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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 17, 2017
Tucson, AZ
I'm new to apple but my family has been using them for years. The hate that I see recently is a bit disgusting to say the least. I believe we are at a point where there really is no "better" phone. It's all based on personal opinion and what you like and desire in a device. What gets me is last year Samsung released a device that literally was exploding in peoples pockets.... And I didn't see this amount of hate for them. To me apple is who they always have been. The 8 and 8+ is basically what they have been doing for how many years now? People have been lining up for years for updates to the camera, a better processor, and a feature or two that Apple claims is going to change the industry or is industry leading. This is not a new thing but from some reason people are up in arms NOW. Nothing about the iPhone X is surprising to me. I personally don't think it is nowhere as bad as people are making it out to be because of a notch on the display. If it really is that bad I hope that you make your purchase with another phone manufacturer and you enjoy that device. I just wanted to point out that the backlash is a little over dramatic and is a bit much. That's just my two cents though I'm sure others have different opinions.

P.S. I was a blackberry fan for years and had all their devices. So I have more than enough experience to speak on the subject of feeling ******* on by a company that you were loyal to.
It's your two cents and that is cool. The same way as two cents from anyone else is fine.

Maybe you didn't look hard enough but when the note 7 had its issues people went crazy. Even to this day.
This is the third thread about 'hate' that I have responded to that I know of. Maybe there are more…

If hate is expressing an opinion that is negative or that does not agree with Apple and it's choices then I am guilty of hate.

But I have yet to start a thread about it.
This is the third thread about 'hate' that I have responded to that I know of. Maybe there are more…

If hate is expressing an opinion that is negative or that does not agree with Apple and it's choices then I am guilty of hate.

But I have yet to start a thread about it.
I'd say hate isn't about a contrary opinion, it's about an emotional opinion that is out of scale with the facts and strays into paranoia and personal attacks (on other members or Apple employees).

The "you don't like it because you don't agree with it" response is a pretty common one when people complain about the tone and level of discourse in the forums and I think it's a thin cover. I may be more sympathetic to some views than others, but the discourtesy doesn't feel at all symmetric to me. It's those with the most negative views of Apple and its products who seem least tolerant of being approached with alternate opinions.
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I have personally heard the word hate a lot recently from people on YouTube and such. The only problem I see is this hate should have been there for years. The hate is from people that are so called loyalist. I problem with that is nothing about the 8 8+ or X is really new for Apple. If you hate them now you should have hated them for the past 3-4 years. Again just what I have been seeing and hearing it's kind of funny and sad to see.
I have personally heard the word hate a lot recently from people on YouTube and such. The only problem I see is this hate should have been there for years. The hate is from people that are so called loyalist. I problem with that is nothing about the 8 8+ or X is really new for Apple. If you hate them now you should have hated them for the past 3-4 years. Again just what I have been seeing and hearing it's kind of funny and sad to see.
This, I think, is because people let their choice of device become part of their identity. Apple pretty much makes one device that tries to meet the needs of everyone. As the first iPhone kids grow up, or as people's preferences naturally diverge from Apple's design goals, this personal identification leads to confusing a difference of opinion with betrayal.
I have personally heard the word hate a lot recently from people on YouTube and such. The only problem I see is this hate should have been there for years. The hate is from people that are so called loyalist. I problem with that is nothing about the 8 8+ or X is really new for Apple. If you hate them now you should have hated them for the past 3-4 years. Again just what I have been seeing and hearing it's kind of funny and sad to see.
That's a shame.

I don't hate Apple. I disagree with the physical design decsions they have made since the iPhone 6 and the opinons I have tend to be quite strong (and others would say vocal), but I don't hate them.

I also don't believe in treating other people discourteously when I have a disagreement. Reasonable people can engage in a civil discussion without getting personal and either be swayed one way or the other by the arguments presented or just agree to disagree.

