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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 25, 2011
Yeah. The only other apps I had open in the background was YouTube, Starbucks, App Store, Settings and Mail.

What should I make of this? Is this the best we can expect at this time? Will iOS 8.1 update help?


macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
Zzzzzzzzzzzz :tumbleweed:

Here we go again....then again why not return it and get some thing else?


macrumors 6502a
Dec 10, 2013
It's safari or ios 8. try a different browse. I like Mercury.

It's not ios 8 , this has happened on every iphone I have used, but to varying degrees.

I've personally only used safari on the 5s though so I can't speak to alternate browsers on that device, but on my 4s I've used mercury, dolphin and a few others and I've always had tab reloading no matter what.

Also lots of crashes on the 4s, I had some crashes on the iPad Air too, and lots of reloads.


macrumors 68040
Sep 15, 2012
Oh god you're right! Wouldn't want someone discussing the iphone on the iphone board would we?!

There are millions of people trying to enjoy their new phones this weekend. They have waited a long time and paid hundreds of dollars for this. Why rain on their parade with negativity? Apple has a strong reason to believe that 1GB RAM is sufficient, so why keep questioning that?



macrumors 6502a
Jan 23, 2012
Are we sure this is a ram issue? This might be this way by design. Are there any developers that could comment on this? I know iOS likes to keep a tight hold on memory allocation.

I remember even back when I had my iPhone 3G that often times when I go from one page to another it would reload. Which is quite frustrating if you're in the middle of typing a response. I believe the iPhone 4 acted this way as well as my iPhone 5, with the iPhone 5 not being quite as sensitive.

I got to a point where I would write out my response in notes in it's entirety. Then copy the entire response and paste it into the field where I was replying on the webpage.

I suppose if it had twice the ram maybe this wouldn't be an issue. But I've grown so accustomed to using it that it doesn't really matter to me anymore. I don't know.


macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
Oh god you're right! Wouldn't want someone discussing the iphone on the iphone board would we?!

It's not that. It just that there are already so many of this thread. Last one the mod had to make a statement to play nicely. And they are filled with misinformation and conceptions.

Yes safari on iOS prefers to reload from source opposed to alternatives (for brevity I won't list them all). It has been like that for ever, new hardware doesn't change that. Heck do you recall that originally the vision was to only have html/cloud apps and nothing locally.

It is what it is and what it had always been.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 10, 2013
There are millions of people trying to enjoy their new phones this weekend. They have waited a long time and paid hundreds of dollars for this. Why rain on their parade with negativity? Apple has a strong reason to believe that 1GB RAM is sufficient, so why keep questioning that?

This is a major issue that needs to be discussed for people to make an educated decision on purchasing this phone. I'm one of those people, so I will discuss and talk about it. Not just sweep it under the rug and pretend everything's perfect.

Its a forum about discussion of the iphone where does it say that you have to be all positive smiley happy and not question a thing to not make someone's feelings hurts? That's dumb, I'm not going to control what I'm discussing because it breaks someone's blissful ignorance.


It's not that. It just that there are already so many of this thread. Last one the mod had to make a statement to play nicely. And they are filled with misinformation and conceptions.

Yes safari on iOS prefers to reload from source opposed to alternatives (for brevity I won't list them all). It has been like that for ever, new hardware doesn't change that. Heck do you recall that originally the vision was to only have html/cloud apps and nothing locally.

It is what it is and what it had always been.

I haven't seen that many threads on it really. Far more threads are about "OH THE 6+ IZ SO BIG XDDD"


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
Regardless of it being a RAM issue or not it's still an issue.

At this point I don't understand why Apple won't fix it.

It's annoying, it uses MUCH more data (relatively speaking), it waste time, it waste battery, you lose information previously input, etc etc.

With iOS 6 I never noticed this. With iOS 7 I'd have to make it happen. With iOS 8 I notice it constantly when using Safari.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
There are millions of people trying to enjoy their new phones this weekend. They have waited a long time and paid hundreds of dollars for this. Why rain on their parade with negativity? Apple has a strong reason to believe that 1GB RAM is sufficient, so why keep questioning that?

