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macrumors 601
Original poster
Dec 15, 2010
No matter what I try Mozilla Thunderbird REFUSES to give up its default email status no matter how many times I try and change the default email app to either Mail or Outlook. Has anyone had this problem and what did you try?
No matter what I try Mozilla Thunderbird REFUSES to give up its default email status no matter how many times I try and change the default email app to either Mail or Outlook. Has anyone had this problem and what did you try?

Did you try selecting Mail, Preferences, General, Default Email Reader, and click on the down arrow to select "Mail app" from "Thunderbird app"? A checkmark will appear next to the selected default. You might have to restart the Mail app but that should do it.
Did you try selecting Mail, Preferences, General, Default Email Reader, and click on the down arrow to select "Mail app" from "Thunderbird app"? A checkmark will appear next to the selected default. You might have to restart the Mail app but that should do it.

It does not do it as like I mentioned in my OP nothing I try works including this as the Mail app goes back to listing Thunderbird as the default email app.
It does not do it as like I mentioned in my OP nothing I try works including this as the Mail app goes back to listing Thunderbird as the default email app.

I wonder if you're running into a permissions error? Since we can no longer repair permissions using Disk Utility from El Capitan, you might want to download OnyX from here (it's free) and use it to repair permissions and then see if you can set Mail as the default. You may have to over ride Gatekeeper in order to open and install OnyX after it's downloaded.
I wonder if you're running into a permissions error? Since we can no longer repair permissions using Disk Utility from El Capitan, you might want to download OnyX from here (it's free) and use it to repair permissions and then see if you can set Mail as the default. You may have to over ride Gatekeeper in order to open and install OnyX after it's downloaded.

I also have Tech Tools Pro. Perhaps this will help.
I wonder if you're running into a permissions error? Since we can no longer repair permissions using Disk Utility from El Capitan, you might want to download OnyX from here (it's free) and use it to repair permissions and then see if you can set Mail as the default. You may have to over ride Gatekeeper in order to open and install OnyX after it's downloaded.

Ran TTP and it repaired many bad permissions however the default email client problem remains.
I also have Tech Tools Pro. Perhaps this will help.

Ran TTP and it repaired many bad permissions however the default email client problem remains.

I just checked my copy of Mozilla Thunderbird and went through its preferences several times trying to find out where, if anyplace, it might assign itself as the default mail client. The only thing I found was under "Advanced Options" "General" tab, there's a box where you can place a checkmark labeled "Always check to see if Thunderbird is the default mail client on startup". That box is not checked on my copy. (I only use Thunderbird for NNTP news forums and not email.) Other than that, I'm at a loss why you can't change the default mail client to Apple Mail.
I just checked my copy of Mozilla Thunderbird and went through its preferences several times trying to find out where, if anyplace, it might assign itself as the default mail client. The only thing I found was under "Advanced Options" "General" tab, there's a box where you can place a checkmark labeled "Always check to see if Thunderbird is the default mail client on startup". That box is not checked on my copy. (I only use Thunderbird for NNTP news forums and not email.) Other than that, I'm at a loss why you can't change the default mail client to Apple Mail.

Yeah that option was already disabled so I am at a loss on the problem. I think its got to be some deep system issue on the Mac.
Try enabling that option, restarting firefox and it should give you a dialogue box to not set it as a default mail client.
Your comment:
"That only works on PPC macs as was unable to install."
... is wrong.

You should try to fix this by following the instructions I posted in another thread you posted about the same problem.
You can see those instructions here:

If you are running El Capitan, you will probably have to TURN OFF "System Integrity Protection" to install this.

How to turn off SIP in El Capitan:
1. Boot to the recovery partition
2. Open Terminal
3. Enter "csrutil disable" (without quotes) and press return
4. Reboot to your regular partition
5. Open Terminal and enter "csrutil status" (to see if it is in fact disabled).
6. NOW try installing the RCDefaultApp preference pane.
(important: PRINT OUT these notes so that you can refer to the commands in Terminal)

Does this work?

If so, you can re-enable SIP by repeating the steps above, but instead of "csrutil disable", enter "csrutil enable" and see if that works for you.

DO NOT use the MacUpdate link for the RCDefaultApp pref pane.
Instead, use the link I provided in the instructions above.
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Reactions: Eligos
That is strange, RCDefault app works for me and I'm on 10.11.3.

Perhaps I downloaded the PPC version. Whats the website again? Thanks..
Your comment:
"That only works on PPC macs as was unable to install."
... is wrong.

