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When it goes retail, I may play it, my my hardware is adequate. Have they decided on a subscription model? It won't be on VR which I don't think is yet ready for prime time.
Yeah, the other thread the OP hasn't been on Macrumors for over a year, so I doubt we'll see a name change.

I'm getting to know the program - I work weekends so I have to wait until Monday to continue.

I tried those two Origin ships that were being demoed - they're pretty cool!

I found a ship in space - I EVA'd (abandoning the Origin ship I was flying around in) and took it back to that space station - but crash landed it (I guess I forgot to put the landing pads down) - total noob... :)

It's a great game so far! Such realism and depth to it - my next days off I'm gonna start going through intro vids from here:

and do a few easy missions...
SC does a *lot* of the immersion stuff well. In another thread, I talked about how some games do it well and others just crap out.

Well, every time I go through the airlock to go to my ship, I really, really feel like I'm in a star port in space.
SC does a *lot* of the immersion stuff well. In another thread, I talked about how some games do it well and others just crap out.

Well, every time I go through the airlock to go to my ship, I really, really feel like I'm in a star port in space.

Yeah, it is not like Everspace - just play a sector or two...

You have to really sit down and enjoy the stuff. I played around for a while on the 2 Origin ships that were being previewed.

I'm glad I signed up - for the beauty of it...

Great time to have a PC for Space Games (especially with the technology being able to run these games is getting more and more inexpensive).
At some point (like, after I get my new graphics card and computer all set up), we should try to coordinate some play time. I have a Freelancer that I'd be interested in trying out with extras, to check out the different crew positions.

The front two seats have differing controls! The rear seats have some basic energy management, as well, and, well, I definitely need a second person to man the turret!
I just saw this posted on Squadron 42, the single player game that is also part of Star Citizen:

This game just keeps on getting more massive. Now they are going to release 3 episodes of Squadron 42, a couple of years apart...the production values look amazing.
I'm not sure if this will get more people excited, or turn people off, but this guy does 2x daily streams of his Star Citizen play...I could not play this style (i.e., to quote AfterShave in another video, as a "prick") but I have to say, he does show what is possible in this game:

I'm not sure if this will get more people excited, or turn people off, but this guy does 2x daily streams of his Star Citizen play...I could not play this style (i.e., to quote AfterShave in another video, as a "prick") but I have to say, he does show what is possible in this game:

That's so cool - there's so much to this game, it is sometimes overwhelming...
Just had my first experience with multi-player on my Freelancer! Wow, really cool...met up with a fellow citizen on Port Olisar, invited him to fly my Freelancer so I could operate the turret and sit in the co-pilot's seat (and the engineer seats), since I've never been able to do this solo. Really cool, he ran some missions to get some UEC and I just played turret gunner and coach.

I had to end playing because I had to get ready to go to work...he said "Now -- where are you at?" Turns out I'm in California, he was in Hungary, and a couple of players from Australia were also flying around. Like I said, really cool!
One of the most interesting games lately, but since I'm not really into multiplayer games, I'm mostly interested in Squadron 42. I'll definitely play it, if I ever again decide to get powerful enough PC or if Apple some day makes a computer, capable of running this at usable FPS and graphic detail level, which I can afford...
One of the most interesting games lately, but since I'm not really into multiplayer games, I'm mostly interested in Squadron 42. I'll definitely play it, if I ever again decide to get powerful enough PC or if Apple some day makes a computer, capable of running this at usable FPS and graphic detail level, which I can afford...

Funny, I'm not really into multiplayer games either. But I wanted to try out my Freelancer turret, so I started recruiting players on the in-game chat. Yesterday, I crewed with a fellow from Hungary, and this morning I crewed up with a fellow from Kent, was a blast!
Ops, did not realize there is a dedicated StarCitizen thread!

Been playing the alpha since a long time.
This footage from CitizenCon 2016 blew me away!

