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macrumors 6502a
Apr 23, 2009
Santa Monica, CA
You started the debate. The topic was, and still is, leftist extremists doing the censoring/influencing/meddling. You turned it into the textbook definition of whataboutism, which you continue in this post.
You use the term "leftist extremists" and I'm supposed to take you seriously? You realize that term is being spread specifically to manipulate people into thinking the left is extreme and communist as "leftist" is a term associated with communism which is seriously subtle mind warping propaganda. Also the topic is: do private entities like twitter and Apple have the right to ban people for breaking their terms of service by posting covid misinformation or inciting riots and an insurrection?... Not some warped view of victimhood by people who want to lie, mislead, promote hate speech, and/or overturn a free and fair election. What I said was nowhere near whataboutism. It's framing the debate in clear terms. If I had said something like "what about how parlor censors liberal voices"... what about the Florida governor censoring employees from using the words climate change... or what about Texas schools banning evolution in schools... That's whataboutism.


macrumors 65816
Jan 25, 2011
Wellington, New Zealand
You use the term "leftist extremists" and I'm supposed to take you seriously? You realize that term is being spread specifically to manipulate people into thinking the left is extreme and communist as "leftist" is a term associated with communism which is seriously subtle mind warping propaganda. Also the topic is: do private entities like twitter and Apple have the right to ban people for breaking their terms of service by posting covid misinformation or inciting riots and an insurrection?... Not some warped view of victimhood by people who want to lie, mislead, promote hate speech, and/or overturn a free and fair election. What I said was nowhere near whataboutism. It's framing the debate in clear terms. If I had said something like "what about how parlor censors liberal voices"... what about the Florida governor censoring employees from using the words climate change... or what about Texas schools banning evolution in schools... That's whataboutism.
Regarding censorship done by the right, anyone remember Bill O'Reilly with his 'pinheads and patriots' where they would routinely go after professors (to get them fired) from universities because they (professors) said things that they disagreed with based on videos that their audience had sent them? anyone remember the Dixie Chicks being 'cancelled' by the right? if we fast forward to today where 'TRUTH social' doesn't allow anyone outside of the US and Canada to open an account - is Trump scared of a truly open marketplace of ideas? It truly is amazing the number of people who actually believe the right wing care about freedom of speech when there is at least 50 years of solid examples of the right being a heck of a lot more censorious than the so-called 'big liberal' institutions' that they keep building up as if they were the ultimate boogyman. The right don't hold any deep philosophical attachment to freedom of speech but instead whining about them not getting their own way - that private organisations that were well within their rights (in their eyes) to refuse to bake a cake for a same sex marriage are now compelled to provide a platform because 'the victim' (as they see themselves) is themselves and not someone else.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 23, 2009
Santa Monica, CA
Regarding censorship done by the right, anyone remember Bill O'Reilly with his 'pinheads and patriots' where they would routinely go after professors (to get them fired) from universities because they (professors) said things that they disagreed with based on videos that their audience had sent them? anyone remember the Dixie Chicks being 'cancelled' by the right? if we fast forward to today where 'TRUTH social' doesn't allow anyone outside of the US and Canada to open an account - is Trump scared of a truly open marketplace of ideas? It truly is amazing the number of people who actually believe the right wing care about freedom of speech when there is at least 50 years of solid examples of the right being a heck of a lot more censorious than the so-called 'big liberal' institutions' that they keep building up as if they were the ultimate boogyman. The right don't hold any deep philosophical attachment to freedom of speech but instead whining about them not getting their own way - that private organisations that were well within their rights (in their eyes) to refuse to bake a cake for a same sex marriage are now compelled to provide a platform because 'the victim' (as they see themselves) is themselves and not someone else.
Yeah, the right sure does love to play the victim. And it works for them. The majority of the country would be considered liberal, but all their whining has moved the political spectrum to the right. They do that through feigning victimhood, moral panic, and subtle propaganda… among other things. Ever hear them call it the democrat party even though it is called the Democratic Party. That’s a subtle way of disassociating the party from the idea of democracy. Someone commented on one of my posts using the term “leftist” and “extremists”… the use these terms repeatedly to drive home to their base, and everyone else listening, the idea that liberalism as they define it is extreme and associated with “leftist communism”. It’s insidious and pervasive. Those are just a few of the many, many things they do to manipulate the media and the message. Then they cry foul when they get called out on it and banned for their more egregious misinformation and seditious comments. Anyway, it’s nothing new and not surprising in the least. They won’t stop until everyone lives and thinks like they do. Or at least acquiesces to their dominance over american politics and culture… even though they are a shrinking minority.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
I cannot believe that this is even a discussion. Banning books, limiting freedom of speech etc should not even be an option in a democracy. And it really doesn’t matter what’s in this these books.

Eg: We have this silly dude that is traveling around burning the Quran in front of Embassies of Muslim countries. It’s provocative, pointless, idiotic and wars has started for less than this. I really, really wish he would not do it and I strongly disagree with him. I would also wish that Muslims would not let them self be provoked by this.

But the problem is that once we start banning stuff like that it’s a slippery slope and we will eventually be no better than eg. Iran.

It’s ironic since he’s using his freedom to protest and speak, to do the exact same thing that he hates Muslims for doing. Book banning and burning them could easily be happening in Tehran.

The difference being that was he's doing is condemned, although not forbidden by the government. And 99% of the population thinks he's a fool.

The state (or any public derivative here off including school boards, libraries and universities) should not be in the book/freedom of speech banning business.

