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macrumors newbie
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Apr 22, 2018
I just got the type-c shaft up the wazoo at a major convention and I'm very angry.

The organizers being what they usually are, didn't have the HDMI cable I asked for 3weeks before my presentation and that they said in writing that they would have and that I shouldn't worry. They searched and found a VGA adaptor for mini display... Nice.

So I was forced to export a pdf from keynote and transfer my video files with a usb stick on a pc dinosaur with VGA while a large audience waited. Then I had to manually go and find the videos every time during the presentation. The cherry on the top was the lack of sound for some reason. Exporting to powerpoint wasn't going to happen.

Yes, they are unorganized at conventions and yes I know about Murphy's law so I should stay away from a pro model with no freakin ports.

...but can we have some ports please? Why is it still called a macbook PRO? Put some ports on the damn thing.
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I did training for 2 large organizations traveled to many countries. I got burned once, and after that I carried my own cables, adapters, everything I needed for every situation. I never wanted to depend on anybody to know what I needed or to supply it, whether it is their job or not. I even carried my own portable projector and speakers.

If the MBP doesn't have enough ports for you, then buy something that does. But there should be enough adapters and cables to make most anything work with a MBP.
I did training for 2 large organizations traveled to many countries. I got burned once, and after that I carried my own cables, adapters, everything I needed for every situation. I never wanted to depend on anybody to know what I needed or to supply it, whether it is their job or not. I even carried my own portable projector and speakers.

If the MBP doesn't have enough ports for you, then buy something that does. But there should be enough adapters and cables to make most anything work with a MBP.

If you can't present a keynote for an audience without bringing your own projector, there is a problem. Getting burned once is once too many IMO. What the heck did they make this thing light and thin for If you have to carry your entire studio with you?
So, you don't travel with a complete tool kit for your job? Sounds pretty unpro to me.../burn

Seriously, though, that's why when we have guest speakers I get the presentation in advance and test all of the slides on a computer we have setup so we know when the speaker gives his/her presentation there's no worry about something like that happening.
Carry enough cables and adapters to cover what you need.
So I have to buy and carry every type-c adaptor on the market plus cables and maybe even my own projector and all the hardware to install it on the ceiling. So I have to be there like 2hours before hand just in case... with my super portable macbook pro. Cool
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So I have to buy and carry every type-c adaptor on the market plus cables and maybe even my own projector and all the hardware to install it on the ceiling. So I have to be there like 2hours before hand just in case... with my super portable macbook pro. Cool

You mean one of the plenty USB-C PD + HDMI/VGA + USB-A adaptors?
I HAD my own adaptor. They didn't have an HDMI cable or a projector with HDMI for that matter.

So if you had say a 2015 MBP, how exactly would you have connected to a projector with no HDMI? I assume an adapter correct since the 2015 didn't have a VGA connection either. And in this case an adapter would have resolved the same issue correct?

Blame the organizers for having severely dated technology and yourself for relying on others to get what you need.
You mean one of the plenty USB-C PD + HDMI/VGA + USB-A adaptors?

yes, that too. But I need two of those anyway right, in case on stops working like they do all the time. There are at least two people in here that got similarly burnt and I've seen it happen before. When you drop every port people used before on your machines, it's going to happen. I'm sure it happens with clunky pc's but I'm sure it's not this often.
So if you had say a 2015 MBP, how exactly would you have connected to a projector with no HDMI? I assume an adapter correct since the 2015 didn't have a VGA connection either. And in this case an adapter would have resolved the same issue correct?

Blame the organizers for having severely dated technology and yourself for relying on others to get what you need.

They had a VGA adapter for the 2015 model dude. I'm guessing they thought it covered it, even though they said in writing they had an hdmi cable. But seriously, I don't think anyone here is getting the point.
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yes, that too. But I need two of those anyway right, in case on stops working like they do all the time. There are at least two people in here that got similarly burnt and I've seen it happen before. When you drop every port people used before on your machines, it's going to happen. I'm sure it happens with clunky pc's but I'm sure it's not this often.

They had a VGA adapter for the 2015 adaptor dude. I'm guessing they thought it covered it, even though they said in writing they had an hdmi cable.

Ok so they didn't have what you asked for. Still don't see how this is an issue with the current MBP and USB-C when the problem originated from the organizer not having what you needed and you relying on them to do so.

You knew what you bought and the connections it has. Its your job to make sure you have what you need to adapt to what someone else may have. The first thing I bought was an adapter that handled all my connection needs for this reason. Never depend on anyone else to do what you need or this will be the outcome more times than not.
Ok so they didn't have what you asked for. Still don't see how this is an issue with the current MBP and USB-C when the problem originated from the organizer not having what you needed and you relying on them to do so.

You knew what you bought and the connections it has. Its your job to make sure you have what you need to adapt to what someone else may have. The first thing I bought was an adapter that handled all my connection needs for this reason. Never depend on anyone else to do what you need or this will be the outcome more times than not.

I agree with most of that, and this is why I mention all this in my first post. Of course we don't always have the time or money to take safe measures for everything. Doesn't anyone see the irony in this? Why are people getting burnt so often with these PRO machines? It just shouldn't be that easy.
...Why are people getting burnt so often with these PRO machines?

Simple, they are unprepared. No other reason. They knew what they bought and didn't prepare for what they need. Sorry if thats not the answer you're looking for but its facts. I didnt buy my Mustang and ask why I don't get great gas mileage. I knew what I bought when I bought it and factored that into my decision.
I guess I am not seeing how this happened. I present at conference quite often and these days carry adapters that let me support HDMI, VGA, DVI, and DP. And this on a 2015 15" MBP pro with HDMI, mini-DP, etc ports. I also have an 1/8" male to male cable, and 1/8" male to RCA cable for audio.

