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macrumors member
Oct 18, 2006
I tried the side-by-side images... they kinda look the same. Maybe because it was a very stretched out frame of video, or maybe because they're the same.

I'm still suspicious though. :rolleyes:


macrumors regular
Dec 15, 2004
Southern California
This stuff looks good but i would be much more impressed if it were in ENGLISH, however.... I'm much more interested in what is going to happen to the iPod Classic. I have a 172 gig iTunes Library that I want to be on a single iPod. I anxiously await tomorrow...


macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2009
The thing I like about this video is it gives a good size comparison of the new touchscreen. I am still curious to find out if it will replace the iPod Shuffle, iPod Nano, or if it's a new device entirely.

Everyone seems to think Nano so I am going to place my bet on that, but it is going to be a crazy unveiling tomorrow I feel.

Kid A

macrumors regular
May 1, 2008
This stuff looks good but i would be much more impressed if it were in ENGLISH, however.... I'm much more interested in what is going to happen to the iPod Classic. I have a 172 gig iTunes Library that I want to be on a single iPod. I anxiously await tomorrow...

the smart-ass in me says, be prepared to leave 12 GBs at home. i'd be surprised if anything happens to the classic (short of it being phased-out tomorrow or next year). but for your sake, i hope i'm wrong.

personally, i don't see the need to carry around my entire, constantly growing collection with me at all times. i get by on 8 & 16 GB just fine, though a 32 GB or 64 GB device would be nice for me (still wouldn't hold a 1/3 of my library). it's not that hard to make a few giant playlists and re-sync every so often. i just can't see ever chosing a HDD-based classic over a flash-based device, even if i could carry more of my library around. just me.


macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2007
Interesting that only a screen from one of the new devices and a couple of cases are floating around. By this time I would have expected quite a few more detail case leaks, etc. Did Apple in fact not allow case manufacturers specs for the iPhone 4? Wonder if this is being done with the new devices as well. Still, I really hope this turns out to be the shuffle, it's a weird direction to take the Nano in, IMO.


macrumors newbie
Nov 9, 2008
Hello everybody, apple's september first event is about to happen. I am going to show you a couple things 2 or3 days ahead of the actual event. "skips to iphone stuff where he talks about how the white and black iphone 4 are almost similar except for an extra slit opening that is above the upper speaker which he does not know what it is for exactly."
1:25: Now this little thing, it should be a compoent for an upcoming product. Exactly what product it is a part of, there are 3 possiblities. iPod Nano, iPod touch, or the rumored iWatch. Just exactly what, we will have to wait for the actual release. Now the Last thing, I will show you the front of the new ipod touch 4. You can see the camera tha tis apparent on the top. According to rumors on the web, the ipod touch 4 will also have an camera on the back. Now if this is true, we have reasons to believe that the ipod touch 4 will have the capactity to carry out video conferences (direct translation, but probably will mean the facetime). That is all, thanks for watching. Bye bye.


This guy has is speaking Mandrain chinese but with an extremely apparent cantonese accent. This suggests that he is in Shenzhen, where all the iPod products are being manufactured.

Hope this helps

P.S. He said that he couldn't open the iPhone 4 because there are inappropraite materials on there.


macrumors regular
Feb 9, 2010
Too distracted by the horrible screen cover on the back of the black iPhone. That's easily the worst applicator job I've ever seen.


macrumors newbie
Apr 26, 2010

Who would want an ipod with those wire things hanging out the sides! Have Apple lost their minds!!??


macrumors 65816
Feb 18, 2008
amazing how the white iphone is NEVER turned on, so I call BS. The black is out already so I could care less if it was shown as on.

Credibility is the key on video's like this, and its just not shown here.

*edit: I had the whole thing on mute because I couldnt stand the guy :)


macrumors 6502a
Feb 3, 2009
Despite this wild and ridiculous speculation about all these products and the worst I've seen about speculation since there was iPod Media Event (take note iPhone idiots, IPOD event), maybe you guys could be ignoring the iPod that made Apple live again, the iPod Classic. Maybe it isn't the nano (no doubt about it), the shuffle (possibility) and an iWatch (are you ****ing kidding me? I mean...WTF?) BUT the iPod Classic touch wheel?

You heard it here first, although I HATE all the speculation there has been about this event. The iPod Classic with a touch wheel. The first to get clickwheel, the first to get touch wheel. Not to be discontinued!


macrumors 65816
Aug 7, 2007
Iowa, USA
彼は彼がtalkinであるものがについてのわからない陽気なホモの中国人である (chinese)
That's not Chinese--I don't know Japanese, but my guess is that it is still Japanese. :)

BTW, he was speaking Chinese. Sounds like Mandarin, but I'm not incredibly great at distinguishing the Chinese langauges/dialects from one another.


macrumors regular
Aug 13, 2010
Minneapolis, MN
Talk about spurious inputs! If this is a touch screen, I can see how it would work ok (try touching a tiny link on an iPhone), however, I hope that they don't intend to do too much with a screen this small!

Still, interesting. Can you imagine the postage stamp movie viewing on this thing? ;)

Worse yet....can you imagine the tiny touchscreen keyboard!? For some reason it brings to mind Tom Hanks in the movie Big trying to eat the tiny ear of corn....:)
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