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Original poster
Nov 21, 2007
Chicago area
Before I take the plunge,

Is there anything I may regret by upgrading? I currently have an iPhone 6s Plus, I like the size of the X, the no bezels and button, I do know it will take some getting use to.

I carry my phone in my pocket and have always found the Plus to be a bit too long. On of the reasons I am considering it is I will also move to Xfinity mobile and take advantage of the $200 Visa Card rebate. I could then sell my 6s Plus as it is in fantastic shape.

So any reasons I should not go to the iPhone X??

If you use your phone to take pictures in low light conditions then you’ll definitely have issues with the red eye problem.
To each their own, really depends on you and if the X suits you and your needs. Personally I love my X. My previous iPhone were 6+, 7+...the X suits me just fine. I was surprised at how quick I got used to the new swipe gestures and Face ID, and the notch people complain about doesn’t bother me one bit. MHO
The X fits nice in the front pocket that's was one of the reasons I'm using the X and not my 8 plus.
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If you have doubts then it's not for you.

Disagree... It's always a good idea to have doubt about a product, do research and ask question before making a final decision. Especially when it's a $1000+ priced phone.

I had doubts about the X but I made the leap and now I am happy that I did so.
Disagree... It's always a good idea to have doubt about a product, do research and ask question before making a final decision. Especially when it's a $1000+ priced phone.

I had doubts about the X but I made the leap and now I am happy that I did so.

If you do your research then normally/usually oneself isn't hesitant with a purchase. That's why you did the research, to know and understand what you are getting for the price. If after that, you are still not convinces enough, then it's not what you need and might regret it later.
stay away from xfinity, they are the devil

LOL, yes will I understand that, I needed Xfinity Internet to get decent speed in my home, that said, their mobile service cost is reasonable to me and they use Verizon network (which I currently use). I plan on trying out the xfinity Mobile prior to switching my whole family while getting $200 back to purchase a device.

I never said I had doubts about the X, but for those of you that switched like I am planning to, maybe there were some things that weren't realized while checking the phone out.

As for the notch, IMHO, there was the wasted space of the middle of the bar across the top and now I would assume it is just the 2 upper 'pockets'

My son went from a iPhone 6 to 7 on Black friday, he say if I get the X he has to get one.. LOL (he is only 15 and yes he bought his own phone)
LOL, yes will I understand that, I needed Xfinity Internet to get decent speed in my home, that said, their mobile service cost is reasonable to me and they use Verizon network (which I currently use). I plan on trying out the xfinity Mobile prior to switching my whole family while getting $200 back to purchase a device.

Understood, just know that xfinity/Comcast is the reason why we have net neutrality debates.
I think you will like it. I came from an iPhone 6S+ and then a similarly sized LG V20. Before that a few Samsung Notes. They all "fit" in my pocket but all felt a bit too long and wide. The iPhone X is a breath of fresh air, for me, in the "pocketability" area.

But I also am really liking its speed, screen and battery life. Face ID works good for me... I am forced to use my PIN less than with fingerprint readers.

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take the plunge, just ask them about their return policy in case you don't like it. I like the smaller size, the phone is gorgeous and has a nice weight to it. The only issue I have is with iOS, which I'm sure they are working on.
I never said I had doubts about the X, but for those of you that switched like I am planning to, maybe there were some things that weren't realized while checking the phone out.

I came to the X from an iPhone 8. There were not really any negative things that I didn't expect after doing research and some lengthily play time with one in the store. There have been a few pleasant surprises though.

1. I really thought I would dislike faceID. I don't and it works better than expected. The bummer of playing with one is store is that you can't test out faceID.
2. I thought I was going to miss the home button and not like the gestures. After 3 days I now love the gestures and don't miss the home button one bit.
3. The notch does not bother me at all. Day one I noticed it every time I looked at the phone, days 2 less and day 3 on I hardly even notice it's there. I've also come to appreciate it as it's not a run of the mill looking phone.

My few gripes:

1. I wish I could have faceID unlock right to the home screen without having to swipe up
2. I wish I could close apps without having to hold before swiping them away.