Private companies like twitter, youtube, facebook etc can set the rules as they please on their platform. They can limit or let everything go. Just as the editor of a news paper. I do think they should strongly consider how their algorithms work since they apparently are powerful enough to drag people down into some crazy conspiracy rabbit-hole. I might disagree with their priorities and they are certainly not always healthy for the human race. Eg how can a nipple ever be considered more harmful than posing with a firearm?!? But end of the day - they set the rules for their platform as long as they stay within the law.

You as an individual are free to be as stupid as you like and expose your stupidity to the world…

Then I would put my faith in teachers to educate our kids in real critical thinking and the scientific method (not the flat-earth kind 🤭😂)

Anyway - thats just my opinions. They are never fully thought thru 😅

UPDATE: Just fresh on the news. Swedish police now put a ban on burning of the Quran. For public safety (and probably also to please Erdogan so he will allow Sweden to join Nato). Clearly I have very mixed feelings on this. As I said war has started for less. Nato needs Türkiye and don't want to push them into the arms of Putin. Even though Erdogan does not play the same rules of democracy and free speech as we like.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
I guess what I'm saying is that just as a good old fashioned, printed news paper, you cannot just walk in from the street with some dumb a** reader's letter and expect them to print it. The tech-companies are basically in the same business and seems to me that unless they are allowed to make their own rules for their media they are screwed either way. People will either sue them for letting things pass or vice versa.

But the tech-companies setting some rules does not limit your freedom of speech. You can always grab a box, go down on the corner and start talking in public. Then see if people will laugh at you or elect you for President.

Edit: But what the heck... if Fox News will allow me to appear on a weekly show where I talk peace loving, liberal, socialist propaganda for an hour without any sort of critique after that, then there might be something to talk about 😂
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
...and (slightly off topic) then I'm slightly surprised that there are any democratically(?) elected school board that are banning books. I don't know the system in the US, but if a school board like that can be elected, democratically then the democracy in the US is in a sad state. You are throwing away something very precious that many generations have sacrificed their lifes to create. 😢


macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2018
Stalingrad, Russia
Eg: We have this silly dude that is traveling around burning the Quran in front of Embassies of Muslim countries. It’s provocative, pointless, idiotic and wars has started for less than this. I really, really wish he would not do it and I strongly disagree with him. I would also wish that Muslims would not let them self be provoked by this.

Anyway - thats just my opinions. They are never fully thought thru 😅
It is possible that Sweden intentionally "helped" Erdogan to consolidate his image as a leader and a defender of the Muslim world.


macrumors regular
Sep 6, 2021
You use the term "leftist extremists" and I'm supposed to take you seriously? You realize that term is being spread specifically to manipulate people into thinking the left is extreme and communist as "leftist" is a term associated with communism which is seriously subtle mind warping propaganda. Also the topic is: do private entities like twitter and Apple have the right to ban people for breaking their terms of service by posting covid misinformation or inciting riots and an insurrection?... Not some warped view of victimhood by people who want to lie, mislead, promote hate speech, and/or overturn a free and fair election. What I said was nowhere near whataboutism. It's framing the debate in clear terms. If I had said something like "what about how parlor censors liberal voices"... what about the Florida governor censoring employees from using the words climate change... or what about Texas schools banning evolution in schools... That's whataboutism.
Free speech is free speech, even if it's stupid, wrong, hateful, or otherwise disagreeable.
Now that being said - don't pretend you're an ostriche with your head stuck in the sand: ever since Project Veritas and/or Musk's released "twitter files" it has been PROVEN WITH ACTUAL EVIDENCE AND EMPLOYEE STATEMENTS that this moderaton has spanned far beyond some beningn tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists. In fact - literally everything claimed by alphabet soup instititutions like the FBI to be "russian meddling" an "bots" has been the diametrical opposite: specific actions targeting specific individuals and groups under the guize of wrongdoing by the latter or under a fake pretece that everything being done was for the "geater good" or for weeding out "Putin's agents".
Now I know full well you and many others seem to be under the impression that for some odd reason since it's not YOU being banned/shadowbanned/deplatformed/removed from searches that it's somehow fine in what it supposed to be this mythical "free western democracy" that fails time and time again to live up to its name, but I want to remind you of the old saying stemming from pre-WW2 era Germany, the one that went "first the went after the communists - but I was not a communist", and remember the screeching screams of foul play that not just banning - but the removal of the Holy Blue Checkmark of Lord Dorsey for all those "verified" people resulted in a unanimous uproar and was soon equated to outright censorship, which it was not.

Now as far as the age old debate what should private companies do when someone ... let me insert the loosest and most unspecific term here everyone like to use - "abuses their platform". Let me extend an olive branch of sorts: pre-late 90's when the internet was sorta kinda becoming a thing, freedoms gives to citizens of various countries could be easely defined as someone expressing themselves, orgnanizing, campaigning etc as freedom of speech. Most of it was done in public forums or what can be loosely defined as a public forum: protests, mailing lists, articles or own magazines, organizing PACs and parties. Then, all of a sudden, specifically somewhere during Obama years, the "but it's private platforms they are using" argument came into play.
Literally everything shifted today from physical attendance and/or participation to something virtual: social media, instant messaging, content sharing platform and to some extent still separate websites and forums. Now ALL of these are either hosted by, created by as a service, or at some part use services provided by private companies. In ye olden days fine ... if your site was not hosted by host X then you'd go to host Y. More often than not they wouldn't really care and say something to the tune of "well, yes we are hosting this but we're a private company and whatever happens there is the customer's own doing. We're hands-off here".
This again has now shifted to: "well, if you like and support X then you're banned NOT because you violated any law but because we don't like X and that's the end of it".
My olive branch is then this: digital services that facilitate user interaction with other users in ANY way are the exact definition of "Public space" and/or "public forum". If those services are to operate and be based on public interaction (read: Twitter, FB, Instagram etc) then they MUST operate by public rules and laws: keep their hands off. If they want to have a CERTAIN kind of content limited to CERTAIN kinds of views - then those platform should be completely closed off to the public and be invitation-only or at the very least label themselves and non-open private clubs with an agenda.
Think of it as private coctail party: yes, anyone can participate who gets invited. But no - it's not done in public space. While a regular beach party with people who just want to hang out is open and free - come and go as you like.