I don't like fanboys no matter where they stand.
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What gets me is last year Samsung released a device that literally was exploding in peoples pockets.... And I didn't see this amount of hate for them.
You must not spend much time on Android message boards or Android blogs. A lot of people dislike Samsung because their "vomit everything possible into the OS and see what people will be willing to eat" approach and negativity towards Samsung really flared up for months.
Aside from the notch being disastrous software design (due to not blacking it out which would save battery by the way), there are two other embarrassingly bad software design decisions.

Those of course are Notification Center and Control Center being both at the top of the display. Now, firstly it’s mind-bending that they were stupid enough to place Control Center haphazardly on the right-most portion of the status bar where Notification Center has always been accessible in all of. Worse than that though, is not only not removing Notification Center from the top of this much taller display, but actually adding Control Center to the top as well. So they decided to move a vitally important aspect of the UI to a place where 99% of users cannot reach it without adjusting the positioning of the phone in their hand, or using both hands.

So, what do I suggest they do, which they won’t because they have next to no intelligent people in decision-making positions: I suggest that neither Notification Center or Control Center is accessible from the top of the display on the iPhone X. These should be accessible by a left swipe on the home bar sliding Control Center over and a right swipe sliding the Lock Screen/Notification Center over. This way you can access all of these without moving the phone in your hand and/or using both hands. In addition, a swipe upward on either screen will take you back to the Home Screen, so you don’t have to swipe back if swiping up feels better to you.

Finally, a swipe down from the status bar is now replaced by a full-screen search and widgets page, which means that two swipes to access widgets and search would no longer be necessary from apps.

I know Apple won’t do this because they simply don’t have good software designers anymore, but at least I want to give people the joy of thinking about how amazing it could be if they did. By the way, imagine the Plus-sized OLED iPhone X next year with that display height. It would be nothing short of comical to put the Notification Center and Control Center at the top.
Another thread where a reaction to others negativity is exaggerated as ‘hate’. Most of this negativity on here is from iPhone users who are disappointed with the release and the absurd price Apple have slapped on it. We’ve been waiting for years for a phone like this and are now being told it’s going to cost us £400 more than the previous premium.

That is disappointment, not hate. Everybody is entitled to share their views and not every discussion needs to a fluffy and sugar coated just because others have an unhealthy love affair with a brand.
This is the third thread about 'hate' that I have responded to that I know of. Maybe there are more…

If hate is expressing an opinion that is negative or that does not agree with Apple and it's choices then I am guilty of hate.

But I have yet to start a thread about it.

I think the OP is referring to the snarky comments as opposed to the rational, considered ones.
And then on a tech site, you're going to have those who are going to express their displeasure with design, redundancy and overall displeasure with what Apple is doing from what they used to be how they were years ago. You just have to read what you want to choose to believe in and understand viewpoints come across all sides.
I think the OP is referring to the snarky comments as opposed to the rational, considered ones.
I got the impression OP was meaning actual personal attacks. I.e., typical comments like "Apple is trash and people who use Apple devices are dumb" type of thing.

Snark is one thing, something I am guilty of on occasion. But the out and out personal attacks is where I put the line for hate.
The reason for the hate is that Apple screwed up. People are used to spending a lot of money on an iPhone but Apple pulled the double whammy - raised the price a lot AND made it available 2 months later so people have 60 days to hate on the company. It was a dumb move. A new device, at a new price tag should be released immediately so people can be talking about how great it is and how worthy of the price it is instead of how expensive it is and with that a bunch of other reasons that they have against the product. It's their own fault. When it's released, and if the product is great - the hate will melt away.
Apple customers have high standards. Someone has to keep the company on the top of their game. When they slack off like they did this year they need to be put in their place.
I got the impression OP was meaning actual personal attacks. I.e., typical comments like "Apple is trash and people who use Apple devices are dumb" type of thing.

Snark is one thing, something I am guilty of on occasion. But the out and out personal attacks is where I put the line for hate.


I never say the following.....

I hate this phone, but use instead “not for me”

Or say this color is hideous or ugly. Instead, this color is not for me. Or how about this one. Don’t say anything at all.

