@arn Reviving the topic of this thread from 2015, isn't it about time that a Mac-focused site mostly visited by Mac users used... Apple fonts, instead of Microsoft's Verdana?
The really easy way to do this is to replace all those 'Verdana, Arial' declarations in the style sheet with this bulletproof system font stack:
font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'avenir next', 'avenir', 'segoe ui', 'helvetica neue', 'helvetica', 'Cantarell', 'Ubuntu', 'roboto', 'noto', 'arial', sans-serif;
This will ensure that whatever device or OS the visitor is using, they'll see the content in their default system font. For Mac users, this means San Francisco on newer versions of macOS / iOS / iPadOS etc.
This also allows for more typographic richness, because current system fonts like San Francisco, Segoe UI, Ubuntu and Roboto have many more weights and variations, but to take advantage of that, it would require a deeper rework of the CSS and general typographic design used on the site.
(Quick screenshot below, done by tweaking the CSS in DevTools)
The really easy way to do this is to replace all those 'Verdana, Arial' declarations in the style sheet with this bulletproof system font stack:
font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'avenir next', 'avenir', 'segoe ui', 'helvetica neue', 'helvetica', 'Cantarell', 'Ubuntu', 'roboto', 'noto', 'arial', sans-serif;
This will ensure that whatever device or OS the visitor is using, they'll see the content in their default system font. For Mac users, this means San Francisco on newer versions of macOS / iOS / iPadOS etc.
This also allows for more typographic richness, because current system fonts like San Francisco, Segoe UI, Ubuntu and Roboto have many more weights and variations, but to take advantage of that, it would require a deeper rework of the CSS and general typographic design used on the site.
(Quick screenshot below, done by tweaking the CSS in DevTools)
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