StarCitizen can not be released soon enough!
Ops, did not realize there is a dedicated StarCitizen thread!

Been playing the alpha since a long time.
This footage from CitizenCon 2016 blew me away!

StarCitizen can not be released soon enough!


I hope this is actually in the game (*cough* No Man's Sky)... :eek:

Yeah, the other one was more about the initial Crowd Funding and then we started talking about the actual game.

I looked at the OP's profile and the person hadn't logged on in over a year so I doubt the person is around to edit the title...

Hoping to play more of this on my next few days off from work.
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Yeah, that whole demo was awesome. The sand worm was just the icing on the cake, the cool parts were flying past the space station on your way down, going through the atmosphere, flying around, landing, taking a "golf cart" out, and then while on foot, taking the sniper rifle out and looking at the space station up in the sky through the sights. (btw, rifle scopes are currently broken in 2.5).

And don't get me started on the sandstorm!

LOL, the whole thing was good, but frustrating for people looking for a release date, for anything. We were hoping to get a release date for 2.6...and maybe 3.0, but we didn't get either. They did give a highly detailed roadmap for those, and 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and even 4.0.

My take is that we are likely looking at Star Citizen release in mid-late 2018. Squadron 42 should be out early/mid 2017.

In the meantime, the game keeps getting better and better. I'm having a blast playing the 2.5 alpha. And I think 2.6 should be out before November 1. That will be interesting, as that will have Star Marine, the FPS. That will bring a lot more people into the game, so if it isn't (damn near) perfect (and everybody is going to have a different definition of "perfect") people will be whining all over the internet.

Edit -- oops, other fave part of the demo was the guy at the top of the mountain who shouted something like "Hi CitizenCon" when you flew by...
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I also wanted to mention, they gave a display of "Spectrum" -- it looks like their version of Discord/Facebook/Twitter for the game. It looks like it can be used by people to coordinate gaming/missions/and even communications chat, in game.

Anyway, it was demo'ed on a Mac! I didn't even notice it until they guy mentioned it, then me and a couple of other people on a stream went "Mac? Did he just say Mac?" and then he said they built it on a Mac. It was then that I thought to look at the menu bar, and sure enough, it was a Mac!

It was demo'ed in Chrome, however.
Gameplay videos:

O... M... G....

So, now that you can just run and drive around planets, you can essentially opt to play "Halo Style" and not pilot a ship.

Then, you can just "book passage" on some Passenger Spaceliner (run by some other player) and go to some other planet... and do the same...


(smiles at newly built budget gaming pc...) ;)
O... M... G....

So, now that you can just run and drive around planets, you can essentially opt to play "Halo Style" and not pilot a ship.

Then, you can just "book passage" on some Passenger Spaceliner (run by some other player) and go to some other planet... and do the same...


(smiles at newly built budget gaming pc...) ;)

My memory is that (currently) they are going to have about 100 fully developed planets like this, where you can land and go *all* over the planet, and it will be developed by their artists & fully populated with stuff.

There does indeed seem to be a trade, cargo & passenger transport mechanism coming, so stay tuned!
Did we really learn nothing from the last overhype?


Support beautiful games like this one and others (EVERSPACE, Dreadnaught, Dangerous Elite, Infinity: Battlescape), that ACTUALLY HAVE Alpha, Beta, and Early Access play so that people can input their ideas and play the games on the myriad of different system configurations...

(Dang, I wish Infinity: Battlescape Pre-Alpha wasn't so, so expensive right now... :( )
Did we really learn nothing from the last overhype?

If you are talking No Man's Sky, it was a clear warning that there was no early release/playable demo out for people. This, from a studio/developer with *no* track record.

With Star Citizen, you have Chris Roberts, who has a heck of a track record, and you also have playable alpha's that are pretty decent, and that you can give the dev's feedback on.

Is there risk? Sure. But, I've minimized my risk.
So what's the game like right now? Can you do the planetary landing stuff yet?
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