Silly apple
This makes no since....Why wouldn't they announce it if it was a new model, how can you have excess inventory of a model that doesn't exist yet and has better specs, so you have to sell it as a lesser model, but not mention it???
Not even a sticker???? All i can think of was that apple is building up inventory of the new models in anticipation of high demand for them this coming christmas season and they got packaged in the wrong box.....or the manufacture made a future computer(how they get the parts?) by mistake and put it into the current generation boxes...
I bet apple doesn't know which boxes are affected, whatever the reason is. I wonder if this upgrade is permanent(with stickers being added and boxes changed) or just temporary. Maybe there be a period of chaos and turmoil where no one will no what there getting. Fist fights will break out, Apples phone lines clogged and apple stores over run with angry mobs who feel riped off because there neighbor got a better MAC mini.....
Wait, I forgot. Apple only has 3 percent market share........Right now