As for the crocodile tears mid-message where you wrote "riots and insurrection" you know illegal things are illegal - just like if someone threatens physical violence in person then to do so digitally ANYWHERE is in the eyes of the law the exact same thing. This was so 100 years ago - it's so even now. But what is different is that what YOU would define as such would not viewed in the same light by police or a state attourney. What you consider "hate" would be viewed by others as normal.
Frivolous example: if you would stretch your extreme protectionism then you'd be against almost all religions since almost all of them limit freedoms and/or are involved in abuse and sometimes genital mutilation. But I'll go out on a limb and assume your hypocricy does not define that hateful. Neither would you define someone wearing a T-shirt with Marx or Che as hateful. Guess what! I can line up people for mines who'd disagree with that.
The fundamental difference between you and your ilk and me - is that you'd like to see people banned for YOUR criteria of what's fine or not - I wouldn't. I would confront them like a civilized un-triggered human being, and pick them apart like I did with you now. As it should be in a free society!


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
Free speech is free speech, even if it's stupid, wrong, hateful, or otherwise disagreeable.

Try yelling that magic F word in a movie theater, and then cry free speech. See what happens.

In short, Free speech can be curtailed (and more, it has been so) when there is imminent danger, even if it is stupid, wrong, hateful, or otherwise disagreeable, so sayeth SCOTUS.

Now as far as the age old debate what should private companies do when someone ... let me insert the loosest and most unspecific term here everyone like to use - "abuses their platform". Let me extend an olive branch of sorts: pre-late 90's when the internet was sorta kinda becoming a thing, freedoms gives to citizens of various countries could be easely defined as someone expressing themselves, orgnanizing, campaigning etc as freedom of speech. Most of it was done in public forums or what can be loosely defined as a public forum: protests, mailing lists, articles or own magazines, organizing PACs and parties. Then, all of a sudden, specifically somewhere during Obama years, the "but it's private platforms they are using" argument came into play.

You weren't around when the Communications Decency Act of 1996 came into play, where Strom Thurmond and Ed Zorinsky were trying to curtail use of all internet activities, both public and private, because they disagreed with content that was being posted, and doing it in the name of "decency for the children" (similar to the same excuse being used for anti-LGBTQ actions and issues with school boards now). The Reds and others weren't so concerned with public and private platforms when they got that through Congress, despite the fact that things were more decentralized at that point, with USENET, WAIS, Gopher, and everyone migrating from mailing lists and LISTSERV to using some new fangled technology called NCSA Mosaic, which came along to being Netscape.

That act came along and was passed because those in decentralized "public spaces" (being put below) were (as you put it) "abusing their platform". No argument was made for it then when that side passed that law. Now they are up in arms over the very thing they were silent about. Again, have to love that hypocrisy.

Literally everything shifted today from physical attendance and/or participation to something virtual: social media, instant messaging, content sharing platform and to some extent still separate websites and forums. Now ALL of these are either hosted by, created by as a service, or at some part use services provided by private companies. In ye olden days fine ... if your site was not hosted by host X then you'd go to host Y. More often than not they wouldn't really care and say something to the tune of "well, yes we are hosting this but we're a private company and whatever happens there is the customer's own doing. We're hands-off here".
This again has now shifted to: "well, if you like and support X then you're banned NOT because you violated any law but because we don't like X and that's the end of it".
My olive branch is then this: digital services that facilitate user interaction with other users in ANY way are the exact definition of "Public space" and/or "public forum". If those services are to operate and be based on public interaction (read: Twitter, FB, Instagram etc) then they MUST operate by public rules and laws: keep their hands off. If they want to have a CERTAIN kind of content limited to CERTAIN kinds of views - then those platform should be completely closed off to the public and be invitation-only or at the very least label themselves and non-open private clubs with an agenda.
Think of it as private coctail party: yes, anyone can participate who gets invited. But no - it's not done in public space. While a regular beach party with people who just want to hang out is open and free - come and go as you like.

The problem you have here is where public property ends and private property begins. As with the Castle Doctrine, once a person steps onto a homeowner's property or a business owner's property, it is no longer a "public space" or a "public forum", as you are now engaging with someone or that business on their grounds, territory, and property, where their rules hold sway. There is no "public space" in that aspect. If you want "public space", then you need to go ply your woes in something that is taxpayer funded. Those social media companies are NOT taxpayer funded, unless you can show evidence to prove otherwise.

In short, that olive branch rings hollow, because it is made out of false assumptions.

As for the crocodile tears mid-message where you wrote "riots and insurrection" you know illegal things are illegal - just like if someone threatens physical violence in person then to do so digitally ANYWHERE is in the eyes of the law the exact same thing. This was so 100 years ago - it's so even now. But what is different is that what YOU would define as such would not viewed in the same light by police or a state attourney. What you consider "hate" would be viewed by others as normal.

