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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 29, 2018
Good Evening All. I have a strange and potentially complicated question regarding my iPhone and using a Bluetooth device to make calls. I've tried a number of products that I can use to make calls with my iPhone via Bluetooth, but none of them have the volume I need given my desired proximity to the Bluetooth device. With that being said, I want to use a regular Bluetooth device to amplify the sound of the receiver but I want to use the iPhone as a roaming microphone so I can walk from room to room and still be able to conduct my phone conversations. When I connect to a simple Bluetooth playback device with no microphone, I can playback my voicemails but I cannot use it for the audio of any phone calls. Are there some settings that will allow me to do this? I work from home on a fairly regular basis and making calls in this manner would certainly help me get things done while I am on calls for work. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how this might be done? I've tried using products that have the Bluetooth connection and a microphone onboard but having the mic in one place precludes me from going into different rooms.
So you want to use the phone’s microphone but with a Bluetooth speaker? Did I get that right? I don’t think you can do that. May I suggest a set of Apple AirPods? They are great, provide plenty of volume, and have built in microphones.
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I would just rip apart a hands free device and wire it into something with better powered speakers.... but .... why not just bring the phone with you? hm i don't know.
Simply said no. A Bluetooth headset profile is required to redirect audio and microphone and let the device handle it.

Plenty of decent purpose Bluetooth conference call devices about. Some even where you can wire additional microphones. Won’t be cheap for a good one.
So you want to use the phone’s microphone but with a Bluetooth speaker? Did I get that right? I don’t think you can do that. May I suggest a set of Apple AirPods? They are great, provide plenty of volume, and have built in microphones.

Exactly what I thought while reading the OP.
I have the house to myself when I work from home, so I usually just put my iPhone on speaker and mute as needed, but it sounds like you want a Bluetooth headset or wireless headphones with a mic. I don’t have any definitive personal recommendations, but I know my Bose QC35 will allow me to have phone conversations without being near the iPhone. The mic is on the headset and I can answer calls on the headset as well. Those are over-ear though, primarily for music listening and noise canceling on flights. They do last forever in battery life and are very comfortable. You should be fine with something similar but smaller like Bose wireless earbuds, AirPods, or like devices.

I don’t have a Google Home device, and those could possibly work, but it sounds like want to be able to still walk around to other rooms and be heard clearly, so you need a device with the mic close to your mouth, but has a decent range. Pay attention to the range rating of the headphones. With most, you’re not going to able to go out to the garage or basement, but there should be devices that will give good range when on the same level.

Two things I’ve learned with Bluetooth audio with the iPhone:

1) Sometimes the volume needs to be set higher from the original source (in this case the iPhone) so when you adjust the volume from the speaker/headphones, you’re in a good tolerance range with no need to go back to the phone.

2) What you need to be aware of and be sure to do is to always answer the call from the Bluetooth receiving device, in this case the headphones. I believe it’s an iOS quirk, but sometimes when you answer a call using the iPhone, the call will not automatically transfer to the Bluetooth device. You have to manually switch it on the phone with the call active.

Hope this helps. Your post was a little unclear, so I gave it my best shot. Good luck!
Thank you for the ideas everyone. I didn’t think that what I wanted to do was possible but I wasn’t sure. I appreciate all the suggestions. It sounds like I’ll need some sort of hard-wired option or expensive system to achieve what I want to do. Thanks again!
Thank you for the ideas everyone. I didn’t think that what I wanted to do was possible but I wasn’t sure. I appreciate all the suggestions. It sounds like I’ll need some sort of hard-wired option or expensive system to achieve what I want to do. Thanks again!

A Bluetooth headset is all you need.
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