I always try to do a tech check the day before if possible, so I can run out and get adapters I need. That is how I ended with so many adapters.
OP is wanting everyone to be outraged with the MBP, when I don't think that is the issue at all
I always carry what I need, and I don't depend on others, because they aren't dependable
Apparently from the first post it was due to them not having a simple HDMI cable
I have one in my bag, so problem solved for me
If you know you are going to need one, and you ask in advance for them to supply one and got it in writing... you could have just carried one
You know OP, bolding PRO doesn’t really mean anything. If you need a portable machine that has every conceivable port built in, then it’s not so portable any more, and most professionals would rather keep their spines intact when carting their laptop around.

Objectively if you’re looking at a “professional port” (whatever the damn that would be), then a port with 40Gb/s throughput that can both charge your machine, be daisy chained, export audio & video, or convert into any legacy port is pretty much as “Pro” as you can imagine. And there’s more than one of those ports on that machine.

Carry your own adapters.
Simple, they are unprepared. No other reason. They knew what they bought and didn't prepare for what they need. Sorry if thats not the answer you're looking for but its facts. I didnt buy my Mustang and ask why I don't get great gas mileage. I knew what I bought when I bought it and factored that into my decision.

Ok guys, I'm as much a fanboy as you are, I've been using a mac since the mid 90's, and I get it. I've plowed through all the apple idiosyncrasies especially their port dumping fetish over the years (I had all the dongles). Dumping all ports though.. its just become ridiculous. It doesn't take the human factor or the wear and tear factor or the bug factor in to consideration. I'm not saying include all ports (geez...), i'm just saying it shouldn't be this easy for a pro to get burnt on a pro model. People should adapt to technology as much as technology adapts to them, and lately it's been a **** ton more of the first case. ... and this invites problems... and problems seem to be very disproportionate. Human factor, wear and tear factror, bug factor. A dongle is one more thing those factors can party with.
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Ok guys, I'm as much a fanboy as you are, I've been using a mac since the mid 90's, and I get it. I've plowed through all the apple idiosyncrasies especially their port dumping fetish over the years (I had all the toggles). Dumping all ports though.. its just become ridiculous. It doesn't take the human factor or the wear and tear factor or the bug factor in to consideration. I'm not saying include all ports (geez...), i'm just saying it shouldn't be this easy for a pro to get burnt on a pro model. People should adapt to technology as much as technology adapts to them, and lately it's been a **** ton more of the first case. ... and this invites problems... and problems seem to be very disproportionate. Human factor, wear and tear factror, bug factor. A toggle is one more thing those factors can party with.

Definitely not an Apple fanboy (Note 8 is my daily driver). No matter how much you dislike the moves Apples made, the fact is you bought their product knowing what it did or didn't have and left it up to someone else to accommodate your needs.

They dumped the ports for a reason and if you understand USB-C you would see its for a very good reason. Wear and tear on USB-C is less likely than USB-A. Bug factor? There was no bug except you didn't have the right connector. This technology isn't new, its been around for a couple of years. Plenty of time to understand whats necessary to use it.

Everything you've stated is an excuse for why you weren't prepared. Key word being you. Its your machine and your profession, not Apples or an event organizer.
Well... I am mainly disappointed by the removal of the SD card reader. As I have an Air, I am used to carry miniDP -> everything else all the time, so I don't care about this. Apple has power to push USB-C - if they weren't so drastic, the USB-C devices would need several additional year to become the norm.
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Definitely not an Apple fanboy (Note 8 is my daily driver). No matter how much you dislike the moves Apples made, the fact is you bought their product knowing what it did or didn't have and left it up to someone else to accommodate your needs.

They dumped the ports for a reason and if you understand USB-C you would see its for a very good reason. Wear and tear on USB-C is less likely than USB-A. Bug factor? There was no bug except you didn't have the right connector. This technology isn't new, its been around for a couple of years. Plenty of time to understand whats necessary to use it.

Everything you've stated is an excuse for why you weren't prepared. Key word being you. Its your machine and your profession, not Apples or an event organizer.

Except I'm not talking about usb-c... I'm talking about usb-c dongles. Plenty of bugs, one more thing to forget and plenty of wear and tare on a dongle and these are facts. And yes, I wasn't prepared for ALL possibilities and that doesn't make my argument any less poignant.
Well... USB-C to MiniDP -> something else should work... At least I hope so, I want to reuse my current dongles.
Except I'm not talking about usb-c... I'm talking about usb-c dongles. Plenty of bugs, one more thing to forget and plenty of wear and tare on a dongle and these are facts. And yes, I wasn't prepared for ALL possibilities and that doesn't make my argument any less poignant.

Forgetting your tools to do your job is not a bug, its a flaw in your preparation.

When you got up on stage and couldn't do your job, who looked foolish? Apple? The organizer? No, it was you. Who's on a forum complaining about not being able to do your job? Who could have prevented all of this from the get go? Notice how all these answers are "you"?

Its your responsibility to do your job. You willingly bought a computer with less ports than you needed. Apple didn't make you buy it but they did make available the tools to continue to do your job, you just chose not to acquire them prior to your presentation.

Youre mad at everyone else except the person who caused this situation from the moment they bought a new computer, you.

If you were one of my sales guys, this situation would have gotten you fired.
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