A year ago today, the Apple Watch launched, so today I wanted to take time to reflect on the impact it has had on my life.
The day the watch was announced, I knew I wanted one. I had tested the idea of a smartwatch by purchasing a Pebble a year prior, and decided that I actually found notifications on my wrist to be useful. So, on April 10th I ordered the Apple Watch Stainless Steel w/ Classic Buckle. Immediately I fell in love with it, even though there were some flaws in the way it worked (and yes it was a bit slow.) The reliability of the notifications was a lot more consistent than the Pebble ever was.
Fast forward about a month (May) and I was starting to expand my collection of bands, this was the first time I actually paid attention to what I was wearing and tried to get everything to match. A lot of my clothes were worn out, so I decided to replace them with things that would compliment the watch and the different bands I had purchased.
In August, I realized that I was only using the watch for 2 out of the 3 things it was built for. I was never a healthy person, and back then would have been considered overweight (234lbs, 5' 10"), so, I decided to start paying attention to the health improvement portions of the watch. Between eating healthier and paying attention to the reminders and activity rings on the watch over the past 8 months, I have dropped close to 50lbs (currently at 185lbs) and now have a 33 inch waist.
Even though the Apple Watch does continue to have some bugs and is definitely not a perfect product, it is the one that has had the largest impact on my life. This was just something I wanted to reflect on after owning the Apple Watch for a whole year.
The day the watch was announced, I knew I wanted one. I had tested the idea of a smartwatch by purchasing a Pebble a year prior, and decided that I actually found notifications on my wrist to be useful. So, on April 10th I ordered the Apple Watch Stainless Steel w/ Classic Buckle. Immediately I fell in love with it, even though there were some flaws in the way it worked (and yes it was a bit slow.) The reliability of the notifications was a lot more consistent than the Pebble ever was.
Fast forward about a month (May) and I was starting to expand my collection of bands, this was the first time I actually paid attention to what I was wearing and tried to get everything to match. A lot of my clothes were worn out, so I decided to replace them with things that would compliment the watch and the different bands I had purchased.
In August, I realized that I was only using the watch for 2 out of the 3 things it was built for. I was never a healthy person, and back then would have been considered overweight (234lbs, 5' 10"), so, I decided to start paying attention to the health improvement portions of the watch. Between eating healthier and paying attention to the reminders and activity rings on the watch over the past 8 months, I have dropped close to 50lbs (currently at 185lbs) and now have a 33 inch waist.
Even though the Apple Watch does continue to have some bugs and is definitely not a perfect product, it is the one that has had the largest impact on my life. This was just something I wanted to reflect on after owning the Apple Watch for a whole year.