Hey All
Last night I removed my optical drive and fitted a Samsung 840 EVO 500GB SSD and I am very disappointed with it.
Apart from Apps now initially loading quicker (And the iMac booting up a little bit quicker and shutting down VERY fast) I can't feel any considerable speed improvement at all.
Rendering video in FCPX takes exactly the same time when its on the SSD as compared to it being externally on a HDD USB 2 drive.
Photoshop doesnt run any quicker, even Word & Excel dont run any quicker.
I don't know if its maybe something to do with the RAM as when I'm using FCPX it NEVER goes above 1.3GB (And I have 16GB for it to use) and then the rest of the machine slows down and becomes laggy.
Here are my specs.
OS: Yoesmite 10.10.2
Model iMac 21.5", late 2009 (500GB)
Processor: 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 16GB 1067 MHz DDR3 (Was 4GB when purchased but upgraded myself)
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400 256 MB
Space used on new SSD 268GB of 500GB.
Any thoughts anyone on how to improve speed?
Many thanks in advance.
Last night I removed my optical drive and fitted a Samsung 840 EVO 500GB SSD and I am very disappointed with it.
Apart from Apps now initially loading quicker (And the iMac booting up a little bit quicker and shutting down VERY fast) I can't feel any considerable speed improvement at all.
Rendering video in FCPX takes exactly the same time when its on the SSD as compared to it being externally on a HDD USB 2 drive.
Photoshop doesnt run any quicker, even Word & Excel dont run any quicker.
I don't know if its maybe something to do with the RAM as when I'm using FCPX it NEVER goes above 1.3GB (And I have 16GB for it to use) and then the rest of the machine slows down and becomes laggy.
Here are my specs.
OS: Yoesmite 10.10.2
Model iMac 21.5", late 2009 (500GB)
Processor: 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 16GB 1067 MHz DDR3 (Was 4GB when purchased but upgraded myself)
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400 256 MB
Space used on new SSD 268GB of 500GB.
Any thoughts anyone on how to improve speed?
Many thanks in advance.