve a lot scrolling while lowering CPU usage.

Do you want to try it?
What you need to do is in greasemonkey add a new user script and call it whatever you want.
Inside replace the script code with the following code ( replacing YourScritpName and YourScriptDescription ):

// ==UserScript==
// @name YourScriptName
// @namespace YourScriptName
// @description YourScriptDescription
// @Version 1
// @Grant none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {

// Don't run on frames or iframes
if ( != window.self) return;

// ==========Variables========== //

// Userscript
var userscript = 'YourScriptName';

// Page
var page = {win: window, doc: window.document, body: window.document.body, url: window.location.href, site: window.location.hostname.match(/([^.]+)\.[^.]+$/)[1]};

var body = document.body.innerHTML;
document.body.innerHTML = "<table style='width:100% !important;table-layout:fixed;max-height:400px !important;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;'><tr><td>" + body + "</td></tr></table>";


Best regards,
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