I'll remember that whenever I look at the featured article of Jet magazine in 1955, showing the mutilated body of Emmett Till, and chalk his death down to being "normal", let alone explaining to my mixed race children that something so hateful is considered "normal". :rolleyes:

The fundamental difference between you and your ilk and me - is that you'd like to see people banned for YOUR criteria of what's fine or not - I wouldn't. I would confront them like a civilized un-triggered human being, and pick them apart like I did with you now. As it should be in a free society!

Therefore you would enjoy feeding the proverbial troll, giving them the attention they want and crave. That is the difference between "you and your ilk" (again, your words) and I; my time and efforts are best spent elsewhere, denying them of the luxury of the attention they crave. When they and their speech doesn't affect me, their efforts fall flat, while others, by confronting them, allow it to flourish, because they are getting that attention. Perhaps a rethink of your action is in order.

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macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
It is possible that Sweden intentionally "helped" Erdogan to consolidate his image as a leader and a defender of the Muslim world.
Very possible. It seems like Sweden had to choose between real freedom of speech or being in NATO, because Türkiye as long standing and crucial NATO member, now has a leader that is is more a Putin-like-not-so-fund-of-democracy-and-free-speech-sort-of-dictator. Hard choice these days.


macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2018
Stalingrad, Russia
Very possible. It seems like Sweden had to choose between real freedom of speech or being in NATO, because Türkiye as long standing and crucial NATO member, now has a leader that is is more a Putin-like-not-so-fund-of-democracy-and-free-speech-sort-of-dictator. Hard choice these days.
It is not very clear to me that Sweden and Finland actually want to join NATO. They are not powerful enough to say an outright political no, but they can do so indirectly through bureaucratic "sabotage". Sometimes bureaucracy is an effective and powerful tool.


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
It is not very clear to me that Sweden and Finland actually want to join NATO. They are not powerful enough to say an outright political no, but they can do so indirectly through bureaucratic "sabotage". Sometimes bureaucracy is an effective and powerful tool.

They didn't really want to, but Russia's recent actions is tipping their hand. If anything I would think that Scandinavian country would be thinking about joining NATO for the protection; Finland and Norway in particular, as they both share borders with Russia.



macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2018
Stalingrad, Russia
They didn't really want to, but Russia's recent actions is tipping their hand. If anything I would think that Scandinavian country would be thinking about joining NATO for the protection; Finland and Norway in particular, as they both share borders with Russia.

Lol. Did you even watch Munich Security Conference?


macrumors regular
Sep 6, 2021
Try yelling that magic F word in a movie theater, and then cry free speech. See what happens.
You're getting way off topic.
In short, Free speech can be curtailed (and more, it has been so) when there is imminent danger, even if it is stupid, wrong, hateful, or otherwise disagreeable, so sayeth SCOTUS.
Gee, mister, ya think so? Say, what else is illegal... oh wait I wrote as much in my message which you either didn't read or pretend now not to have read:

As for the crocodile tears mid-message where you wrote "riots and insurrection" you know illegal things are illegal - just like if someone threatens physical violence in person then to do so digitally ANYWHERE is in the eyes of the law the exact same thing. This was so 100 years ago - it's so even now.

Yet stupid, wrong, "hateful" and other snowflake-triggering speech yeah go ahead argue that before any court worth its salt that that should be somehow made illegal, good luck.

You weren't around when the Communications Decency Act of 1996 came into play, where Strom Thurmond and Ed Zorinsky were trying to curtail use of all internet activities, both public and private, because they disagreed with content that was being posted, and doing it in the name of "decency for the children" (similar to the same excuse being used for anti-LGBTQ actions and issues with school boards now). The Reds and others weren't so concerned with public and private platforms when they got that through Congress, despite the fact that things were more decentralized at that point, with USENET, WAIS, Gopher, and everyone migrating from mailing lists and LISTSERV to using some new fangled technology called NCSA Mosaic, which came along to being Netscape.

That act came along and was passed because those in decentralized "public spaces" (being put below) were (as you put it) "abusing their platform". No argument was made for it then when that side passed that law. Now they are up in arms over the very thing they were silent about. Again, have to love that hypocrisy.
I will paraphrase Jesse Lee Peterson here: you just said a lot of words, but they didn't make any sense at all.
I don't know those specific cases neither do I care. My point still stands: de facto public forums, public means of communications (Nearly all of them!) moved to private platforms, networks, or other services that facilitate such activities. Yet by the magic of judicial trickery and partisan bull excrement long live doublethink. Doublethink that should for everyone concerned be eradicated.

The problem you have here is where public property ends and private property begins. As with the Castle Doctrine, once a person steps onto a homeowner's property or a business owner's property, it is no longer a "public space" or a "public forum", as you are now engaging with someone or that business on their grounds, territory, and property, where their rules hold sway. There is no "public space" in that aspect. If you want "public space", then you need to go ply your woes in something that is taxpayer funded. Those social media companies are NOT taxpayer funded, unless you can show evidence to prove otherwise.

