Airvideo for streaming any type of movie with on the fly converting.
what the differnece between that and air playit
obviously air playit is free, but doesn't it provide pretty much the same features?
I don't really know what and if there is much of a difference.
Air video does have a free version too but it limits you to 4 videos or folders.
Why would I pay $5 to browse forums when I can do that perfectly well with the built in browser? IMO you have to be crazy to be using it.Tapatalk for the quickest and smoothest ad free browsing for Mac Rumor forums.
You gotta be crazy not to be using it.
Sent from my Transformer using Tapatalk.
Why would I pay $5 to browse forums when I can do that perfectly well with the built in browser? IMO you have to be crazy to be using it.