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macrumors member
Apr 10, 2024
"..and our unwavering focus on privacy, which underpins everything we create."

Pfft, yeah, right, Tim. Google and Meta also have an "unwavering focus" on privacy. Is that the same focus that Apple wants to exploit given their large userbase?

Hard pass on the BS and hard pass on the generative AI. Just update the damn iOS with features folks have been requesting since forever!


macrumors 68020
Apr 19, 2015
They have differential calculous with regards to generative AI…

Apple Calculator in iOS 18 🤔

We determined the rate of change to be glacial for iPad OS 😂


macrumors 6502
Mar 7, 2014
"..and our unwavering focus on privacy, which underpins everything we create."

Pfft, yeah, right, Tim. Google and Meta also have an "unwavering focus" on privacy. Is that the same focus that Apple wants to exploit given their large userbase?

Hard pass on the BS and hard pass on the generative AI. Just update the damn iOS with features folks have been requesting since forever!
This is exactly why I was excited in the past for the Ubuntu powered phone to come to market and North America. I can only guess why it never materialized…wouldn’t be able to sell out users data, etc so easily
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macrumors regular
Sep 18, 2008
New Zealand
other companies are far ahead compared to Apple
Based on what? Ahead as in went to market? Or are you comparing everything to ChatGPT. We do not know what Apple have developed over the last X amount of years they have been working on ML/AI.

Apple have publicly available ML research papers going back to 2017.



macrumors 68020
Apr 19, 2015
It feels so weird that Apple is embracing something without renaming it. I would have expected them to call it "Synthetic Cognition" or something instead of AI.
Im surprised too… but i suspect they dont want the consumer tothink that what they have is different to AI… since its become such a buzz word

But i would say it might have been better for them to markettheirown version of it… as AI is a very loosely defined thing. I mean its a catch all buzz word. If someone says AI, you have little idea of what exactly they using.
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macrumors G4
Nov 9, 2015
Silicon Valley, CA
During today's earnings call covering the second fiscal quarter of 2024, Apple CEO Tim Cook again spoke about Apple's work on generative AI. He said that Apple has "advantages" that will "differentiate" the company in the era of AI, and some "very exciting things" will be shared with customers in the near future.
I love how MacRumors keeps labeling everything generative AI , but Tim Cook never labels what AI is specifically. So why keep using the "generative" without knowing?
We believe in the transformative power and promise of AI and we believe we have advantages that will differentiate us in this new era, including Apple's unique combination of seamless hardware, software and services integration, groundbreaking Apple silicon with our industry leading neural engines, and our unwavering focus on privacy, which underpins everything we create.


macrumors regular
Nov 19, 2015

During today's earnings call covering the second fiscal quarter of 2024, Apple CEO Tim Cook again spoke about Apple's work on generative AI. He said that Apple has "advantages" that will "differentiate" the company in the era of AI, and some "very exciting things" will be shared with customers in the near future.


Rumors have suggested that Apple's first AI features are designed to run on-device rather than contacting a cloud service, which would make Apple's AI much more private and secure than an online AI option. Apple's plan to have generative AI available on-device will require significant CPU and GPU power, and Apple is planning to focus on AI with the upcoming M4 chip.

We could see the M4 chip as soon as next week in new iPad Pro models, with Bloomberg's Mark Gurman indicating last weekend that there is a chance Apple will unveil the chip in the iPad Pro models.

Article Link: Tim Cook on Generative AI: 'We Have Advantages That Will Differentiate Us'
I will be happy if Siri stops asking me several times per week who the hell I am (the only MALE in the house)...


macrumors 68000
Jan 14, 2013
Ai can be pretty useful, and I'm all for a solution that runs locally.
I'm also not a super power user, so I'm sure I'll be satisfied with apple's implementation.


macrumors 6502
Nov 27, 2005
Anyone else fatigued by new AI news? I'm just sick of the existential dread that I feel every time it makes an advancement, which is daily, and I become more and more obsolete as a worker and provider for my family. The creeping anxiety is real. I only have two hopes at the moment: The power requirements are quickly spiraling out of control which will somewhat limit this (and probably work in Apple's favor) and companies will still need people to work jobs so they can pay for things. No jobs = no economy.
Generative AI will fail to replace most white collar work and I’m dubious it could replace the remaining low wage service sector or blue collar work too. It’s a scheme to gin up interest from investors because the allure of proletarianizing the last bit of the middle class.

What this AI is, is nothing more than a sophisticated “I’m feeling lucky” button on Google. Okay a significantly more sophisticated button but nonetheless. It is not real human intelligence.

This is just scheming to keep investors interested in tech speculation in a climate not conducive to speculation. It will hit a ceiling and end up being less than what is sold but will inevitably destroy an industry or two yet replace them with an inferior experience.


macrumors 68000
Jan 14, 2013
Apple wanted to be the leader but invested in the wrong things as well as neglected the next big thing. Now it's playing the follower.

As an Apple user I hope for my own sake that Apple catches up and much more. But I am resentful that Apple has wasted so much of our time and let us down again and again.

Apple has not messed up enough to make me leave yet and I'm heavily invested in their products and ecosystem. So although there is much bitterness I am still rooting for Apple for my own benefit.
I think their focus on making so many new products (just think of all the things apple introduced in the last 10 years) caused this situation.
Spreading too thin.
And the Vision Pro was the nail in the coffin...
Billions spent on r&d and the hype has already died down.

As much as it pains me to admit it, Microsoft has been more forward thinking, and their whole suite of software (including windows itself) is taking advantage of ai BIG TIME.

Of course, even having used Windows on the side for all my life, I still believe it is too much of an unpolished experience; I think that macOS, other than with gaming, is pretty much superior to windows in every possible way...even in the current state og bugs upon bugs (The days of snow leopard become farther and farther away in time...)


macrumors 68000
Oct 16, 2008
Instead of innovating, Tim Cook is constantly trying to jump on the latest bandwagon. Now it happens to be AI. He's a follower, just like he was taught to do in his MBA degree program. Is it any wonder that those of us reading this forum on a Mac, iPhone, or iPad are looking at an ugly flat design UI that Apple copied from Microsoft?

Cook is so clueless when it comes to innovation, which is why he fired Apple's most Steve Jobs-like innovator, which was Scott Forstall.


macrumors newbie
Nov 8, 2023
Florence - Italy
" Apple's plan to have generative AI available on-device will require significant CPU and GPU power, and Apple is planning to focus on AI with the upcoming M4 chip. " MacRumors Cit.

So is it time to waste M3 and M2 SoCs yet?


Apr 24, 2024
Is it any wonder that those of us reading this forum on a Mac, iPhone, or iPad are looking at an ugly flat design UI that Apple copied from Microsoft?
Windows and macOS look nothing alike. Windows 11 is finally starting to look sort of modern, even though they forgot to apply the UI to some parts of the OS, making it still feel very disjointed.

Cook is so clueless when it comes to innovation, which is why he fired Apple's most Steve Jobs-like innovator, which was Scott Forstall.
Although skeuomorphism was fun, looking back at it now, it's quite terrible. I do agree that something needs to be done about the current UI. It's started to feel quite dated. Skeuomorphism is not it, though.
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