However, many people do, and this shows some immaturity in that person.
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I'm new to apple but my family has been using them for years. The hate that I see recently is a bit disgusting to say the least. I believe we are at a point where there really is no "better" phone. It's all based on personal opinion and what you like and desire in a device. What gets me is last year Samsung released a device that literally was exploding in peoples pockets.... And I didn't see this amount of hate for them. To me apple is who they always have been. The 8 and 8+ is basically what they have been doing for how many years now? People have been lining up for years for updates to the camera, a better processor, and a feature or two that Apple claims is going to change the industry or is industry leading. This is not a new thing but from some reason people are up in arms NOW. Nothing about the iPhone X is surprising to me. I personally don't think it is nowhere as bad as people are making it out to be because of a notch on the display. If it really is that bad I hope that you make your purchase with another phone manufacturer and you enjoy that device. I just wanted to point out that the backlash is a little over dramatic and is a bit much. That's just my two cents though I'm sure others have different opinions.

P.S. I was a blackberry fan for years and had all their devices. So I have more than enough experience to speak on the subject of feeling ******* on by a company that you were loyal to.
At least you're not a new member making a "goodbye" thread and never been heard again.
It's the internet.
I do think the "hate" showing up here means that we as Apple user community has a more conducive forum, to the point that non-Apple people (there are a lot of them here) are coming here to interact (be it hate or whatnot). Maybe they just need friends and they couldn't find it outside.
I got the impression OP was meaning actual personal attacks. I.e., typical comments like "Apple is trash and people who use Apple devices are dumb" type of thing.

Snark is one thing, something I am guilty of on occasion. But the out and out personal attacks is where I put the line for hate.

Maybe "snarky" was the wrong word. I like your explanation better.
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I don’t think comments should get personal. They do, unfortunately, and it isn’t exclusive to here or even Apple. It’s in the Android world too, but also politics, cars, gaming, sports - everyone has loyalties, biases, etc.

I think though, it’s important we can make thoughtful criticisms about a thing and not be attacked personally. I don’t like the notch in the X for example, and I wish the camera sensor was maybe a little bigger. They are so minor. Those are criticisms that maybe if enough people have, Apple will implement changes. OR maybe I will see that the notch is fine and the camera is awesome as is. I think whether it’s our preferred devices or even our political affiliations, we should be happy and excited when new things happen but also not be afraid to be critical either.

I think when people join a forum just to bash a thing though doesn’t help either side of the conversation.
I'm new to apple but my family has been using them for years. The hate that I see recently is a bit disgusting to say the least. I believe we are at a point where there really is no "better" phone. It's all based on personal opinion and what you like and desire in a device. What gets me is last year Samsung released a device that literally was exploding in peoples pockets.... And I didn't see this amount of hate for them. To me apple is who they always have been. The 8 and 8+ is basically what they have been doing for how many years now? People have been lining up for years for updates to the camera, a better processor, and a feature or two that Apple claims is going to change the industry or is industry leading. This is not a new thing but from some reason people are up in arms NOW. Nothing about the iPhone X is surprising to me. I personally don't think it is nowhere as bad as people are making it out to be because of a notch on the display. If it really is that bad I hope that you make your purchase with another phone manufacturer and you enjoy that device. I just wanted to point out that the backlash is a little over dramatic and is a bit much. That's just my two cents though I'm sure others have different opinions.

P.S. I was a blackberry fan for years and had all their devices. So I have more than enough experience to speak on the subject of feeling ******* on by a company that you were loyal to.

You can't tell me you didn't see this amount of hate for the exploding note 7. You actually saw even more. Every blog, the entire macrumors, and every iFan dug into the note 7's explosions like excellent mash potatoes and gravy and scraped the plate for the final remainders. Samsung's come back has been Epic though :D.

Apple reached a point where they marketed themselves as the best and its really not matching that philosophy in several ways.
This is the third thread about 'hate' that I have responded to that I know of. Maybe there are more…

If hate is expressing an opinion that is negative or that does not agree with Apple and it's choices then I am guilty of hate.

But I have yet to start a thread about it.

This,it is not ‘hate’ to criticise a product or a company that makes a product you use!
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