You should try to fix this by following the instructions I posted in another thread you posted about the same problem.
You can see those instructions here:

If you are running El Capitan, you will probably have to TURN OFF "System Integrity Protection" to install this.

How to turn off SIP in El Capitan:
1. Boot to the recovery partition
2. Open Terminal
3. Enter "csrutil disable" (without quotes) and press return
4. Reboot to your regular partition
5. Open Terminal and enter "csrutil status" (to see if it is in fact disabled).
6. NOW try installing the RCDefaultApp preference pane.
(important: PRINT OUT these notes so that you can refer to the commands in Terminal)

Does this work?

If so, you can re-enable SIP by repeating the steps above, but instead of "csrutil disable", enter "csrutil enable" and see if that works for you.

DO NOT use the MacUpdate link for the RCDefaultApp pref pane.
Instead, use the link I provided in the instructions above.

Thanks for your help. I was in church but should look into getting this problem resolved soon. I hate rebooting my Mac especially when I keep open many apps and the thing is slow on the first boot, but once everything is up and running the Mac runs quite well. I am using a RPM hard drive so not as fast. Also to note that if I boot into Safe Mode I am able to change the default email client.
Also to note that if I boot into Safe Mode I am able to change the default email client.

That is interesting. Safe mode stops all launch and startup items from running, so this would indicate you may have a launch or startup item that is interfering here.

Run the app Etrecheck once while in regular mode (not safe mode) and it will create a report showing everything running. The report is anonymized, so you can post it here so we can take a look to maybe help you figure this out.
Last edited:
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That is interesting. Safe mode stops all launch and startup items from running, so this would indicate you may have a launch or startup item that is interfering here.

Run the app Etrecheck once while in regular mode (not safe mode) and it will create a report showing everything running. The report is anonymized, so you can post it here so we can take a look to maybe help you figure this out.

EtreCheck version: 2.9.9 (260)

Report generated 2016-03-13 16:00:21

Download EtreCheck from

Runtime 6:33

Performance: Below Average

Click the [Support] links for help with non-Apple products.

Click the [Details] links for more information about that line.

Problem: No problem - just checking

Hardware Information:

MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012)

[Technical Specifications] - [User Guide] - [Warranty & Service]

MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro9,2

1 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 2-core

8 GB RAM Upgradeable - [Instructions]


4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok


4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok

Bluetooth: Good - Handoff/Airdrop2 supported

Wireless: en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n

Battery: Health = Normal - Cycle count = 6

Video Information:

Intel HD Graphics 4000

Color LCD 1280 x 800

System Software:

OS X El Capitan 10.11.3 (15D21) - Time since boot: about 21 days

Disk Information:

APPLE HDD HTS545050A7E362 disk0 : (500.11 GB) (Rotational)

EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB

Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted> [Recovery]: 650 MB

Macintosh HD (disk1) / : 498.89 GB (76.64 GB free)

Core Storage: disk0s2 499.25 GB Online


USB Information:

Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)

Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad

Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver

Apple Inc. BRCM20702 Hub

Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller

Thunderbolt Information:

Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus


Mac App Store and identified developers

Kernel Extensions:

/Applications/TechTool Pro

[not loaded] com.micromat.driver.spdKernel (1 - SDK 10.11 - 2015-10-21) [Support]

[not loaded] com.micromat.driver.spdKernel-10-8 (1 - SDK 10.11 - 2015-10-21) [Support]

/Library/Application Support/MacKeeper/

[loaded] net.kromtech.kext.AVKauth (2.3.9 - SDK 10.10 - 2015-08-17) [Support]

[loaded] net.kromtech.kext.Firewall (2.3.9 - SDK 10.10 - 2015-08-17) [Support]


[not loaded] com.seagate.driver.PowSecDriverCore (5.2.2 - SDK 10.4 - 2016-02-27) [Support]

/System/Library/Extensions/Seagate Storage Driver.kext/Contents/PlugIns

[not loaded] com.seagate.driver.PowSecLeafDriver_10_4 (5.2.2 - SDK 10.4 - 2012-10-13) [Support]

[not loaded] com.seagate.driver.PowSecLeafDriver_10_5 (5.2.2 - SDK 10.5 - 2012-10-13) [Support]

[not loaded] com.seagate.driver.SeagateDriveIcons (5.2.2 - SDK 10.4 - 2012-10-13) [Support]

Startup Items:

