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macrumors 6502a
Oct 28, 2012
I feel it's a bit odd that we will discuss banning TikTok because it's likely giving data to China, but we know 100% for certain, proven in court, that Facebook is selling even more data to third party companies, who are operating with China, and nobody is calling out for Facebook and Instagram to be banned.

Is it only bad when China funnels data to China? It's not bad when Americans funnel data to China via some wealthy companies?

The other issue is we sit and call China a terrible country because they ban apps from operating in it. So in response to this, we're going to ban apps from operating within our countries. Man, it doesn't look good when you write it down, does it?

China isn’t a “terrible country” because of data harvesting. China is bad because of human rights abuses. Giving them data on all the humans in your country is suicidal. I agree about the other companies - it should be prevented regardless of channel.


macrumors 6502
Oct 12, 2011
“I ask that you remove…” is a demand??
Not really it comes from a Senator, not a court or the executive branch using their constitutional power. If the Senator is convinced that banning tiktok is the right thing to do, he should convince his colleagues (other senator and submit a bill)
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
My kids use ticktok, I do not.

I think its wrong that the government is trying to impose its view of how its citizens ought to express themselves.

Is Tiktok any worse in collecting data then facebook, twitter, google?

If the US government wants to ban tiktok they ought to ban all services that collect data on the citizens.


macrumors 68040
Aug 14, 2007
If Huawei can be banned in the US over privacy concerns, so should this App

It's not just privacy concerns - if anything, that's a red herring.

It's the subtle yet powerful influence over the hearts and minds of America's youth that Tik Tok has. For example, it would only take a slight tweak to the "algorithm" to boost content that is favourable to the CCP. Or to promote content that is favourable to the CCP's preferred candidate at the next US election.

Much like the media barons of the 20th century (Rupert Murdoch, Ted Turner, etc), those who control the levers of social media now wield enormous social and political power in the 21st century.


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2021
Lancashire UK
I'm not sure how a video-hosting service primarily-aimed at pre-teens filming themselves doing that Wednesday Adams dance is in any way compromising America's security. What am I missing?
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Jun 28, 2017
If you're on Android it's not a problem because you can just side load it. When Apple get forced to allow side loading then iOS users can do the same.

I know TikTok is bad but if they can ban TikTok then what's next? Having Apple/Google or a Government tell you what you can and can't download shouldn't be allowed.

Some people like to act like sideloading is evil and dangerous. It gives you freedom of choice.

That'd require too much effort it seems.
Lmao buddy a government tells you what you can and can’t do every day of your existence within that government’s jurisdiction and it’s for the betterment of yourself and your fellow citizens in most cases.

See, when something is detrimental to yourself or others and you’re too ignorant to know or understand it, that’s where the government comes in a forces you to do the correct thing.

It’s why the FDA doesn’t allow you to die of untested drugs for example. The government isn’t all out to get you buddy.


Jun 28, 2017
It tend to share your sentiment; there’s a fine line in protection vs freedom.
While China may be able to access high school kid’s drama, it sets a dangerous precedent when a state starts banning things.
Yeah see you gave us evidence that you do not understand this even in the slightest with this statement: “While China may be able to access high school kid’s drama”

Also, let me fill you in on a tidbit; the state bans innumerable things that would be detrimental to yourself or fellow citizens, of which you’re too ignorant or just don’t know yourself. For example those who understand drugs and the inherent risks of developing them do not allow you as a citizen to be killed by untested drugs so they bad their sale. This goes for innumerable other things you aren’t aware of that would kill you.

Then there are the numerous things the government bans that could cause you to be harmed in innumerable other ways.

Now go get your pitch forks and start a march!!!!!!
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macrumors 6502
Nov 17, 2012
On one hand the US government are saying that the App stores are stifling innovation (acting as gangster gatekeepers!)
On the other you have a US senator who is a Democrat wanting Google and Apple to ban a product because he thinks its best. Besides the contradiction politicians should not be overreaching. And if anyone thinks that Zuckerberg and YouTube are always good and TikTok is always bad because it's Chinese then you're wrong! Better to find a way to ramp up privacy and safety with the app and ban/control how government and journalists use TikTok.
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Jun 28, 2017
On one hand the US government are saying that the App stores are stifling innovation (acting as gangster gatekeepers!)
On the other you have a US senator who is a Democrat wanting Google and Apple to ban a product because he thinks its best. Besides the contradiction politicians should not be overreaching. And if anyone thinks that Zuckerberg and YouTube are always good and TikTok is always bad because it's Chinese then you're wrong! Better to find a way to ramp up privacy and safety with the app and ban/control how government and journalists use TikTok.
You won’t be protecting us with your ideas anytime soon lol


macrumors 6502a
Jun 5, 2003
Norway's minister of justice is currently getting flak for having TikTok installed on her work phone.
I blame the government agency that gave her the phone. Policies can be set up that restrict which apps you can. / can't install.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2019
Good! We are better off without it. I feel like the App is spying on us and collecting the data on another level.

TikTok should be banned. Honestly, I don’t think it brings anything to this world. We waste so much time just on scrolling.
I work for a company in the U.S. that collects data in ways that would blow your mind & it starts with any kind of credit card transaction or one's location at the time data is uploaded. As far as banning it for lack of relevancy or trying to get people to stop wasting time should never be a reason in any democracy that allows people the freedom to do what they lawfully choose.


Mar 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
OK now do Facebook and Twitter - both used extensively by the Russian government to carry out widespread disinformation campaigns, and the latter part-owned by the Saudis, who have been trying for _years_ to hack that data to no avail.
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Jun 28, 2017
TikTok should be banned irrespective of spying concerns.

It’s literally an app designed specifically to grab ahold of a human’s time and suck it away without any limit on the allotment of that time, and the more, the better for the company.

The same goes for YouTube and other apps that have the short clips feature which lets people swipe up to instantly jump to the next clip in an endless stream.

Humans waste ungodly life on those apps and gain no knowledge; they don’t remember tiny clips as you move on to the next instantly. It’s pure time-wasting with no gain only loss.


Jun 28, 2017
I work for a company in the U.S. that collects data in ways that would blow your mind & it starts with any kind of credit card transaction or one's location at the time data is uploaded. As far as banning it for lack of relevancy or trying to get people to stop wasting time should never be a reason in any democracy that allows people the freedom to do what they lawfully choose.
See you stop society from doing horribly detrimental things to itself.


Jun 28, 2017
I don't know, Google and Facebook steal users data all day every day and none of these Senators seem to mind. This seems more like big tech lobbying these senators because of the ad revenue that Tik Tok has taken from them. No matter what they try they can't copy or make anything as popular as Tik Tok so they want it shut down.
You know the difference between China stealing data and a U.S. company stealing data?

Clearly not lmao

Quick somebody give this guy the nuclear football


macrumors regular
Sep 10, 2014
I think the Senators now know that social media and all media is used by the elite is used to socially engineer our thinking and habits. There are many excuses: spying, ad revenue... but we all know, the one who controls the media, controls the people. You can change their opinions, buying habits, perception... And yes, Tik Tok is totally different in China.
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