I'm new to apple but my family has been using them for years. The hate that I see recently is a bit disgusting to say the least. I believe we are at a point where there really is no "better" phone. It's all based on personal opinion and what you like and desire in a device. What gets me is last year Samsung released a device that literally was exploding in peoples pockets.... And I didn't see this amount of hate for them. To me apple is who they always have been. The 8 and 8+ is basically what they have been doing for how many years now? People have been lining up for years for updates to the camera, a better processor, and a feature or two that Apple claims is going to change the industry or is industry leading. This is not a new thing but from some reason people are up in arms NOW. Nothing about the iPhone X is surprising to me. I personally don't think it is nowhere as bad as people are making it out to be because of a notch on the display. If it really is that bad I hope that you make your purchase with another phone manufacturer and you enjoy that device. I just wanted to point out that the backlash is a little over dramatic and is a bit much. That's just my two cents though I'm sure others have different opinions.
P.S. I was a blackberry fan for years and had all their devices. So I have more than enough experience to speak on the subject of feeling ******* on by a company that you were loyal to.
P.S. I was a blackberry fan for years and had all their devices. So I have more than enough experience to speak on the subject of feeling ******* on by a company that you were loyal to.