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macrumors newbie
Mar 9, 2016
The complete OS overhaul that makes navigation so much better? Nah

The addition of cycling workouts? Also nah

The side button being changed to be more useful? You guessed it, nah

The real highlight of watchOS 10 ain't the complete rework that makes watchOS a lot more usable, the real highlight is HIM:


I'm genuinely serious, the Snoopy watchface is the best addition to watchOS 10. At first I wrote it off as just a cute addition. When I used the watchface though, I realized the watchface is more than just cute. The amount of work that was put into this face having Snoopy and friends fully animated with the watch hands is incredible. There's a vast amount of different animations they will do and it makes the watch face really come alive. Everytime you lift up your wrist to see the time, Snoopy does something that really brightens your day. The watchface is a really good mood improver just from watching the things they do on your watch.

Honestly this watchface is proof Apple needs to allow people to make and sell watchfaces on the App Store. People want more watchfaces like this, things you can do on an Apple Watch you can't do on a "real watch."
every time I see what Snoopy is doing gives me a big genuine smile. I really needed this!!!


macrumors newbie
Sep 28, 2023
I agree. It's a wonderful addition. "Here's a gorgeous, entertaining, fun new watch face! We broke literally everything else just to get you this, have a nice day!"


macrumors 68000
Nov 11, 2012
Windy City
My fascination with Snoopy face quickly ended after realizing it was killing my battery by good 30% or more and causing my watch to run out of juice by late afternoon.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 29, 2012
Welp, read some of this thread yesterday and thought it was ridiculous. "I'd never want a Snoopy watch face, how unaesthetic?"

Well, when trying different bands on my AW Ultra 2, I added a Nike Face to match an old Nike band. When scrolling by all the faces and saw Snoopy and thought, "What the hell."

Ok, I gotta say... it is cute as ****.

Clever & Charming. It does genuinely lift your spirits. Hopefully the AW Ultra 2 and it's large battery won't be victims of all this animated winsomeness.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 23, 2009
have not noticed a reduction in battery but I’m coming from a series 7 and the battery was ok on that. Not sure how much of an upgrade it is so might return and keep my 7.


macrumors 601
Apr 21, 2004
The complete OS overhaul that makes navigation so much better? Nah

The addition of cycling workouts? Also nah

The side button being changed to be more useful? You guessed it, nah

The real highlight of watchOS 10 ain't the complete rework that makes watchOS a lot more usable, the real highlight is HIM:


I'm genuinely serious, the Snoopy watchface is the best addition to watchOS 10. At first I wrote it off as just a cute addition. When I used the watchface though, I realized the watchface is more than just cute. The amount of work that was put into this face having Snoopy and friends fully animated with the watch hands is incredible. There's a vast amount of different animations they will do and it makes the watch face really come alive. Everytime you lift up your wrist to see the time, Snoopy does something that really brightens your day. The watchface is a really good mood improver just from watching the things they do on your watch.

Honestly this watchface is proof Apple needs to allow people to make and sell watchfaces on the App Store. People want more watchfaces like this, things you can do on an Apple Watch you can't do on a "real watch."
I know I made a post and I love this watch face it makes me smile. I believe there’s two hours worth of animation they created. Tons of work program this watch face. I hope they update the animation consistent through the years I love it.


macrumors 68000
Sep 9, 2020
Yesterday I noticed Snoopy (had managed to miss this thread - or forgot it) and switched to it. It's pretty darned good. :)

This morning, watch was on 5% and in low power mode by 10:00. I can usually last until at least 17:00 before being concerned.

Can't think of any other changes I've made, or different activities, etc. which might account for that. So have switched back to a conventional face.


macrumors 6502
Sep 23, 2018
I agree 100%. I especially look forward to Sundays when I switch the color to Sunday Surprise.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 3, 2018
Philadelphia Suburbs
I love Snoopy and put it on when I want to enjoy it. Have switched to regular for everyday use so i dont tax the battery too much when I’m working and not really focusing on it.
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