OP --
If the 2010 MBP is in good shape, it makes sense to upgrade the internal drive to an SSD, and also to replace the battery while "you're in there".
My advice:
You DON'T need to spend lots on the SSD, nor do you need to buy a large one.
500gb will do fine.
I'd suggest Crucial or Sandisk drives.
I'd also suggest that you get something like this:
You can use it to "prep and test" the new SSD
-BEFORE- you install it, and you can use the adapter/dongle to connect the old HDD afterwards.
IF your current OS install is doing ok, you could use CarbonCopyCloner to "clone over" your OS from the HDD to the SSD -- fastest and easiest way to get going.
CCC is FREE to download and use for 30 days, so doing it this way will "cost you nothing" out-of-pocket.
You will also need:
- Phillips #00 driver
- TORX T-6 driver
I -think- you also need a special driver to undo the screws holding in the battery (sorry, I don't have the driver number close at the moment)
Go to ifixit.com to see what's involved.
It's a VERY easy procedure.
RE the battery:
Don't "cheap out" on it. Some 3rd-party batteries are ok, but many others are junk.
It's really a crapshoot.
Don't expect any replacement battery to perform as well as did the factory-original (re the time it takes from "full charge" to "empty"). They almost never do.
One last bit of advice:
STOP USING Chrome if you're using it.
It's a "resource hog".
And do you really prefer google gathering all that info on where you go?