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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Verizon, Sprint and AT&T have all confirmed that FaceTime over Cellular will be supported by their networks on all devices that are capable of the feature. This contradicts other reporting which suggested that FaceTime over Cellular would only be available on the iPhone 5.


Verizon told MacRumors today that "if FaceTime works via cellular on any Apple device, it will work on any Verizon Wireless data plan with no special arrangements."

AT&T said something similar, confirming today that FaceTime over Cellular would work on all supported devices, so long as the customer has a new Mobile Share data plan. Sprint has said in the past that it is committed to unlimited data and does not discriminate based on the application used.

Apple's iOS 6 footnotes say that the only supported devices for FaceTime over Cellular are the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, or iPad (3rd generation) with cellular data capability.

Article Link: Verizon to Support FaceTime over Cellular on iPhone 5, iPhone 4S and New iPad


macrumors 68030
Sep 22, 2009
This is good news. I wonder how much data will be used now that there's a 720p HD camera on the front? Or will the quality be degraded over cellular?


Jul 26, 2005
Chicago, IL
I know people threaten to leave ATT over a policy all the time, but this Facetime only on the shared plans was enough to make me act on that threat.


macrumors 6502
Jun 24, 2010
if AT&T was a girl this would be her pic.. can't use facetime over wireless unless drop unlimited plan.. what a bitcK.



macrumors 6502
Jun 3, 2011
San Diego, CA
I hate that AT&T makes us use their new mobile share plan to use this feature and they act like the new share plans are so much better for us. We're sticking with AT&T though I guess. LTE seems quick in San Diego area.


macrumors 6502
Jul 30, 2008
Cool, Ive had facetime over cellular (At&t) for over 2 years now, shortly after iphone 4 was released.

This is good news. I wonder how much data will be used now that there's a 720p HD camera on the front? Or will the quality be degraded over cellular?

It will most definitely be downgraded I bet, unless you have 3G unrestrictor installed or equivalent


macrumors 68040
Oct 19, 2010
Buffalo, NY
seriously, who uses facetime that often?

I would definately use facetime if I could use it. Cases where I'd use it are on-the-go, where wi-fi is not available.

I'm not going to use it at home where I'm just sitting there, I'd like to use it when I'm walking in the park and tell my wife, 'There's a kangaroo here in the park'. 'I don't believe you - we don't have Kangaroos in New York'. Then, I turn on facetime and show her. Those sorts of things.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2008
Cool. Now my wife, who doesn't have wifi at work, can say goodnight to the kids using facetime when she's working late!



macrumors 65816
Sep 30, 2011

I hope SOMEONE can start a protest for AT&T being so freaking greedy
I mean if their price was lower it would be fine but they are overpriced and they want to charge you for many things and even if you don't use them they would charge you and they WILL CHARGE PEOPLE TWICE
for something they are already paying for. Like that's just messed up
I hope someone understands this so at least they can do something about this corruption. We the Good people have to stop the greedy selfish people.


macrumors 6502
Dec 14, 2009
So what's the catch Verizon?

One catch is that if you're an iPhone 4 customer with unlimited data, you'll need to upgrade to a new phone (4s or 5) in order to get Facetime over Cellular. In that case you'll either have to pay full price for the phone, or lose your unlimited plan.


macrumors 68020
Jan 13, 2008

1)3G would be terrible for Facetime
2)Only Verizon has LTE in the USA and I don't know what those real-world specs/performance are
3)WIFI is pretty much everywhere...sure, not in the woods, but you're probably not going to have any cell coverage in the woods either. :)

I guess if you need to Facetime while in a moving car or walking down the street this cellular feature/support is for you. But you wouldn't be able to hear anything if you are FTing while walking down a street or in a car with road noise/windows/etc.

I think WIFI is really the best route for FT, still...and is free and/or you are not charged per Byte of usage.


macrumors regular
Aug 1, 2008
I have a iP4 and 4S on verizon running iOS6 GM, both phones have the setting for use facetime over cellular enabled.
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