In short, that olive branch rings hollow, because it is made out of false assumptions.
Ok, let me do a practical rundown here, end to end:
- we use privately developed devices to communicate, covered by patents, often "tied" (like iPhone) to user accounts hence full life cycle control over a device you pretty much "lease" from a company and own... yeah you can keep it if they brick it, but it's a brick
- the software running on them, behind the eons long EULA written by ace lawyers is not even yours as in ye olden software licenses that gave you at least SOME ownership, this is a service that is private and like the phone can be withdrawn
- you use a cell phone carrier - or an ISP, both a private, running communications to and from you the user trough private cell towers and fibre cables running locally and across the globe
- you pay for all of the above with a commercial bank/card/other payment service, which too (as recent examples have shown) can be blocked if you become too hot of a potato. Not the criminal kind - the to "too hot politically" kind.
- Now then, all those hurdles theoretically cleared - do say kind sir: on what "NOT taxpayer funded" platform, messaging board, IM service, content hosting service or whatever else do you communicate on? Why that's private too.

Summarum: end to end, from you the nameless faceless person in the crowd to and from whoever/whatever person or audience you are trying to reach ... the road is private, paved with fine print, EULAs, asterisks and what's most problematic: political bias hiding behind the rosy pink innocent as a summer child two letter word "private company".

However this supposed innocense - as exposed in recent leaks (Twitter files) and leaks pretty much over the last years paints a much more grim reality: political control, partisanship, false neutrality, editorial control, censorship, election meddling, and in the long run even geopolitics.

Now you may disagree with me and keep on peddling the "but but private company but but NoT tAxPAyER fUnDEd" nonsense but in the end like I said it's either a level playing field for all or just like that poor jew about to be sent to Auschwits you may now say "First, they took the communists - but I was not a communist".

Funny side note: Poland! You see they have a very... let's call it aggressive, kinda right wing, very pro-Westen pro-Nato but also pro-Poland attitude. Guess what: from now on every UNFAIRLY deleted facebook post - gets Zuck a hefty fine. Why? Because free speech kurrwa mac! Because try shutting a pole's opinion and get shafted for it. That's their definition of how a private company operating in public space should be held accountable.

I'll remember that whenever I look at the featured article of Jet magazine in 1955, showing the mutilated body of Emmett Till, and chalk his death down to being "normal", let alone explaining to my mixed race children that something so hateful is considered "normal".
Gee, what else may you have to explain to them? That some bearded pants-tucked-into-socks wahhabist nut would also call them "infidels"? Poor you. Or how about this: some parent may have to explain that "white guilt" thing, because some emptyheaded face on a screen said they are born guilty.
Grow up, man up, and realize this: as long as man exists - so does infinite stupidity.
I am for example right now putting up with yours. The difference is that I would never shut anyone up for thinking less of their opionion. I will repeat ad nauseam: "hate", stupidity, and disagreement in general should always be confronted by opposing ideas and be put under the light of public criticism... as any normal society should.
And never be shoved under the rug, or whisked away with the words Private Company (r) (TM)

Therefore you would enjoy feeding the proverbial troll, giving them the attention they want and crave. That is the difference between "you and your ilk" (again, your words) and I; my time and efforts are best spent elsewhere, denying them of the luxury of the attention they crave. When they and their speech doesn't affect me, their efforts fall flat, while others, by confronting them, allow it to flourish, because they are getting that attention. Perhaps a rethink of your action is in order.
Then why are you even talking to me?
Public discourse existed more than you can ever trace your whole genetic lineage back to. See the sun above your head? Romans had a saying about it. Go look it up.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
It is not very clear to me that Sweden and Finland actually want to join NATO. They are not powerful enough to say an outright political no, but they can do so indirectly through bureaucratic "sabotage". Sometimes bureaucracy is an effective and powerful tool.
It has been made clear to you earlier that we’re talking about freedom of speech here. You’re going off topic again. Sorry that Putin won’t grant his people that freedom. I’m trying to safeguard it elsewhere.


macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2018
Stalingrad, Russia
It has been made clear to you earlier that we’re talking about freedom of speech here. You’re going off topic again. Sorry that Putin won’t grant his people that freedom. I’m trying to safeguard it elsewhere.
Only because you don't see the connection it does not mean it is not connected. You are flattering yourself if you think that you are knowledgeable enough to moderate something. Mentioning names like Vladimir Putin can only do so much in order to give any intellectual substance to your posts.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 4, 2017
San Diego, CA
Actually, very curious. They were livid with Twitter prior to Musk owning them, now they think that Twitter is okay? Is it not interesting that they are giving those who support their platforms/issues a pass, and yet will go after those they do not agree with?

Sorry, but those who buy that also are complacent in their hypocrisy. Suppression of speech shouldn't only matter when it is only their (perceived) free speech that is being suppressed.

Besides: if going after these tech firms for suppression of free speech, then they should be going after all firms suppressing free speech, otherwise their actions are hollow, because they are not of any authority to judge what is or isn't free speech, especially when these are private firms, in which they are in their right to handle content on their property. It is the same reason/excuse they gave for Twitter, and they can not have it both ways.

Who is it that "support their platform/issues" that is receiving a "pass"? As I stated in my original comment, Twitter has already been dumping documentation on compliance and speech suppression, material that has been made available to Congress and been used in multiple proceedings in an official and unofficial manner. Now these other companies are being required to do the same.

Where is the pass?


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
You're getting way off topic.

Gee, mister, ya think so? Say, what else is illegal... oh wait I wrote as much in my message which you either didn't read or pretend now not to have read:

As for the crocodile tears mid-message where you wrote "riots and insurrection" you know illegal things are illegal - just like if someone threatens physical violence in person then to do so digitally ANYWHERE is in the eyes of the law the exact same thing. This was so 100 years ago - it's so even now.

That contradicts what you said before, which is:

Free speech is free speech, even if it's stupid, wrong, hateful, or otherwise disagreeable.

