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Almost got a new iMac but went with a new Windows PC. The biggest reason was to give me the ability to deal with things like this. My PC has an NVIDIA GPU. But if NVIDIA can't fix this, I can always replace the GPU with a GPU that works. Apple does't not allow such flexibility.

You could get a pair of those RX480s to put in it except there seems to be a question of power draw on the PCIe slots right now.
Thank God you bought a Windows PC, most people are idiots and think Macs are gaming computers.

If you aren't creating music, art, developing Apps for <insert lowercase Apple system here>OS or doing some kind of journalism you have no business buying a Mac.

I'm glad you bought a Windows PC because now we don't have to read another post about how Macs suck because you can't play games on them.
yeah i don't get the point of this post. doesn't offend me either way - but glad you got that off your chest
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I've been a PC builder for quite a long time, been through Windows 95, ME/2000, XP, Vista, then 7. Windows was great when I ran a multitude of VMs, but when I stopped I switched over to a basic MBA. Now I have a 15" rMBP, and recently dropped ~$2500 for a PC build in order to play a few games here and there. Windows 10 just didn't do it for me. I tried to get used to it for a couple of weeks, but I'm just now so used to OS X. It doesn't help that I use a iPhone, iPad, and a Mac Mini for a server.

So now my $2500 PC literally just sits here while I'm contemplating getting rid of it to pickup the upcoming refreshed iMac.
So now my $2500 PC literally just sits here while I'm contemplating getting rid of it to pickup the upcoming refreshed iMac.
You might as well. I'll take the iMac

Never mind the 5K screen, the beautiful form, the brushed aluminum.

You also get an OS, that is superb!

Not only is Windows not good, it's bad. It's awful
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Guess I should stop playing games on my iMac 5k, seriously people think these machines are not for gaming but I never have a issue
Almost got a new iMac but went with a new Windows PC. The biggest reason was to give me the ability to deal with things like this. My PC has an NVIDIA GPU. But if NVIDIA can't fix this, I can always replace the GPU with a GPU that works. Apple does't not allow such flexibility.

I think you accomplished your goal on trolling the iMac forum.

Anyway, here is some more information on the RX480 cards.
Guess I should stop playing games on my iMac 5k, seriously people think these machines are not for gaming but I never have a issue

I think a fairer statement is "Macs are not for gam<b>ers</b>".

There are plenty of decent games that run on Mac - and its improved recently especially with the arrival of Steam for Mac - but if gaming (more specifically, 3D gaming) is the prime reason you want more than a basic notebook laptop then a mini-tower PC, custom nadger-roasting gaming laptop has been the smart choice ever since an Amiga stopped being the smart choice. You get a wider choice of games and the option of choosing a GPU that costs more than the rest of the machine put together (and then fitting two of them).

Back in the real world, the market for mini-tower PCs for anything other than gaming has cratered - the mass-market products are now small & light laptops that are no better for gaming than a Mac - often less. The desktop systems on sale are increasingly targeted at the niche (but deep-pocketed) gaming market.

I've been looking at motherboards etc. with a view to building a new PC and the upmarket ones are almost univesally "Skullkrusher Pro-Gaming Genocide Edition" with go-faster stripes.
Well to point out the obvious if you bought a new Mac you wouldn't be dealing with nVidia problems so it's a relatively moot point.

Besides poor driver optimization are problems PC owners (and Mac) have always been dealing with forever. AMD drivers suck one year, nVidias drivers suck the next years, they both suck the following year, etc etc. Regardless replacing the card is rarely the solution, and if you have the money laying around to do things like that on a near yearly basis you can just build a PC and buy a Mac anyway....

I haven't seen the compelling argument of why people can't have both. Why is this so black and white? You can have a Mac OR Windows PC but not both!!! Oh and you also need to defend your purchase furiously!! Tokyodan may have space concerns given the modest amount of space many Japanese apartments can have but still likely has room for both.

And besides if gaming is your goal than a Windows box is generally better. Most of us know that.
Almost got a new iMac but went with a new Windows PC. The biggest reason was to give me the ability to deal with things like this. My PC has an NVIDIA GPU. But if NVIDIA can't fix this, I can always replace the GPU with a GPU that works. Apple does't not allow such flexibility.

If I wanted to do gaming I would buy a PC too.

