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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 24, 2011

Anyone having issues with TouchID not working while charging? As soon as I unplug the charging cable it starts working normally.
I've noticed this for now only with Safari while authenticating for passwords.
I've seen a few other posts here and there about it (not on MacRumors) but I've yet seen any solution.
This is on a 16 inch MacBook Pro.

Any ideas?


macrumors member
Jul 19, 2015
Where did you find other threads? I have not exactly the same but similar problem. Sometimes it just stops working. You can’t authorize anything or even add new fingerprint. After a while or sometimes just push Touch ID button everything comes to normal. I don’t have perfect skin so that could be a reason but I guess it is soft bug. My previous (returned) mbp16 has same problem. But when I connect external display Touch ID immediately stops and you can’t fix it until unplug display.
Anyway you should try smc reset


macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2020

Anyone having issues with TouchID not working while charging? As soon as I unplug the charging cable it starts working normally.
I've noticed this for now only with Safari while authenticating for passwords.
I've seen a few other posts here and there about it (not on MacRumors) but I've yet seen any solution.
This is on a 16 inch MacBook Pro.

Any ideas?
I experience the same now.. first I thought it was because of the heat while it's charging then accidentally unplugged the charger and it worked.. any update on what have you done about it?


macrumors 6502
Apr 9, 2003
Nottingham, England.

Anyone having issues with TouchID not working while charging? As soon as I unplug the charging cable it starts working normally.
I've noticed this for now only with Safari while authenticating for passwords.
I've seen a few other posts here and there about it (not on MacRumors) but I've yet seen any solution.
This is on a 16 inch MacBook Pro.

Any ideas?
I used to have this with a third-party Lighning cable or charger. If plugged-in with an original charger / cable it worked fine. Perhaps your charger is giving out some hum which upsets the iPhone. Have seen this on multiple phones / chargers over the years, so not uncommon.


macrumors newbie
Nov 21, 2021
I experienced the same issue today with my new M1 Pro MacBook Pro. It seemingly came up out of the blue, while I had been testing switching accounts via Touch ID. This had been working perfectly the entire morning and afternoon. Both on battery and plugged in.

After dinner I tried to unlock the MB again, but this time the Touch ID didn't respond. It didn't even register that there was a finger on it. After a Google search I quickly discovered that it was indeed still working on battery. Strange....

So what did change since the morning/afternoon before? Of course I had turned some lights on in my living room. And - lo and behold - after checking a few of them, by turning them off, it turned out that one of my (cheap) dimmable LED-lights was causing the issue!
With that light turned off, Touch ID did respond again. Also with the light turned on, but on a different dim-level, it also worked fine. ONLY with the light on a certain dimming-level, Touch ID stopped responding.

So my guess is that the light is producing some interference on that level...
Time to replace the cheap light with some proper light I think.

Hope this helps solving the issue for other people as well.
Last edited:


macrumors 68000
Jul 7, 2008
I experienced the same issue today with my new M1 Pro MacBook Pro. It seemingly came up out of the blue, while I had been testing switching accounts via Touch ID. This had been working perfectly the entire morning and afternoon. Both on battery and plugged in.

After dinner I tried to unlock the MB again, but this time the Touch ID didn't respond. It didn't even register that there was a finger on it. After a Google search I quickly discovered that it was indeed still working on battery. Strange....

So what did change since the morning/afternoon before? Of course I had turned some lights on in my living room. And - lo and behold - after checking a few of them, by turning them off, it turned out that one of my (cheap) dimmable LED-lights was causing the issue!
Which that light turned off, Touch ID did respond again. Also with the light turned on, but on a different dim-level, it also worked fine. ONLY with the light on a certain dimming-level, Touch ID stopped responding.

So my guess is that the light is producing some interference on that level...
Time to replace the cheap light with some proper light I think.

Hope this helps solving the issue for other people as well.
Wow! Great trouble shooting!
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macrumors newbie
Apr 1, 2022
I just had the same problem on 2020 M1 MacBook Air. It was a bad 30W charging brick. Apple Store was able to do diagnostics and confirm. Replaced brick under warranty and problem solved.


macrumors newbie
Sep 12, 2022
Ahaaa... Found the solution.

From my knowledge the problem is caused by some electrical issues not hardware or software ( depends ).
Here is the fix -

1. If your plug doesn't have a earthing point : Place your whole palm on the side of the trackpad and try the Touch ID it will work. Or Buy a 3 point plug for the charger on amazon or something.

2. If you think your Touch ID suddenly got slow or not responding properly : move your MacBook from all electrical equipments near you and place somewhere else. In my case I had my HomePod and Echo dot behind my MacBook working. So, I took my MacBook and moved far away from it and Touch ID worked like super instant and perfect.


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2024
I can also confirm it is the charger that seems to cause it, if I use the charger that came with my MacBook the Touch ID works fine, if I use the 20w charger that came with my iPad it works fine, but I use either the 20w or 100w USB-C port in my brand new no-name brand GAN charger it fails to even detect a finger being placed on it. The Touch ID sensor must be very sensitive to voltage fluctuations I would say, that's just a guess though. Either that or my no-name GAN charger is just a piece of crap... which is quite likely...
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