Yelling "fire" in a movie theater, while meeting your definition of "Free Speech, even if it is stupid, wrong, hateful, or otherwise disagreeable" is not free speech. There are limits to that free speech. Thank you for proving my point in your own contradiction, and the fact that you should practice what you preach, and reread what you have said.

Yet stupid, wrong, "hateful" and other snowflake-triggering speech yeah go ahead argue that before any court worth its salt that that should be somehow made illegal, good luck.

Again, you are making that assertion about me or what I think. Your assertion, like many assumptions, are wrong.

Neither your apology or ignorance are accepted.

A pity, when someone becomes intolerant of things that they don't like or can begin to entertain. Ahh, well; your loss.

I will paraphrase Jesse Lee Peterson here: you just said a lot of words, but they didn't make any sense at all.
I don't know those specific cases neither do I care. My point still stands: de facto public forums, public means of communications (Nearly all of them!) moved to private platforms, networks, or other services that facilitate such activities. Yet by the magic of judicial trickery and partisan bull excrement long live doublethink. Doublethink that should for everyone concerned be eradicated.

Then if you do not know what is being discussed, it may do you best to read up on them before making any type of response, n'est-ce pas?

Ok, let me do a practical rundown here, end to end:
- we use privately developed devices to communicate, covered by patents, often "tied" (like iPhone) to user accounts hence full life cycle control over a device you pretty much "lease" from a company and own... yeah you can keep it if they brick it, but it's a brick
- the software running on them, behind the eons long EULA written by ace lawyers is not even yours as in ye olden software licenses that gave you at least SOME ownership, this is a service that is private and like the phone can be withdrawn
- you use a cell phone carrier - or an ISP, both a private, running communications to and from you the user trough private cell towers and fibre cables running locally and across the globe
- you pay for all of the above with a commercial bank/card/other payment service, which too (as recent examples have shown) can be blocked if you become too hot of a potato. Not the criminal kind - the to "too hot politically" kind.
- Now then, all those hurdles theoretically cleared - do say kind sir: on what "NOT taxpayer funded" platform, messaging board, IM service, content hosting service or whatever else do you communicate on? Why that's private too.

Summarum: end to end, from you the nameless faceless person in the crowd to and from whoever/whatever person or audience you are trying to reach ... the road is private, paved with fine print, EULAs, asterisks and what's most problematic: political bias hiding behind the rosy pink innocent as a summer child two letter word "private company".

However this supposed innocense - as exposed in recent leaks (Twitter files) and leaks pretty much over the last years paints a much more grim reality: political control, partisanship, false neutrality, editorial control, censorship, election meddling, and in the long run even geopolitics.

Now you may disagree with me and keep on peddling the "but but private company but but NoT tAxPAyER fUnDEd" nonsense but in the end like I said it's either a level playing field for all or just like that poor jew about to be sent to Auschwits you may now say "First, they took the communists - but I was not a communist".

Funny side note: Poland! You see they have a very... let's call it aggressive, kinda right wing, very pro-Westen pro-Nato but also pro-Poland attitude. Guess what: from now on every UNFAIRLY deleted facebook post - gets Zuck a hefty fine. Why? Because free speech kurrwa mac! Because try shutting a pole's opinion and get shafted for it. That's their definition of how a private company operating in public space should be held accountable.

Wow, dude.. You're equating Twitter and Musk and freedom of speech to the Holocaust to justify your stance. Stay classy.

Gee, what else may you have to explain to them? That some bearded pants-tucked-into-socks wahhabist nut would also call them "infidels"? Poor you. Or how about this: some parent may have to explain that "white guilt" thing, because some emptyheaded face on a screen said they are born guilty.
Grow up, man up, and realize this: as long as man exists - so does infinite stupidity.

I already know that; I've had to deal with racism my entire life, and was almost beaten because of such stupidity. But as if I need to state nor any part of my life experiences to justify my knowledge to you.

I am for example right now putting up with yours. The difference is that I would never shut anyone up for thinking less of their opionion. I will repeat ad nauseam: "hate", stupidity, and disagreement in general should always be confronted by opposing ideas and be put under the light of public criticism... as any normal society should.
And never be shoved under the rug, or whisked away with the words Private Company (r) (TM)

And you think I am not putting up with yours? Wow, look at that: public discourse, which we are happily debating! But you're the one saying that we can't tolerate such debates. Doesn't this throw a spanner into the very stance you're trying to defend?

Then why are you even talking to me?

You're right. After the Auschwitz comment, we are definitely done. I'll leave you with the last word.

Public discourse existed more than you can ever trace your whole genetic lineage back to. See the sun above your head? Romans had a saying about it. Go look it up.

The sad part: my native tribe hasn't had any such issues until those who came across the pond to cause such discourse; The Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek is the perfect example of that. Go look it up, as well as the cascading events, like arguably the biggest genocide to occur in this country The Trail of Tears.

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macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
Who is it that "support their platform/issues" that is receiving a "pass"? As I stated in my original comment, Twitter has already been dumping documentation on compliance and speech suppression, material that has been made available to Congress and been used in multiple proceedings in an official and unofficial manner. Now these other companies are being required to do the same.

Where is the pass?

You just answered your own question. Twitter is getting a pass. Prior to Musk owning it, the Reds were up in arms over all of them and wanting them all to be dragged in front of Congress and grilled. Now that Twitter is supporting the Reds' issues, they are getting a pass.

