I'm having a ridiculously hard time deciding to swtich and am entering analysis to paralysis mode which is not common for me. I am on a great grandfathered plan so the price delta is not as big as others with the voice plan I have and no text. I've listed the pros and cons- if you can- please help me decide!
I'm in the SF bay area with most all usage in SOMA in SF (downtown).
Pros and Cons of Switching for someone on Great Grandfather Unlimited i
- cheaper at $56 for full unlimited+ international roaming. ATT is about $64 with Great Grandfather Plan/ Fan Discount.
- voice/text call switching is a bit of a hassle since I use google voice for calls and texts and wifi calling on ATT since I’m on a low minute plan.
- International roaming at 256 is actually pretty decent. I wouldn’t have to buy local sims for most countries.
- I have a hookup code with 20% off if I switch now. May also be able to get $150 to switch since I registered on Feb 28.
- If I wait past March - unlikely to get that 20% hookup code again. It’s super temping
- If I don’t like it I can switch back in 30 days and get my same old plan and discounts back
- Local Coverage. Local SF coverage is fine on the weekends but my neighborhood gets very congested during the week
- Rural coverage- I hike a lot- coverage here is probably cruddy while ATT actually has good coverage for hikes.
- May lose on upgrade from ATT altho this may be locked which will sucked
- Ability to get phone may be impaired since ATT tends to have priority.
- may lose GF Unlimited altho no value if no hotspot
- coverage in rural areas (about 2-3 times a year)
- Congestion. T-mobile speeds are fine during the weekends in SF but during the week they drop to less than 1mbs in the SOMA area as folks pour in to work here. It’s not that big of a deal tho since most of my usage is for apps/ news/ and I use sling player on audio mode. May be a bigger issue if I use data like Netflix/ Hulu.
- Effective unlimited speed for Tmobile is Peak 25mbs and off peak 1mbs - which is less than ATTs lower tier 60 plan.
- Att is probably going to cut prices again soon.
- The price difference overall is not that big I just hate the annual price increases and the hassle of using wifi calling and google voice for texts is not that big of a deal for getting an increasinly uncontested network (esp as others port out).
It’s not as simple as just picking which list is greater- different factors count for more.
Extra heavy weights for
- International roaming- I travel a lot and woudl love to not have to worry about the hassle of switching sim cards.
- Rural hikes - I actually do hike frequently- no signal may be a pain and there is no roaming on ATT.
- Congestion. I’m not sure when / how Tmobile will address this but as they get all these new customers it seems
- I do care about upgrades since I always get the latest Iphone. Seems like ATT is better here and they subsidized me last year even tho contracts have gone away- may be part of Fan discount. In any event- I get the phones fast and tmobile is often deprioritzed by Apple
So should I switch or not? Will congestion on Tmoble be getting better and is this hookup code the deal of a lifetime - especially with free international roaming? Maybe I shouldn’t be using my phone on hikes anyway!
I'm in the SF bay area with most all usage in SOMA in SF (downtown).
Pros and Cons of Switching for someone on Great Grandfather Unlimited i
- cheaper at $56 for full unlimited+ international roaming. ATT is about $64 with Great Grandfather Plan/ Fan Discount.
- voice/text call switching is a bit of a hassle since I use google voice for calls and texts and wifi calling on ATT since I’m on a low minute plan.
- International roaming at 256 is actually pretty decent. I wouldn’t have to buy local sims for most countries.
- I have a hookup code with 20% off if I switch now. May also be able to get $150 to switch since I registered on Feb 28.
- If I wait past March - unlikely to get that 20% hookup code again. It’s super temping
- If I don’t like it I can switch back in 30 days and get my same old plan and discounts back
- Local Coverage. Local SF coverage is fine on the weekends but my neighborhood gets very congested during the week
- Rural coverage- I hike a lot- coverage here is probably cruddy while ATT actually has good coverage for hikes.
- May lose on upgrade from ATT altho this may be locked which will sucked
- Ability to get phone may be impaired since ATT tends to have priority.
- may lose GF Unlimited altho no value if no hotspot
- coverage in rural areas (about 2-3 times a year)
- Congestion. T-mobile speeds are fine during the weekends in SF but during the week they drop to less than 1mbs in the SOMA area as folks pour in to work here. It’s not that big of a deal tho since most of my usage is for apps/ news/ and I use sling player on audio mode. May be a bigger issue if I use data like Netflix/ Hulu.
- Effective unlimited speed for Tmobile is Peak 25mbs and off peak 1mbs - which is less than ATTs lower tier 60 plan.
- Att is probably going to cut prices again soon.
- The price difference overall is not that big I just hate the annual price increases and the hassle of using wifi calling and google voice for texts is not that big of a deal for getting an increasinly uncontested network (esp as others port out).
It’s not as simple as just picking which list is greater- different factors count for more.
Extra heavy weights for
- International roaming- I travel a lot and woudl love to not have to worry about the hassle of switching sim cards.
- Rural hikes - I actually do hike frequently- no signal may be a pain and there is no roaming on ATT.
- Congestion. I’m not sure when / how Tmobile will address this but as they get all these new customers it seems
- I do care about upgrades since I always get the latest Iphone. Seems like ATT is better here and they subsidized me last year even tho contracts have gone away- may be part of Fan discount. In any event- I get the phones fast and tmobile is often deprioritzed by Apple
So should I switch or not? Will congestion on Tmoble be getting better and is this hookup code the deal of a lifetime - especially with free international roaming? Maybe I shouldn’t be using my phone on hikes anyway!