RetroRun: Path: /Library/StartupItems/RetroRun

Startup items are obsolete in OS X Yosemite

System Launch Agents:

[not loaded] 6 Apple tasks

[loaded] 141 Apple tasks

[running] 89 Apple tasks

System Launch Daemons:


[not loaded] 44 Apple tasks

[loaded] 143 Apple tasks

[running] 99 Apple tasks

Launch Agents:

[loaded] (2016-03-01) [Support]

[running] com.micromat.TechToolProAgent.plist (2015-10-21) [Support]

[running] (2013-01-13) [Support]

[running] com.seagate.SeagateStorageGauge.plist (2010-03-10) [Support]

Launch Daemons:

[loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist (2016-03-07) [Support]

[loaded] com.barebones.authd.plist (2012-08-21) [Support]

[loaded] com.barebones.textwrangler.plist (2011-03-17) [Support]

[loaded] (2016-03-01) [Support]

[running] com.micromat.TechToolProDaemon.plist (2015-10-21) [Support]

[loaded] (2011-03-10) [Support]

[loaded] (2013-01-13) [Support]

[loaded] (2016-02-27) [Support]

[running] com.wyse.PocketCloud.plist (2012-04-02) [Support]

[running] com.zeobit.MacKeeper.AntiVirus.plist (2014-08-30) [Support]

User Launch Agents:

[running] com.zeobit.MacKeeper.Helper.plist (2016-03-12) [Support]

User Login Items:

iTunesHelper Application (/Applications/

Garmin Express Service Application Hidden (/Applications/Garmin Express

Google Drive Application (/Applications/Google

Other Apps:

[running] com.Growl.GrowlHelperApp.312352

[running] com.etresoft.EtreCheck.322592

[running] com.garmin.renu.service.295392






[running] org.mozilla.kompozer.41952

[loaded] 400 Apple tasks

[running] 254 Apple tasks

Internet Plug-ins:

Flash Player: - SDK 10.6 (2016-03-11) [Support]

AdobePDFViewer: 9.5.5 (2013-05-16) [Support]

LogMeInSafari32: 1.0.660 (2012-03-20) [Support]

googletalkbrowserplugin: - SDK 10.8 (2015-12-11) [Support]

iPhotoPhotocast: 7.0 (2012-01-14)

PepperFlashPlayer: - SDK 10.6 (2016-03-12) [Support]

RealPlayer Plugin: Unknown (2012-01-14) [Support]

QuickTime Plugin: 7.7.3 (2016-02-06)

LogMeInSafari64: 1.0.660 (2012-03-20) [Support]

FlashPlayer-10.6: - SDK 10.6 (2016-03-11) [Support]

GarminGpsControl: - SDK 10.8 (2014-03-31) [Support]

ActiveGS: 3.5.762 - SDK 10.6 (2012-01-22) [Support]

Silverlight: 5.1.40728.0 - SDK 10.6 (2015-09-12) [Support]

CouponPrinter-FireFox_v2: Version 1.1.6 (2011-09-20) [Support]

LogMeIn: 1.0.660 (2012-04-15) [Support]

SharePointBrowserPlugin: 14.5.6 - SDK 10.6 (2015-10-08) [Support]

Default Browser: 601 - SDK 10.11 (2016-02-06)

o1dbrowserplugin: - SDK 10.8 (2015-12-14) [Support]

Flip4Mac WMV Plugin: - SDK 10.8 (2013-03-17) [Support]

JavaAppletPlugin: Java 8 Update 65 build 17 (2015-10-25) Check version

User internet Plug-ins:

Picasa: 1.0 - SDK 10.6 (2015-10-13) [Support]

Google Earth Web Plug-in: 7.1 (2013-10-07) [Support]

Safari Extensions:

1-ClickWeather (2010-09-19)

Snapper (2010-11-15)

Bobsled by T-Mobile (2011-11-09)

3rd Party Preference Panes:

Flash Player (2016-03-07) [Support]

Flip4Mac WMV (2013-03-17) [Support]

Growl (2012-01-14) [Support]

Java (2015-10-25) [Support]

MacFUSE (2010-08-05) [Support]

Perian (2011-07-23) [Support]

TechTool Protection (2015-10-21) [Support]

Time Machine:

Skip System Files: NO

Mobile backups: ON

Auto backup: YES

Volumes being backed up:

Macintosh HD: Disk size: 498.89 GB Disk used: 422.24 GB


FreeAgent GoFlex Drive [Local]

Total size: 487.84 GB

Total number of backups: 7

Oldest backup: 7/19/15, 11:03 AM

Last backup: 1/30/16, 3:52 PM

Size of backup disk: Too small

Backup size 487.84 GB < (Disk used 422.24 GB X 3)

Top Processes by CPU:

16% iTunes

10% kernel_task

6% WindowServer

6% sandboxd


Top Processes by Memory:

971 MB kernel_task

811 MB

287 MB iPhoto

279 MB iTunes

238 MB MacKeeper Helper

Virtual Memory Information:

54 MB Free RAM

7.94 GB Used RAM (1.32 GB Cached)

1.47 GB Swap Used

Diagnostics Information:

Standard users cannot read /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports.

