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Spaceboi Scaphandre

macrumors 68040
Jun 8, 2022
If Huawei can be banned in the US over privacy concerns, so should this App
Good! We are better off without it. I feel like the App is spying on us and collecting the data on another level.

TikTok should be banned. Honestly, I don’t think it brings anything to this world. We waste so much time just on scrolling.

Beyond the privacy concerns and CCP involvement, the app should go because of all these stupid challenges it keeps spawning, most notably the Kia Challenge in which you see how many Kias or Hyundais you can steal and take for a joyride. I wish I was joking



macrumors regular
Oct 19, 2019
Beyond the privacy concerns and CCP involvement, the app should go because of all these stupid challenges it keeps spawning, most notably the Kia Challenge in which you see how many Kias or Hyundais you can steal and take for a joyride. I wish I was joking

I know this has been said lots of times but social media was a mistake.


macrumors 6502a
May 10, 2017
San Francisco Bay Area
Right now if Apple bans Tik Tok, Apple will get sued by Tik Tok under antitrust laws. That’s how dumb the American legal system is. So I ask this senator to work towards banning Tik Tok by law. That will make sure even side loading is not possible.


macrumors 6502
Feb 25, 2022
I know this has been said lots of times but social media was a mistake.

Social media, like anything else, is only a "mistake" when humans decide to use it for the worst possible reasons without any thought to the outcome. Same as a knife, or a car, or alcohol. All of them have perfectly fine uses, but mishandling can cause a lot of problems.


macrumors 6502
Feb 25, 2022
Good! We are better off without it. I feel like the App is spying on us and collecting the data on another level.

TikTok should be banned. Honestly, I don’t think it brings anything to this world. We waste so much time just on scrolling.

Then choose not to use it. You know what I think brings nothing to the world? Posting histrionic sweeping nonsense on web forums stating how the world would be if one was some global monarch/dictator. Yet here we are.

Spaceboi Scaphandre

macrumors 68040
Jun 8, 2022
Then choose not to use it. You know what I think brings nothing to the world? Posting histrionic sweeping nonsense on web forums stating how the world would be if one was some global monarch/dictator. Yet here we are.

As I mentioned in my post above, it's not that simple. Most of us do choose not to use it and ignore it. The problem stems from the dangerous challenges TikTok constantly spawns. It's gone beyond just slapping each other with tortillas or dancing in random places, to now stealing people's cars and committing felonies just for internet clout, and showing people how easy it is to commit these TikTok crimes.


macrumors 68040
Dec 28, 2007
Right now if Apple bans Tik Tok, Apple will get sued by Tik Tok under antitrust laws. That’s how dumb the American legal system is. So I ask this senator to work towards banning Tik Tok by law. That will make sure even side loading is not possible.
Side loading is always possible. There is no way to stop it short of removing the ability to side load from the OS.
And of course one can always use the web interface. Clunky, but it still works.
I'm more curious about what kind of "data" Tik Tok is supposedly collecting that is worth anything to someone outside of advertising.
I've seen the signup process and profile data elements. Ohhh email addresses and demographic data.
Google, Meta, and Apple collect WAY MORE data than that. Of those, Meta is the only one who actually shares the data to 3rd parties.
Google collects it and uses it to sell ads, but they don't actually sell the data. That would be stupid and destroy their business model. They sell aggregated data, not PII.
Meta... they let the data flow to the highest bidder.

Spaceboi Scaphandre

macrumors 68040
Jun 8, 2022
Right now if Apple bans Tik Tok, Apple will get sued by Tik Tok under antitrust laws. That’s how dumb the American legal system is. So I ask this senator to work towards banning Tik Tok by law. That will make sure even side loading is not possible.

TikTok is viewable from a web browser so an app is not required, just preferred, and thanks to case law from Apple vs Epic Apple has the argument that people can just choose to use a web app over a dedicated app so if TikTok got banned from the app store it wouldn't be the end of the world.


macrumors regular
Jan 27, 2012
Lmao buddy a government tells you what you can and can’t do every day of your existence within that government’s jurisdiction and it’s for the betterment of yourself and your fellow citizens in most cases.

See, when something is detrimental to yourself or others and you’re too ignorant to know or understand it, that’s where the government comes in a forces you to do the correct thing.

It’s why the FDA doesn’t allow you to die of untested drugs for example. The government isn’t all out to get you buddy.
Whole lotta crazy there. eeeek

Yikes. Go move to China hahah
I am thankfully not American, nor do I want to move to China. I just take pause when Americans throw rocks at China while living in a glass house.


Jun 7, 2017
Good Ol' US of A
YESSSSSS!!!!! LET'S GOOOOO!!!!!! This app is basically an end run around human decency and intelligence, turning people into complete idiots who hurt themselves and influence others to hurt themselves and has made watching content on other platforms frustrating due to the absolutely tiny amount of content in an obnoxious letterbox.

1 Minute videos is not content. And also, the value of the content is the lowest minimal effort or even questionable in its veracity or contribution to society. How many times are people gonna make spaghetti on a table before someone says "This is just God Damned Stupid."

Not to mention the onslaught of just Pornography, even in some cases involving minors.

Why are we allowing this?
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Little Endian

macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2003
I feel it's a bit odd that we will discuss banning TikTok because it's likely giving data to China, but we know 100% for certain, proven in court, that Facebook is selling even more data to third party companies, who are operating with China, and nobody is calling out for Facebook and Instagram to be banned.

Is it only bad when China funnels data to China? It's not bad when Americans funnel data to China via some wealthy companies?

The other issue is we sit and call China a terrible country because they ban apps from operating in it. So in response to this, we're going to ban apps from operating within our countries. Man, it doesn't look good when you write it down, does it?
Ah yes a classic case of the ”pot calling the kettle black”. Don’t want to get political but BS of psychological projection transcends corporations and national borders. With that said I don’t trust TikTok, Facebook and for that matter any Meta product. No problem though as I just refrain from using those services. YES you can live a life within the world of tech without using those services. I am also not the biggest fan of Google but that one is a little bit harder to avoid so I just limit my use.

Michael Scrip

macrumors 604
Mar 4, 2011
United States Senator Michael Bennet today penned a letter to the chief executives of Apple and Google demanding that they ban Chinese-owned TikTok from their app stores on national security grounds.

I wonder what Senator Bennet thinks about sideloading?

If one day the government forces Google and Apple to remove TikTok from their app stores... but the next day the government forces Apple to allow sideloading (and Google already does)... then welcome back TikTok!

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macrumors 6502
Dec 13, 2021
Obliging the government on this sets a dangerous precedent, and it shouldn't be done. Let them pass a federal law on this, which would then be challenged by the courts if needed.
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macrumors 68040
Aug 7, 2013
I'm thinking this is a good opportunity for a company to create a new version of of this app. similar to Facebook vs My face, and that conflict wasn't even necessary.

Although monetary reasons are usually the only reasons (for good reasons)


macrumors 65816
Mar 2, 2011
Good starting point, I hope this happens in Europe as well, and little by little all "social" media is eradicated.
They have too much information (power), they shape people, they shape kids, they shape the future. I'm sure this thing will collapse at some point, probably when it's too late, and I fear that young people will have a bad time because they are the main victims of this.
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