The phone rocks, battery life for me has been stellar, faceID works well and I dig the gestures.
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I just saw the comments regarding Xfinity mobile and network issues.. that could keep me from switching (Goes back to " You get what you pay for")

If I could find another place to offer $200 off after 90 days.. LOL
I've had my X for two weeks today and have no regrets. I upgraded from a 8 Plus which is a fabulous phone I just didn't care for the size. I also had a 6 Plus for a brief period and didn't like the size then either. I thought maybe the second go round would be better. If I could have dealt with the size I would have waited for the second generation X. In hindsight I'm glad I upgraded. I love the size, gestures and really like Face Id. I've had about every iPhone and this is a good one.
I just saw the comments regarding Xfinity mobile and network issues.. that could keep me from switching (Goes back to " You get what you pay for")

If I could find another place to offer $200 off after 90 days.. LOL

Cheap is never cheap, you'll pay the price for it somewhere, and that somewhere usually ends up being quality of service.
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No regrets on this end. Speedy, battery is great. Just last week I saw an Apple store with a huge line waiting to buy the iPhone X even though it has been a while after release. Just made me even prouder to have had this latest peace of technology as an early adopter.
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Been very happy with my X

give it a go, can always return it. 6s plus is a fantastic device in 2018 as well
I came to the X from an iPhone 8. There were not really any negative things that I didn't expect after doing research and some lengthily play time with one in the store. There have been a few pleasant surprises though.

1. I really thought I would dislike faceID. I don't and it works better than expected. The bummer of playing with one is store is that you can't test out faceID.
2. I thought I was going to miss the home button and not like the gestures. After 3 days I now love the gestures and don't miss the home button one bit.
3. The notch does not bother me at all. Day one I noticed it every time I looked at the phone, days 2 less and day 3 on I hardly even notice it's there. I've also come to appreciate it as it's not a run of the mill looking phone.

My few gripes:

1. I wish I could have faceID unlock right to the home screen without having to swipe up
2. I wish I could close apps without having to hold before swiping them away.

The phone rocks, battery life for me has been stellar, faceID works well and I dig the gestures.

fantastic points. i agree with all your points and gripes. same wavelength over here! :p

one thing with face id though, i wish could use it in bed haha. never works for me lying sideways.
No regrets on this end. Speedy, battery is great. Just last week I saw an Apple store with a huge line waiting to buy the iPhone X even though it has been a while after release. Just made me even prouder to have had this latest peace of technology as an early adopter.

Just curious, how do you know that huge line you saw at the Apple Store, all those customers were there to purchase the iPhone X?
I must say after a few days with the X, I don't think I'll be returning to the 8 plus.
Wanted to post an update.. I have not purchased a phone yet, but I will be staying with Verizon.. if I needed another phone with new service I would have the X by now.

Debating on trading my 6s in or selling it out right (how to tell if my 6s is unlocked I don't know). I also just bought a Series 2 watch (currently have a Series 0/Original) I did not need the speed of the 3 (but wanted better battery)

Anyway, back to the X, Still on my radar as my phone is 2.5 years old, I am good with the size of the X and plan on making a purchase decision soon, I will buy the 256 to have enough space (my 6s+ is 128 and not full)

Thanks for all the info and opinions on those who own a X currently
yeah, cost of it is hard to swallow (Budget challenges), I will buy the 256 if/when I get one, I think I can still trade in my Series 0 watch for $50 GC, then if I trade my 6s+ unless price went down they are valued at $250 (so $300 technically off the new phone) spread payments over 2 years.. then get apple care..

I will see if I can get to the store this week.
Due to some unplanned budgetary issues, I need to wait. that along with my son pointing out that the screen is longer so stuff like the keyboard is similar to the 8 in size. I am going to suck it up and wait until the new releases later this year.

My 6s+ is still fine for me, I will probably get the battery changed for the $29 and use the phone a bit longer.
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Due to some unplanned budgetary issues, I need to wait. that along with my son pointing out that the screen is longer so stuff like the keyboard is similar to the 8 in size. I am going to suck it up and wait until the new releases later this year.

My 6s+ is still fine for me, I will probably get the battery changed for the $29 and use the phone a bit longer.

I like your decision. The keyboard on the X is actually smaller in width compared to the plus model.
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