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Original poster
Nov 8, 2017
New York
I know it was very laggy and unreliable when it was first introduced and despite that, I still used it with my wife a lot.

I tried it again today since the WatchOS 6 update and boy has it improved. Quick connection to the other party and very responsive.

If you liked the idea of it but didn’t like the implementation before, I’d say give it another shot. Wondering if I’m the only one who thinks it’s improved.


macrumors newbie
May 22, 2015
Yeah really enjoying this feature even though it still can be a bit buggy. My wife was at the supermarket the other day and I was shocked how clear it was and seemed to cancel out a lot of the background noise. This was on a Saturday afternoon when it was packed!

Very surprised that this features hasn't turned up on the iPhone yet!
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Original poster
Nov 8, 2017
New York
Yeah really enjoying this feature even though it still can be a bit buggy. My wife was at the supermarket the other day and I was shocked how clear it was and seemed to cancel out a lot of the background noise. This was on a Saturday afternoon when it was packed!

Very surprised that this features hasn't turned up on the iPhone yet!
I believe they were working on it for the iPhone but canx the program. Maybe the next iPhone will have it. I always have my watch on me tho so I’m in no rush to see it on the iPhone but def would be a great feature.

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
Surprised to see people actually use that feature in daily life. I’ve only ever used it as a novelty thing a couple of times with one of my colleague.


Original poster
Nov 8, 2017
New York
Surprised to see people actually use that feature in daily life. I’ve only ever used it as a novelty thing a couple of times with one of my colleague.
It’s great when getting split up at the supermarket, or as an intercom in the house to bring a bottle of water up to the bedroom. I find it quicker and more efficient than texting or calling.

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
It’s great when getting split up at the supermarket, or as an intercom in the house to bring a bottle of water up to the bedroom. I find it quicker and more efficient than texting or calling.

Makes sense.


macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2012
Oh, I never knew it did. I don’t use it enough for it to have a noticeable affect so I couldn’t tell ya.
Back when the AW3 first came out just having walkie talkie as avaialble would rinse through the battery.

I stopped using it as so often I would send a message and get no reply, turns out the other person didnt get it. Was just too hit and miss. Plus I'm a grown up and as much fun as walkie talkie was my friends are all at work and dont want me shouting 'Wasssupppp' out loud while they try and convince people they are a serious adult.


Original poster
Nov 8, 2017
New York
Back when the AW3 first came out just having walkie talkie as avaialble would rinse through the battery.

I stopped using it as so often I would send a message and get no reply, turns out the other person didnt get it. Was just too hit and miss. Plus I'm a grown up and as much fun as walkie talkie was my friends are all at work and dont want me shouting 'Wasssupppp' out loud while they try and convince people they are a serious adult.
Ah gotchya. Nope, doesn’t kill the battery just being active in the background anymore. Still getting the 18 + hours I should be getting. It works off FaceTime Audio from what I understand.

LMAO. Was on the stand at Traffic Court and got a few unwanted chirps lol. Thank goodness it wasn’t a murder trial. I learned quick to disable it in the control center before attending a serious event. Now it’s just a useful little tool between my wife and I.

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
I feel like this is a 3D Touch type feature which sounds cool but either people don’t use it much or bit awkward in real life usage.


macrumors newbie
Sep 22, 2019
Love this feature. Again, me and the wife use it regularly. Usually when she’s made her way to the bar and forgotten what pint I wanted ?
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macrumors 68000
Sep 11, 2008
Poole, UK
I use it quite a lot at work. I work from home and all the rest of my team are in an office 100 miles away - sometimes if they are in the datacentre I can just chat to them easily to ask them to check a server, a light etc and it is so much easier than text or call. It is also easy to ask them something quick if they have left their phone on their desk etc


Nov 2, 2014
I like it but keep it off. I can’t stand seeking that icon for it light up every time I look at my watch.


macrumors newbie
Nov 2, 2013
To pile on, my wife and have been trying to use this feature since it came out. We're both now running two brand new apple watches, paired to an XR and 11Pro and still can't freaking get it to work with any consistency. All sorts of errors from getting/accepting invitations to simply not receiving the voice message we send. It's maddening. And yes, we have different apple IDs and are enabled in the FaceTime app.

So, no thanks apple, still can't get this basic feature to work after how long.....?


Original poster
Nov 8, 2017
New York
To pile on, my wife and have been trying to use this feature since it came out. We're both now running two brand new apple watches, paired to an XR and 11Pro and still can't freaking get it to work with any consistency. All sorts of errors from getting/accepting invitations to simply not receiving the voice message we send. It's maddening. And yes, we have different apple IDs and are enabled in the FaceTime app.

So, no thanks apple, still can't get this basic feature to work after how long.....?
Internet. Different people are getting different results. I’m sure it relies on a good internet connection. How’s yours where your trying it?

The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
May buy my wife the series 3 for her birthday and think we may use this abit...even when she is upstairs and want to know if she wants a drink ha
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macrumors 6502
Jul 14, 2012
To pile on, my wife and have been trying to use this feature since it came out. We're both now running two brand new apple watches, paired to an XR and 11Pro and still can't freaking get it to work with any consistency. All sorts of errors from getting/accepting invitations to simply not receiving the voice message we send. It's maddening. And yes, we have different apple IDs and are enabled in the FaceTime app.

So, no thanks apple, still can't get this basic feature to work after how long.....?
Yea I second this. Can’t get walkie talkie to work now. Was working fine on my S2 and just got S5’s for myself and m wife. Getting invitation errors. Each other’s invites never shows. I’ve tried everything.


macrumors 68000
Mar 14, 2011
I don't use WhatsApp but if it works like any other VOIP app then when you start a call it's constantly recording and transmitting both ways until you end the call. Walkie Talkie is push-to-record, release-to-transmit, so if you're looking for that functionality regular VOIP apps don't replicate it.

As for use cases, I suppose with Walkie Talkie it's a case of if you'll know it when you see it. It definitely has a more limited appeal than regular VOIP apps.


macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2012
I tried it again and deleted it again. Same problems as before. You send a message, it looks like its gone ok, other person says they didnt get anything. Other times it takes ages to connect and then fails. There is also the problem that whatever you say when it does go through is on loud speaker. Gone back to the simple text message, you get a receipt that its been sucessfully delivered and the other person gets your message about where you are in the park or what you want from shopping.

I use real walkie talkies for work but with earpieces.

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
What's the use case of walkie talkie and its advantage over say WhatsApp voice call?

This is actually a good point. I don’t know why anyone would use it in day to day life especially when making a phone call is as simple and easy.


macrumors 68000
Sep 11, 2008
Poole, UK
This is actually a good point. I don’t know why anyone would use it in day to day life especially when making a phone call is as simple and easy.

You would use it in the instance when you don't want to call someone. For example, my colleague may be in the datacentre and I'll just ping him a voice "Can you check the lights on server XXXX", he'll say "yep" then come back 2 mins later "all good" or something. Or you could be in the car and say to the Wife "I'm outside the shop", "ok" she can reply. You could do with a text or call, but the walkie talkie is probably quicker and more convenient (if it works lol). Those are just a couple of examples. Not for everyone, but useful.

I remember back in about 2001 when SMS first came about, people saying the same thing - why would you send a text message when you could just call.
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