My 24" iMac is "obsolete" according to Apple so I can't upgrade beyond El Capitan (10.11.6). Other than replacing the HD this iMac has been completely reliable for the past ten years. I only web surf, email, Quicken, etc so performance is still completely adequate for my purposes. But with the 2019 iMac available now it looks like time to finally upgrade.
In a new iMac I would want user expandable RAM and a 512 SSD, so likely a 27" model. Pricing goes roughly $2200, $2400, $2500 for the three levels of 27" iMac, so I'd probably go with the top model for the extra few hundred.
Anything else I should be considering in my ten year upgrade? Thanks for any advice.
In a new iMac I would want user expandable RAM and a 512 SSD, so likely a 27" model. Pricing goes roughly $2200, $2400, $2500 for the three levels of 27" iMac, so I'd probably go with the top model for the extra few hundred.
Anything else I should be considering in my ten year upgrade? Thanks for any advice.