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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, and if he was still alive, today would mark his 66th birthday.


Jobs founded Apple alongside Steve Wozniak in 1976, producing the very first Apple computers, but he also served as CEO during a pivotal period and was largely responsible for the company's wild success with products like the iPhone and the iPod.

Under Jobs' leadership from 1997 until his 2011 death from cancer, Apple went from a company on the brink of failure to one of the biggest tech companies thanks to the launch of the 1998 iMac and the well known "Think different" ad campaign.


The 1998 iMac was followed by a slew of other successful products, including the iPhone, iPod, and iPad along with the iTunes Store. Jobs also oversaw the opening of the first Apple retail locations in 2001, and he established a company culture that Apple still operates under today.

As Apple CEO Tim Cook has said multiple times in the past, Jobs' thinking, unwavering perfectionism, dedication to hard work, and lust for innovation are the "foundation of Apple."


Millions of lives have been touched by Apple devices, and there are few technology products on the market that have not been influenced by Apple and Steve Jobs in some way, even today. Tim Cook has since taken over for Steve Jobs, and has kept Jobs' legacy alive.

Apple fans around the world will celebrate Steve Jobs and his accomplishments today, and Tim Cook as always has tweeted in memory of Jobs' birthday.

MacRumors also happens to share a birthday with Steve Jobs, and as of today, the site is turning 21. MacRumors was founded on February 24, 2000 by Arnold Kim, and what started out as a side project has grown right alongside Apple into the number one Apple news site on the web.

We're grateful to all of our dedicated readers, passionate community members, and volunteers, and we look forward to bringing you Apple news and rumors for the next 21 years. 🥂

Article Link: Today Marks Steve Jobs' 66th Birthday as MacRumors Turns 21


macrumors 68020
Jul 9, 2008
While there aren't too many Macrumors these days, I'm still glad this site is around. They outlived every other early 2000s rumor site in editorial and community. The fact we have a 'Mac forum' not in Facebook or Reddit is fantastic. Us old-geezers still get to talk with other Mac users on an independently ran site.


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
While there aren't too many Macrumors these days, I'm still glad this site is around. They outlived every other early 2000s rumor site in editorial and community. The fact we have a 'Mac forum' not in Facebook or Reddit is fantastic. Us old-geezers still get to talk with other Mac users on an independently ran site.

I'm proud we've survived and grown since early 2000s. The Mac-web is very different today than it was when we started. There used to be a lot of smaller Mac/Apple-sites around, but I guess there's been consolidation over the years with the smaller publications being unable to survive.


Jul 30, 2015
DC / Baltimore / Northeast
Happy Birthday Mac Rumors! But Jobs never liked this site did he? :D

But also, it's a shame Jobs didn't believe in modern medicine until it was too late.
That homeopathic BS certainly didn't help his fight against an already gloomy diagnosis.
If he had taken aggressive surgical steps at the very beginning as well as all the other standard protocols, it doesn't mean he would have survived, but my ex got 3 more years after being given 6 weeks to live. Jobs took an intellectual fight to a caged knife fight.


macrumors 68000
Nov 2, 2006
Minneapolis, MN
Happy birthday MacRumors! Crazy to think I was just a young kid when I first found this site and joined in 2006. Even with Reddit and other Apple outlets I still keep coming back here 15 years later.


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
Happy birthday MR!

Thanks for reminding me every year about my mum's birthday on the 26th and her death to pancreatic cancer, along with Steve Jobs.
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macrumors newbie
Sep 1, 2020
Still the best Mac news site on the net. Focuses on products and (mostly) doesn't get sucked into the garbage that now permeates so many gadget sites. Hope you never change.
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macrumors 68020
Apr 20, 2016
La Jolla, CA
I thought I knew the Apple story well, having grown up walking distance to ALL of Apple's main campuses in Cupertino.

But, I discovered new things about Jobs & Apple that I didn't know from Walter Isaacon's Steve Jobs Bio, which I highly recommend to anyone who has a real interest in the early days of Apple.

It's an incredibly interesting read, especially the first 1/3.

NOT gonna comment about MR, NOT so sure someone else isn't pulling their strings.
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