Run as an administrator account to see more information.
You're using Mackeeper? Real Player? Ancient versions of Snapper and Bobsled? Man, you're asking for a troubled system.
Did you try changing the default email client in preferences? It's the only official way to do it in El Cap. Make sure Thunderbird is NOT running while you change it in
  • Like
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You're using Mackeeper? Real Player? Ancient versions of Snapper and Bobsled? Man, you're asking for a troubled system.
Did you try changing the default email client in preferences? It's the only official way to do it in El Cap. Make sure Thunderbird is NOT running while you change it in

Yeah I must have some old software on my system I will check for that. What do snapper and Bobsled do? How to get rid of these apps as I could not find them in the app folder?
You're using Mackeeper? Real Player? Ancient versions of Snapper and Bobsled? Man, you're asking for a troubled system.
Did you try changing the default email client in preferences? It's the only official way to do it in El Cap. Make sure Thunderbird is NOT running while you change it in

Real player? Do sites even use it still?
Yeah I must have some old software on my system I will check for that. How to get rid of these apps as I could not find them in the app folder?
EtreCheck shows you have not completed a Time Machine backup since 1/30/16 so you should do a fresh successful backup BEFORE making any startup changes.

Look at the EtreCheck report and navigate to file locations and remove them (drag to trash but do not delete yet). EtreCheck shows where the files are located and none of them are in the Applications folder.

You will need to restart for the changes to effect and before you can fully delete the files from the Trash and there are no problems. I recommend removing kromtech also, since it is associated with Mackeeper.

It seems the EtreCheck report indicated you were logged as a Standard user instead of Admin.
  • Like
Reactions: Weaselboy
MacKeeper needs to go away (completely :D )

I also see that you show RetroRun in startup items. When I searched for that at the Retrospect support forums, RetroRun has not been part of the Retrospect installation since version 6.1 - which means you have an install of that several years old. Current Retrospect would be version 13, for example.

Snapper is an audio support app.
Bobsled from tmobile is a messaging app (for Android only, I think?)
  • Like
Reactions: Weaselboy
Some good suggestions here already... I agree with ditching MacKeeper. That is like the herpes of Mac applications.

You do have some Mr. Belvedere era apps and utilities running there.

Try to remove the ones mentioned already and restart and see how it goes, then let is know.
MacKeeper needs to go away (completely :D )

I also see that you show RetroRun in startup items. When I searched for that at the Retrospect support forums, RetroRun has not been part of the Retrospect installation since version 6.1 - which means you have an install of that several years old. Current Retrospect would be version 13, for example.

Snapper is an audio support app.
Bobsled from tmobile is a messaging app (for Android only, I think?)

Snapper is a safari extension that I have disabled so it should not be a problem. Bobsled I cannot find on my Mac so not sure how that got on the report.
Look at your EtreCheck listing again.
Bobsled is listed under Safari extensions.
Should be in your user Library/Safari/Extensions folder - even if it is not showing in your Safari app/Preferences/Extensions tab.
Okay after the reboot is the new default email client
Look at your EtreCheck listing again.
Bobsled is listed under Safari extensions.
Should be in your user Library/Safari/Extensions folder - even if it is not showing in your Safari app/Preferences/Extensions tab.

Under that folder I get this

Some good suggestions here already... I agree with ditching MacKeeper. That is like the herpes of Mac applications.

You do have some Mr. Belvedere era apps and utilities running there.

Try to remove the ones mentioned already and restart and see how it goes, then let is know.

I reboot and the is the new default email client and I tried to change it to Outlook or Thunderbird and it again own let me.
But, isn't that the result that you wanted - to make the the default again?
Sounds like a good result, eh?

You didn't say if you tried the this time.

Can't say about that bobsled extension, but maybe you can find it with a spotlight search, or you could try the find command in the terminal.
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