Frankly, I am looking forward to using my iPhone less and disconnecting a bit more from the smartphone. Too much of society is so intertwined with their devices that it is becoming a bit disconcerting. It stumps me how I am using my iPhone 6 Plus for 8-9 hours each day, but the usage stats show the same fate almost every day. The Apple Watch may be worth the cost of admission for that alone: allowing me to become less tethered to my iPhone. Mind you, I use it as my tablet and smartphone but that is no excuse to spend half my waking hours on a phone, as I'm sure is not an oddity in the slightest in the modern day.
So, how significantly has your iPhone usage gone down since buying the Watch? Hopefully there are some success stories that cut their time spent on a smartphone in half
. Would be interesting to hear if the Apple Watch changed users' computer/tablet habits as well.
So, how significantly has your iPhone usage gone down since buying the Watch? Hopefully there are some success stories that cut their time spent on a smartphone in half