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macrumors regular
Sep 6, 2021
That contradicts what you said before, which is:

Yelling "fire" in a movie theater, while meeting your definition of "Free Speech, even if it is stupid, wrong, hateful, or otherwise disagreeable" is not free speech. There are limits to that free speech. Thank you for proving my point in your own contradiction, and the fact that you should practice what you preach, and reread what you have sai
"My" it is not - your deliberate derailment and yet another attempt at faking ignorance - it really is.
Again, you are making that assertion about me or what I think. Your assertion, like many assumptions, are wrong.
Hi pot, or kettle, black is your name.
Like I said if *you* don't like this kind of speech, then listen to the forest: hear all the voices declaring their vehement agreement of your feelings being hurt.
Then if you do not know what is being discussed, it may do you best to read up on them before making any type of response, n'est-ce pas?
Wow, dude.. You're equating Twitter and Musk and freedom of speech to the Holocaust to justify your stance. Stay classy.
You should really work on your snarky little attempt of faking ignorance again. What I was saying and still am is that since it's not YOU being silenced it's easy and/or convenient for you to RIGHT NOW argue that its not such big of a deal.
My gut feeling tells me you'd sing a different tune if tables are turned. But that's the point: rational people would not want tables turned on anyone, and learn from history. You do not, so boil in your own broth then.
I already know that; I've had to deal with racism my entire life, and was almost beaten because of such stupidity. But as if I need to state nor any part of my life experiences to justify my knowledge to you.
Oh, poor little you. Let me get my little violin... you don't know what racism is, neither actual beatings and actual violence based on it. I do. Now it's you who brought race into it - you asked for it, now face it:
And just like racism should be confronted - so should snarky, leftist exremists from the diametric oppisite of the political spectrum such as yourself.
Those extremes have a thing in common you know - they both despise free speech. They would - like their matured ideologies (like nazism or communism) like very much opinions be silenced. Two wrongs don't make a right.
And you think I am not putting up with yours? Wow, look at that: public discourse, which we are happily debating! But you're the one saying that we can't tolerate such debates. Doesn't this throw a spanner into the very stance you're trying to defend?
Cool trolling, bro.
You're right. After the Auschwitz comment, we are definitely done. I'll leave you with the last word.
Nah, you kept on writing. I'm too much of a honeypot and you're too much of a vinnie the pooh to stay away.

The sad part: my native tribe hasn't had any such issues until those who came across the pond to cause such discourse; The Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek is the perfect example of that. Go look it up, as well as the cascading events, like arguably the biggest genocide to occur in this country The Trail of Tears.
Ah so, aus dem Loch pfeift der Wind! You can skip your buddy google translate here, it's a german saying for "out of that hole blows the wind!" meaning so "that's the issue!".
Well then, I am not american, nor do I live in that ... let me quote a celebrity here: "Shi*hole country", but according to history your... tribe... tribes... whatchumacallits, were butchering each other left right and center before the "evil white man" came along. Recent genetic and archeological studies revealed that specifically North America was populated by the very first human beings at roughly the same time - exiles and/or fishermen who came along the "edge" of the ice during the last ice age from what's today modern day northern France, and the peoples of eastern Sibera who did the same on their end west to east. Genetics show as much, as many of the "native" americans have both markers from both peoples from both sides. So much for "natives" lol.
Now after that their decendants spent a lot of time doing very little (the southern american natives don't count - they were actual sea-faring peoples that are more closely related to modern Hawaiians and Indonesians.), what they did do a lot of is pillaging, raping, and fighting each other's tribes - long before the "modern" (meaning third, after the Vikings) re-discovery of the americas.
As for your rabbit creeks, something feathers, don't care. People have been people no matter where they came from and who they were. The more they claimed moral superiority - such as yourself - the higher the ego and moral pedestals tey imagined they occupied - the worse.

Hence, some smart people, decided amongst other things that IF all those peoples should coexist - then fundamental, inailienable rights - should be carved into stone so to speak. Amongst those rights is the right to free speech. I know you don't like it, you can package your hatered for it in any pseudointellectual nonsense backed with your religiously hand-picked facts, and to anyone else it might seem as an actual argument and not a hatered for basic human rights, but that's the true magic of freedom of speech: to let you speak. You see your nonsense, the fact that it is allowed to be uttered, is just as important as any other statement. One has to be able to see ignorance, in order to be able to point at that and say "look, there!" instead of hypotheticals. Thanks for that.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 23, 2009
Santa Monica, CA
Free speech is free speech, even if it's stupid, wrong, hateful, or otherwise disagreeable.
Now that being said - don't pretend you're an ostriche with your head stuck in the sand: ever since Project Veritas and/or Musk's released "twitter files" it has been PROVEN WITH ACTUAL EVIDENCE AND EMPLOYEE STATEMENTS that this moderaton has spanned far beyond some beningn tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists. In fact - literally everything claimed by alphabet soup instititutions like the FBI to be "russian meddling" an "bots" has been the diametrical opposite: specific actions targeting specific individuals and groups under the guize of wrongdoing by the latter or under a fake pretece that everything being done was for the "geater good" or for weeding out "Putin's agents".
Now I know full well you and many others seem to be under the impression that for some odd reason since it's not YOU being banned/shadowbanned/deplatformed/removed from searches that it's somehow fine in what it supposed to be this mythical "free western democracy" that fails time and time again to live up to its name, but I want to remind you of the old saying stemming from pre-WW2 era Germany, the one that went "first the went after the communists - but I was not a communist", and remember the screeching screams of foul play that not just banning - but the removal of the Holy Blue Checkmark of Lord Dorsey for all those "verified" people resulted in a unanimous uproar and was soon equated to outright censorship, which it was not.