The only thing is that if I start wasting time in gaming I would end up fat, my sex life will vanish and I would have to start suffering from isolation and social anxiety.

For example, in an hour I have to be ready because I am going with my boyfriend to the Bahamas. I am just finishing breakfast... Have a nice 4th of July.
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Found the troll post

"hey, why don't I brag to the iMac forum, which is full of Mac users, that it was suuch a good idea that I didn't buy a Mac and went with the ugly plastic PC instead! Teehee!"
I'm sorry to hit you so hard, but the whole situation just bleeds irony. Sorry about that.

Now one of us will go post an identical post over in Windows = ville? I don't think any of us have any interest in doing that... And I do know how that would go over...

That is definitely the type of thing that I wouldn't want to do.
So your game is running bad with an Nvidia GPU.
iMac uses AMD/ATI GPUs.

And somehow you ended up with:
"thank god I bought a pc with a nvidia gpu because I can replace it"

cool story bro
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I make art just fine on Windows.

None of this actually has any relevance to OSX except the part about building Mac/iOS apps.

I never said that you couldn't do art, music, or journalism on Windows, I'm just saying you better have a good reason for buying a Mac than gaming otherwise you'll be disappointed.

The point of my post wasn't to say you can't do those things on Windows, but are valid reasons for why you'd drop a few grand on a Mac instead of gaming, so yes my entire post is relevant.
[doublepost=1467565081][/doublepost]This post also goes to show how arrogant Windows users are, this guy took the time to come to a Mac-centric forum and post how Macs suck. I don't see Mac users going to to Windows-centric forums and saying, "So glad I got a Mac.".
As a user using both PC and Mac, I must say, using either system to complete certain tasks is very effective. XLD converts songs into proper format and imports into iTunes library in just a few clicks. While Steam on PC has just so many games. Microsoft office on PC is still better than Mac version. As Windows 10 1511 goes stable enough, PC becomes my backup machine while Mac is used for testing out new systems, like macOS sierra.

Off topic? Maybe...I am not sure.
Guess I should stop playing games on my iMac 5k, seriously people think these machines are not for gaming but I never have a issue

Alright. You just cut that out right now. Don't you know that other people who don't play games on Macs know better than you do and tell you how to live out of a deep, abiding concern for your welfare?
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Hmm, I disagree...

Thank God you bought a Windows PC, most people are idiots and think Macs are gaming computers.

If you aren't creating music, art, developing Apps for <insert lowercase Apple system here>OS or doing some kind of journalism you have no business buying a Mac.

I'm glad you bought a Windows PC because now we don't have to read another post about how Macs suck because you can't play games on them.
I'm an idiot I play games on my Xbox and Playstation since the were designed for it..
Perhaps, but PCs are excellent choices for playing games, while I myself prefer the PS4, I can understand why people choose the PC. Different strokes for different folks :)
Jeesuz. Looks like I pissed off a lot of unreasonable people. I am not a PC/Windows fanboy trying to troll Apple fanboys. I had a late-2009 27" iMac which I loved, but with only 256MB VRAM it couldn't run many of the newer games. So I was about to buy a new one until Apple stopped selling the model (non-Retina with a 3GB GPU) I wanted and replaced it with a Retina model with an underpowered GPU. And I was really let down by the direction Apple has been moving in the last few years...concentrating on Phones, iPad, and watches (and now cars) over real computers. Also Apple's disposable computer design with no upgrade ability also was making me be mad at Apple more and more. So I went with a PC. And seeing that Apple is never going to change its stubborn We-know-what-you-want-better-than-you-do ways, I am happy that I bought a PC which is more powerful, has the latest hardware, upgradeable, replaceable, and cheaper.

Also I just bought a new Mac Mini (while holding my nose because I didn't like the smell) to run all my OSX utilities and game-making apps. So you see, I am really more of a pissed off Apple user than I am a PC/Windows fanboy. I am not a fanboy of anything. I buy what best suits my needs (Amiga was the best computer of all time!). And since I am a long-time, on and off Apple user (since 1984) I have a right to post here how I feel about Apple and how I deal with Apple's strategy.
gI'm a bit surprised because so many of the people on this site, although they are Apple fans, feel the way I do. Just look at the Mac Mini thread. Lot's of people are leaving Apple behind and building Hackintoshes. Or just going with NUCs.
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