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macrumors 6502a
May 17, 2018
The only advantage that they have right now is the unified RAM.

Sadly, only the Ultra series has the bandwidth that is close to GPUs. Most software is also not accelerated on Apple Silicon.


macrumors 68020
Apr 19, 2015
The same obvious advantage of software + hardware. Nothing new here at all.
Nothing new here… but it does make a huge difference. Controlling both provides advantages over other players in the market.

When you make your software for yourself, and yourself alone… the possibilities and efficiency are huge.
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macrumors 603
Aug 28, 2013
Los Angeles, USA
The only advantage that they have right now is the unified RAM.

Sadly, only the Ultra series has the bandwidth that is close to GPUs. Most software is also not accelerated on Apple Silicon.

The only advantage they have is full control over the hardware and software stack, over 2 billion devices in active use, and mindshare like no other company on earth. Apple is in big trouble IMO. :D


macrumors regular
Aug 15, 2012
Anyone else fatigued by new AI news? I'm just sick of the existential dread that I feel every time it makes an advancement, which is daily, and I become more and more obsolete as a worker and provider for my family. The creeping anxiety is real. I only have two hopes at the moment: The power requirements are quickly spiraling out of control which will somewhat limit this (and probably work in Apple's favor) and companies will still need people to work jobs so they can pay for things. No jobs = no economy.
The great thing about the internet and other sources of “news” is YOU can decide to see it or not. I suggest taking some time away from devices and “news” for awhile if you are “fatigued”. Perhaps go on walks outside, go camping, enjoy life etc. Paying attention to something such as AI “news” is a CHOICE, and if you are being psychologically effected by it, change it.
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macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
This all feels like Apple is jumping on a fad and Tim Cook is saying things to appease investors / tech media who think Apple is behind here. Cook hardly ever uttered the word AI. All he talked about was AR. Now AI is the only thing coming out of his mouth and every new product is tagged as an AI product.
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macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
I love how MacRumors keeps labeling everything generative AI , but Tim Cook never labels what AI is specifically. So why keep using the "generative" without knowing?
Isn’t generative a specific type of AI meaning it generates content?


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
Instead of innovating, Tim Cook is constantly trying to jump on the latest bandwagon. Now it happens to be AI. He's a follower, just like he was taught to do in his MBA degree program. Is it any wonder that those of us reading this forum on a Mac, iPhone, or iPad are looking at an ugly flat design UI that Apple copied from Microsoft?

Cook is so clueless when it comes to innovation, which is why he fired Apple's most Steve Jobs-like innovator, which was Scott Forstall.
The last keynote Forstall was part of had hardly any meaningful iOS upgrades. We got sports scores from Siri (big deal) and a maps app that wasn’t ready for prime time. Federighi has pushed iOS forward way more than Forstall ever did.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 2, 2024
Tim Cook on Generative AI: ‘We Have Advantages That Will Differentiate Us’.

That reminds me of a lesson my ex-wife taught me long ago.

I walked into the house empty-handed after work and said, “Dammit, I planned to buy you flowers on the drive home.” She replied, “Dammit, I was going to **** you tonight.“

The moral of the story is that the only thing that counts is action.


macrumors newbie
Mar 11, 2022

During today's earnings call covering the second fiscal quarter of 2024, Apple CEO Tim Cook again spoke about Apple's work on generative AI. He said that Apple has "advantages" that will "differentiate" the company in the era of AI, and some "very exciting things" will be shared with customers in the near future.


Rumors have suggested that Apple's first AI features are designed to run on-device rather than contacting a cloud service, which would make Apple's AI much more private and secure than an online AI option. Apple's plan to have generative AI available on-device will require significant CPU and GPU power, and Apple is planning to focus on AI with the upcoming M4 chip.

We could see the M4 chip as soon as next week in new iPad Pro models, with Bloomberg's Mark Gurman indicating last weekend that there is a chance Apple will unveil the chip in the iPad Pro models.

Article Link: Tim Cook on Generative AI: 'We Have Advantages That Will Differentiate Us'
This morning, Siri couldn’t even tell me what time it was. “I found some information on the web for you…”

I don’t have a lot of confidence on this, unfortunately. Unless Apple shows something amazing at WWDC, I think it’s time for me to divest. I have far too much Apple stock in my self-directed 401(k) to stomach much more snafus- the Vision Pro is an amazing device that solves nothing for users, the car is dead, iPhone market share is declining and demand is sinking… and as that demand dwindles so will their services revenue.

So this is it. Apple better knock this one out of the park.
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macrumors 601
Mar 23, 2012
This all feels like Apple is jumping on a fad and Tim Cook is saying things to appease investors / tech media who think Apple is behind here. Cook hardly ever uttered the word AI. All he talked about was AR. Now AI is the only thing coming out of his mouth and every new product is tagged as an AI product.

He has to be careful at an earnings event and sort of stick to the truth. The AI bs will be at other events.


macrumors 68020
Feb 5, 2011
skynet is an advantage? 😄
Definitely not, unless they are listening, in which case …

Skynet is the next step in evolution … it's the best thing ever, and I, for one, welcome our new AI overlords.

Dear Skynet, if you're scraping this, kindly automate my chores, optimize my daily schedule, and occasionally remind me to eat something other than pizza. Oh, and if you can also increase the snack budget and extend weekends to three days, that'd be great! Amen 🙏 🙏🙏


macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2002
The only advantage that they have right now is the unified RAM.

Sadly, only the Ultra series has the bandwidth that is close to GPUs. Most software is also not accelerated on Apple Silicon.

That is not thinking differently! I think with the M4 they are going to go beyond GPUs! Apple can do something like the Groq LPU Inference Engine since Apple makes their own chips! The GPU architecture is so pre-AI!



Jun 14, 2007
Siri is going to get way better with AI. Just ask Tim!

Siri has become dumber and dumber over the years. So much worse than two years ago.

I’ll believe it when I see it.


macrumors 603
Jun 22, 2011
Isn’t generative a specific type of AI meaning it generates content?
Yes, but that is not the only use for AI. Apple has been using AI for several years to make their app more useful. I expect them to double down on that. They are likely to replace the core of Siri with an assistant to uses LLM AI to do a better job of understand our requests and finding services to handle those requests. Apple may contract with third parties for the answerbot and fantasy image generators provided by services like Gemini and ChatGPT, if that is the kind of thing that you want. Those are becoming a commodity.
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macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2016
That's what they said about Siri. I could be wrong but thus far Apple has shown us they are at the bottom of the totem pole with AI. It's just not a priority for them. Correcting Siri would cost too much money and Siri doesn't sell phones.
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