Now as far as the age old debate what should private companies do when someone ... let me insert the loosest and most unspecific term here everyone like to use - "abuses their platform". Let me extend an olive branch of sorts: pre-late 90's when the internet was sorta kinda becoming a thing, freedoms gives to citizens of various countries could be easely defined as someone expressing themselves, orgnanizing, campaigning etc as freedom of speech. Most of it was done in public forums or what can be loosely defined as a public forum: protests, mailing lists, articles or own magazines, organizing PACs and parties. Then, all of a sudden, specifically somewhere during Obama years, the "but it's private platforms they are using" argument came into play.
Literally everything shifted today from physical attendance and/or participation to something virtual: social media, instant messaging, content sharing platform and to some extent still separate websites and forums. Now ALL of these are either hosted by, created by as a service, or at some part use services provided by private companies. In ye olden days fine ... if your site was not hosted by host X then you'd go to host Y. More often than not they wouldn't really care and say something to the tune of "well, yes we are hosting this but we're a private company and whatever happens there is the customer's own doing. We're hands-off here".
This again has now shifted to: "well, if you like and support X then you're banned NOT because you violated any law but because we don't like X and that's the end of it".
My olive branch is then this: digital services that facilitate user interaction with other users in ANY way are the exact definition of "Public space" and/or "public forum". If those services are to operate and be based on public interaction (read: Twitter, FB, Instagram etc) then they MUST operate by public rules and laws: keep their hands off. If they want to have a CERTAIN kind of content limited to CERTAIN kinds of views - then those platform should be completely closed off to the public and be invitation-only or at the very least label themselves and non-open private clubs with an agenda.
Think of it as private coctail party: yes, anyone can participate who gets invited. But no - it's not done in public space. While a regular beach party with people who just want to hang out is open and free - come and go as you like.

As for the crocodile tears mid-message where you wrote "riots and insurrection" you know illegal things are illegal - just like if someone threatens physical violence in person then to do so digitally ANYWHERE is in the eyes of the law the exact same thing. This was so 100 years ago - it's so even now. But what is different is that what YOU would define as such would not viewed in the same light by police or a state attourney. What you consider "hate" would be viewed by others as normal.
Frivolous example: if you would stretch your extreme protectionism then you'd be against almost all religions since almost all of them limit freedoms and/or are involved in abuse and sometimes genital mutilation. But I'll go out on a limb and assume your hypocricy does not define that hateful. Neither would you define someone wearing a T-shirt with Marx or Che as hateful. Guess what! I can line up people for mines who'd disagree with that.
The fundamental difference between you and your ilk and me - is that you'd like to see people banned for YOUR criteria of what's fine or not - I wouldn't. I would confront them like a civilized un-triggered human being, and pick them apart like I did with you now. As it should be in a free society!
Blah, blah, blah... are conservatives now saying the corporations don't have the same rights as people? Because that's what they were arguing and establishing in law with citizens united... and if that's still precedent, then the media companies have every right to control the speech on their platform as they have rights too. As for the twitter files... where do you get that stuff? Haven't you heard? Even Fox News hosts don't believe the crap they peddle.
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macrumors regular
Sep 6, 2021
Blah, blah, blah... are conservatives now saying the corporations don't have the same rights as people? Because that's what they were arguing and establishing in law with citizens united... and if that's still precedent, then the media companies have every right to control the speech on their platform as they have rights too. As for the twitter files... where do you get that stuff? Haven't you heard? Even Fox News hosts don't believe the crap they peddle.
No, of course corporations don't have the same rights as people. And never should! What the conservatives are saying I do not care I am not an american and could care less for your two party nonsense bread and circus for the masses.
As for what "fox news" believes again I could care less what biased amrican propagandists think. Facts are facts, papers are true, all those undercover PV videos concur and show all those decaf soy latte "progressives" employees (or should I say: ex-employees) bragging about doing just that kind of work.
What YOU belive on the other hand - now that really takes the cake, because that of absolutely zero importance.
There's a saying "this is not a church, believing is irrelevant".
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macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2018
Stalingrad, Russia
What YOU belive on the other hand - now that really takes the cake, because that of absolutely zero importance.
There's a saying "this is not a church, believing is irrelevant".
"All I want is the same - to be part of the game."
"All I want is - a true belief."


Aug 5, 2021
I’m rather excited to see what the investigation finds — or doesn’t find. Ultimately it will be the voters who determine if the investigation was worthwhile.

It's a council made up of quacks and conspiracy theorists. It's not a genuine investigation, it's a grudge against people who don't believe the world is flat and 5500 years old.

Ranting that speech is being suppressed in the USA is like old man shouting at clouds meme. It's a country full of scams, quacks, pyramid schemes, multi level marketing, con artists running mega churches, criminals running crypto scams and armed terrorist groups in Hawaiian t-shirts. There's literally no scam or crime or form of speech that isn't being disallowed in the US.

But if you are a company running a store, you don't want your store to make your decent customers run away. As it is, the Apple Store isn't clean enough. There's a ton of **** in there and if it wasn't for the editorialized home pages that crap would be more obvious.


macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2018
Stalingrad, Russia
But if you are a company running a store, you don't want your store to make your decent customers run away. As it is, the Apple Store isn't clean enough. There's a ton of **** in there and if it wasn't for the editorialized home pages that crap would be more obvious.
Are you implying that there is a some sort of "cast" system for the customers? Who are those indecent customers?
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