Yeah, that strong reason is their hardcore fanbase who will buy *anything* and be 100% happy with it. 1GB of RAM is pathetic and a total dealbreaker for me.


macrumors 6502a
May 6, 2013
Yeah, that strong reason is their hardcore fanbase who will buy *anything* and be 100% happy with it. 1GB of RAM is pathetic and a total dealbreaker for me.

You are welcome to move to Android, where the apps and tabs reload in exactly the same manner.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 10, 2013
You are welcome to move to Android, where the apps and tabs reload in exactly the same manner.

I've only had one android device (note 3) and it didnt. At all.

I had tabs that lasted me to the next day when I was using the phone for other things. I hated lots about android, that definitely wasn't something I hated.


macrumors 68000
Jun 11, 2009
SF Bay Area, CA
There are millions of people trying to enjoy their new phones this weekend. They have waited a long time and paid hundreds of dollars for this. Why rain on their parade with negativity? Apple has a strong reason to believe that 1GB RAM is sufficient, so why keep questioning that?


Apple does have a strong reason for believing 1GB of RAM is's called maximizing profit margins.

More RAM is always better. It increases the performance capability of the system and gives it a longer lifespan. Apple compromised here and anyone who says otherwise is purely delusional.

The iphone 6 may be OK for now RAM-wise (aside from frequent safari tab and app reloads) but it was already the bottleneck of the hardware a year ago. The A8 is marginally faster than the A7, RAM is the same and the OS keeps getting bigger with real multi-tasking supposedly coming.

:apple: really ********d people over by not putting a proper 2GB in the 6... I guess it makes a compelling case for the 6S next year.

Personally, I refuse to buy the 6 because of the lack of upgraded RAM going on 3 years now. Ridiculous, right? However to me, it really shows how apple is baking a short lifespan into the 6 right out of the gate.


You are welcome to move to Android, where the apps and tabs reload in exactly the same manner.

This is a retarded statement that people keep making. Say anything negative about Apple's decisions and get told to jump ship to android. There are a lot of people that prefer ios over android for many reasons (myself included) but it isn't perfect and I think we can all agree more RAM would greatly improve the experience. Nothing wrong with being critical of a product and the decisions made by Apple.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
Apple does have a strong reason for believing 1GB of RAM is's called maximizing profit margins.

More RAM is always better. It increases the performance capability of the system and gives it a longer lifespan. Apple compromised here and anyone who says otherwise is purely delusional.

The iphone 6 may be OK for now RAM-wise (aside from frequent safari tab and app reloads) but it was already the bottleneck of the hardware a year ago. The A8 is marginally faster than the A7, RAM is the same and the OS keeps getting bigger with real multi-tasking supposedly coming.

:apple: really ********d people over by not putting a proper 2GB in the 6... I guess it makes a compelling case for the 6S next year.

Personally, I refuse to buy the 6 because of the lack of upgraded RAM going on 3 years now. Ridiculous, right? However to me, it really shows how apple is baking a short lifespan into the 6 right out of the gate.


This is a retarded statement that people keep making. Say anything negative about Apple's decisions and get told to jump ship to android. There are a lot of people that prefer ios over android for many reasons (myself included) but it isn't perfect and I think we can all agree more RAM would greatly improve the experience. Nothing wrong with being critical of a product and the decisions made by Apple.

This. In a nutshell.


macrumors 68030
Mar 27, 2011
This is consistently the most frustrating thing about iPhone and apple refuses to address it. What a disappointment. In every other way, I'm happy with the 6.


macrumors regular
Sep 27, 2011
I honestly don't see why this is such a big deal! You're not even looking at the page as it refreshes, correct? What's the problem?


macrumors 6502
Apr 5, 2011
Funny. I have 4 tabs open right now on my plus. No refreshing. Not sure what the problem with yours is.

Try Chrome and get back to us. I've been having issues with Safari on iOS 8

Yeah that too. I was using chrome last night. had 5-6 tabs with high resolution images (3000+ pixels on the long edge) loaded and no refreshing switching between them.
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