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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 28, 2007
Not, necessarily, my opinion. Just posting what I found.

Taking a strong stance, Segall writes that Apple’s April 24 launch date is wholly misleading. And truthfully, it’s hard to disagree.

Apparently, very few models of Apple Watch were ever scheduled to ship on April 24th. The Apple Watch Sport (likely the most popular model) appeared to be unavailable from the first moment — with a delay that will likely be a full month.
Nothing enhances the customer experience like plain, simple honesty. Apple has known all along what models would be available in what quantities. There was no reason to lead people to a false expectation.
What Apple did feels “tricky,” which is never a good thing. Even today, Apple’s homepage says “Available April 24th.” Available in the sense that you can see one in the store, perhaps, but certainly not in the common use of the word.
A lot of this is just common sense. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that a company will create bad feelings when it hypes a product for months and then changes expectations at the very last second. Literally. It feels manipulative.
Without question, the Apple Watch rollout is the most staggered and confusing Apple product launch we’ve seen yet.

In Apple’s defense, launching a completely new product is not an easy feat, especially one as involved and complex as the Apple Watch. Often, it takes some time to work out all the manufacturing kinks. What’s more, because the Apple Watch is so new, Apple doesn’t yet have a gauge as to which models might be the most popular. Which is to say, it would make sense for Apple to slowly but surely ramp up supply once they get a better grasp on which models will be in high demand.

That’s all well and good, but as Segall relays himself, throwing out an April 24 launch when most people interested in the device may have to wait until June (or May if they’re lucky) seems like a bad joke.

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macrumors 6502a
Sep 26, 2012
Biloxi, Mississippi
guess we will see on the 24th, until just bide your time and relax, you'll be pleased when you get your watch and all these post full of speculation and opinions are just a waste of time to read. seeping with doubt and hate on Apple.

have a drink/relax with the fam wait another 10 days for your watch to arrive, IF you have a 4/24 date like me :apple:


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 28, 2007
No Worries

guess we will see on the 24th, until just bide your time and relax, you'll be pleased when you get your watch and all these post full of speculation and opinions are just a waste of time to read. seeping with doubt and hate on Apple.

have a drink/relax with the fam wait another 10 days for your watch to arrive, IF you have a 4/24 date like me :apple:

I'm not stressed at all. Just posting an interesting article I found.
Did you notice the "disclaimer" I left before sharing?


macrumors 6502
Apr 3, 2015
Regardless, the launch date is the 24th. Many, many, many people will have it on that day. They haven't told any lies, and this is literally no different when it comes to releasing ANY product that has such a high demand. There can't possibly be at least 1 device created at launch for every single person interested in buying. I haven't seen that for anything.


macrumors 65816
Jul 5, 2007
Kauai, HI
I think that we will know in a few days once they have to start actually processing these orders and getting the tracking numbers out. If almost no watches ship to be delivered on the 24th then the press will be all over them.


macrumors 68000
Mar 7, 2015
I'm not stressed at all. Just posting an interesting article I found.
Did you notice the "disclaimer" I left before sharing?

You dared to post an article critical of Apple. This McCarthyite forum does not allow such dissension.

You are an enemy of the people.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 26, 2012
Biloxi, Mississippi
watches will ship, most who have 4/24 ship dates will receive their watch, but the problem is that there is a 2 week window of bs'ing and time killing will DOUBT IN PEOPLES minds on if they will get their watch on the date... relax. apple will deliver and when they do we'll all disappear from this thread to play with the gadget...happens with every release apple puts out


macrumors 6502a
Sep 17, 2012
I just realized 4/24 - 5/8 is a two week window. I thought it was a one week window. Damn. I suck at calendars.


macrumors member
Apr 8, 2015
If one person gets an Apple Watch on April 24th, it's not misleading. It doesn't matter what watch; the collection is available from April 24th.

Bryan Bowler

macrumors 601
Sep 27, 2008
Articles such as this are such a joke. Some people are just looking to criticize Apple because they are in the spotlight.


macrumors regular
May 23, 2012
Cambridge, UK
Articles such as this are such a joke. Some people are just looking to criticize Apple because they are in the spotlight.

Why's it a joke?

As far as we know, you can't go into an Apple Retail Store on 24 April and walk out with an Apple Watch, given that it's been said it's online ordering only for the initial launch window.

And if you order one online, the only way you'd get it at or near the launch date is if you ordered it very early on at the very start of the pre-order period, and only then if it was one of the ones that actually had a "24 April + 2 weeks" delivery window. Many versions were shipping in May the moment the pre-orders went live, and very soon slipped to June.

Of all the iPhones I've had, the only two I bought at launch were the 4 and the 6, and I received both on the very first day of release:

My iPhone 4 was reserved online for in-store collection on the launch day.

My iPhone 6 was pre-ordered online and was then delivered on the launch day.

Not the same with my Apple Watch, unfortunately.


macrumors 6502
Jun 6, 2012
The real test I feel is if a sizeable portion of the original pre-orders at least ship by the 24th, anything less and you really have to question the validity of saying the product launches on the 24th.

I still think there is an outside chance that some stores may have a limited quantity for the 24th, call me an optimist or deluded I guess but maybe 5% or something like that.


Apr 24, 2010
Dublin, Ireland
So the person is basically making assumptions, then criticising. Got it.

Until firmed up shipping dates start coming through, then no-one really knows. These dates will probably not change until next Wednesday or even Thursday. I'm going to wait and see what actually happens, before I decide whether this was a botched launch, which sadly, most of this forum will not do.

This launch, more than others, really revealed the forum members that like to throw their toys out of their pram.


Aug 29, 2014

I don't even get where he supposedly got his information from...?
From what I've read, the SS seemed to be in shorter supply. I thought many, many people got a 4/24 date with the Sport... am I remembering the info from those preorder threads incorrectly??
I believe this is the 1st time I've read the accusation that the Sport started out on backorder... I think the author is/was confused. I wouldn't just take this "story" with a grain of salt... I'd take it alongside all the salt in the Bonneville Salt Flats! =P

Bryan Bowler

macrumors 601
Sep 27, 2008
Why's it a joke?

As far as we know, you can't go into an Apple Retail Store on 24 April and walk out with an Apple Watch, given that it's been said it's online ordering only for the initial launch window.

And if you order one online, the only way you'd get it at or near the launch date is if you ordered it very early on at the very start of the pre-order period, and only then if it was one of the ones that actually had a "24 April + 2 weeks" delivery window. Many versions were shipping in May the moment the pre-orders went live, and very soon slipped to June.

Of all the iPhones I've had, the only two I bought at launch were the 4 and the 6, and I received both on the very first day of release:

My iPhone 4 was reserved online for in-store collection on the launch day.

My iPhone 6 was pre-ordered online and was then delivered on the launch day.

Not the same with my Apple Watch, unfortunately.

The reason I think complaints like this are ridiculous is because it's a non-essential item that a great company invented and demand has initially exceeded supply. If Apple was able to produce enough watches to put them on the wrist of everyone that wanted one on opening day they would. But they can't meet the incredible demand. Meanwhile, some people are incessantly whining about it. Its not Apple's fault. One's watch will get here when it gets here. In the meantime, some folks need to get outside and get some exercise and fresh air. Life goes on, even if you have to wait a few weeks to get your Apple Watch.


macrumors 6502
Sep 13, 2014
Ft Lauderdale
The reason I think complaints like this are ridiculous is because it's a non-essential item that a great company invented and demand has initially exceeded supply. If Apple was able to produce enough watches to put them on the wrist of everyone that wanted one on opening day they would. But they can't meet the incredible demand. Meanwhile, some people are incessantly whining about it. Its not Apple's fault. One's watch will get here when it gets here. In the meantime, some folks need to get outside and get some exercise and fresh air. Life goes on, even if you have to wait a few weeks to get your Apple Watch.

Well said....


macrumors 68040
Nov 13, 2007
US>FL>Miami/Dade>Sunny Isles Beach>Condo
I agree that shipping estimates are just that, estimates, and will start moving up towards launch day. Hoping my May 13-27 delivery dates move up.

But, then again, everyone's preorder confirmation(confirmation is just that, confirmation) states a delivery window in 2 week blocks. This is what the article is based on and you can't be toooooooo critical of the author for writing what the "official confirmation" emails state as far as delivery.


macrumors member
Oct 10, 2011
The real test I feel is if a sizeable portion of the original pre-orders at least ship by the 24th, anything less and you really have to question the validity of saying the product launches on the 24th.

Exactly. It is a bit suspect that the very first pre-orders made have the 2 week 24/4 to 8/5 window.

This leads me to believe that Apple are struggling to meet the 24th April date.

If the 24th passes by without any member of the general public having the watch in hand after ordering from Apple, then the 24th will have been a phantom date.


macrumors 68040
Apr 20, 2009
I think it's great that none are available in the store. It keeps them out of the hands of the scalpers!!! :eek:


macrumors 6502a
Jun 15, 2010
East Coast
Why's it a joke?

Of all the iPhones I've had, the only two I bought at launch were the 4 and the 6, and I received both on the very first day of release:
Not the same with my Apple Watch, unfortunately.
I kinda hear what you are saying, but your final conclusion has not yet been borne out. It might be, but then again we might all get deliveries on the 24-26th too. We'll see.

Note: I am giving two days for local shipping delays beyond Apple's control as with previous iPhones and iPads.


macrumors 68040
Jan 10, 2007

Anyone who has a 4/24 date will most likely get their watch on that date.

There are more than enough watches to get the initial shipments out as promised.
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macrumors 68000
Mar 11, 2010

Anyone who has a 4/24 date will most likely get their phone on that date.

There are more than enough watches to get the initial shipments out as promised.

If I get a phone I'm going to flip a table.
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